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Filtering out bugs, mold and dust


Whats better a better intake fan filter , charcoal or HEPA ? Organic Air makes em both but the HEPA costs more then the charcoal. I've never seen these on IC but thought Id ask before I make my own decision. I have dedicated intake/exhuast for my reflectors but thought Id try this instead of tryin to mount my can66 filter inline for my intake. Im using can fan 6inch high outputs for intake and exhuast to cool 1800hps, soon to be 2400. I just want whichever one will keep my safety glass clean on my reflectors so I dont have to clean em as often. Filtering out smell of course isnt a factor. Check that link out, they look pretty kick ass for keepin glass clean. Also would be nice to keep mold spores out of my room too considering I lost the top 4 inches off of 2 monster colas last night due to mold in the final few weeks. Thank goodness it only affected one plant , but that one plant would have gotten about 7 ounces if not for the mold.I had the dehumid rockin all night every night for the last 3 weeks or so but it wasnt enough. Im thinkin I lost what would have been at least 40 grams dry . Only the second plant I've ever gotten mold on but ya live n learn eh...The other fourteen 18 inch colas it produced will have to suffice.


Active member
this was a good find...
hepa =high effecancy partical arresting filter

better then charcoal, charcoal is for smell reduction, but even there 3 ply charcoals wont reduce our smell...
i did notice my glass/fan/ducts got hella dirty.
is hard to clean, take too much dam time, and the plants are usualy in the way...lol


ya these new cool sun reflectors I been buyin to replace my previous gens are kick ass. The glass folds down on a hinge so cleaning isnt as bad , but still , too many precious colas in the way to have to bother with it. So I went to my local place today and ordered the HEPA intake filter. I always thought the hepa filters I had back in the day were kinda lame but this actuially seems to suit my needs perfectly. I just hope it doesnt kill my cfm's. If I like it then Im gonna buy another one to filter the air comin into the room in addition to filterin the air that cools the hoods. My setup is finally done more or less. The room is sealed, c02 is regulated thru the sentinel, got my eco plus 30 amp box and imma rockin. Gotta make a few tweeks on the a/c box I installed and thats it.


guess no one else cares about air quality eh, no wonder more then half the grows I see on here have mediocre quality plants..makes sense now.
WTF, just because pple are not interested in your Idea, it does not mean that 1/2the gardens here are meidiocre........ mabey the air is cleaner other places.
Any good HEPA filter will reduce the CFM's by @ least 10% even if it says 99% eficency. The best filter IMO you could get would be a Large Vaccum filter
Ozone is great for killing mold IMO just blast it when you are not hpe for 1/2 hour it will make the mold stop!
Good luck


Ok maybe you didnt read what I posted, I want to keep my glass on the hoods clean as well as install a filtered intake fan for the room. 2 different things, for now Im just interested in the glass, the intake will go up only if I feel I need it. So what good would an ozone generator do me other then kill mold? ? Plus I have several pets and I dont want them around an ozone generator. And I have a 440 cfm fan on each side of the hoods so a 10 percent loss I wouldnt even notice, theres plenty of extra CFM to go around. And finally, yes half of the grows I see on here are mediocre, its funny to me what ppl think looks good on here. Not sayin mine is the best but I been improving it after almost a decade of just doin it half ass. I know everyone wants to be nice and all but I just usually stay true and if something looks effed up imma tell you. So if ppl arent interested in my idea then thats not my problem, you guys can keep postin up about ur sick fucked up plants and keep wondering why why why. The air and water quality of your plants are the 2 biggest factors . And altho I do see alot of posts dealin with water/nute quality , I see very little about air quality. Something so important yet neglected on here. I dont care how clean you think the air is where you are, you cant stop dust and bugs without some kinda filter.
God I hate fat kids........ :)
An ozone gen @ low levels is safe and will kill off the mold Spores that are causing problems.
If you are gona spend the $$$ on a hepa filter for the hoods, get a box of pre filters to change out when needed cause those HEPA filters get clogged.
I followed the link you gave and man that stuff is expensive.
Even the hepa filters on that site only catch 90% of the mold spores and all it takes is 1 tiny spore to F stuff up.