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root rot? algae? mirage?


these plants are from clone, they are in hydroton in baskets in my aeroflo aeroponics system. the system is controlled by a water chilller that is set at 68 and seems to be working fine. the plants are growing and look healthy but seem maybe a little slow and the roots look good and bad. i was using gh maxigrow veg with superthrive, but got rid of the superthrive because i suspected it might be causing a problem. 2 days ago we rinsed the system with 1tsp/gallon H202 and tap water. now using R/O water and just the GH maxigrow at 350 PPM and 6.0 PH. some roots are bright white and some are brown. the only thing i can think of is maybe some of the light is coming through the hydroton and causing algae? right now they are just vegging under a T5. any input would be appreciated!



dont know about the potassium..but

dont know about the potassium..but

:cuss:Hi friend I cant speak to the nute issue but in that photo I see what has been vexing me THRIPS/DAMAGE get those fuckers under control now they can wreak all kinds of havoc some which can be mistaken for other maladies... Im trying a pproduct called spinosad but I cant report on its effectiveness as I just sprayed it today.Thrips rob you of YIELD LOTS~~


i had thrips before but i didn't notice them on these plants... where do you see it?!? im most worried about the roots.
Looks like you've got the beginning stages of some brown algae there....Luckily its not too bad yet and you've got some time to recover while in veg. You nute temps are fine, if you suspect a light leak you should pick up some lids/covers for your net pots....they're pretty cheap at about a buck a pop online or from your hydro store. While you're there pick up some dutchmaster zone, you'll need to run a sterile reservoir from now til harvest in order to play it safe. Since you're running an aeroponic setup its probably best to have a sterile res, no organic additives, RO water preferably.....

Brown algae needs a few things to live: Light, Silicon, and Food. If you can eliminate the light leaks and use pure water, the Zone should kill most of the residual algae spores left in the system

Good luck Bro!!!


will it ever go away? i have read the post in sticky's... it's scary. i used superthrive the first few days and then thought maybe there was a problem so flushed with H202 at 1tsp/gallon and tap water for 2 hours. now im back on RO water and only the maxigrow. the dude at the shop said i might be having the problem because im using the powders (maxigrow). i dont think he knows what hes talking about because he keeps trying to tell me its pythium (root rot) and im pretty sure its not because ive had a chiller the whole time! they have Zone so i guess ill get that going.. and im going to light proof the baskets with panda film.
At this stage it looks like its pretty manageable, you've still got plenty of healthy roots there and your plants are nice and green. If it gets out of control you'll notice your plants yellowing and growth slowing to a halt. Once you get the Zone try to take out your plants and sterilize the entire system. Then you can place the plants back in and use Zone throughout the growing cycle. I really doubt that the Maxi grow is causing the problem, oftentimes you have to take the advice from hydro store employees with a grain of salt.

It looks like you have a fighting chance of beating it....


Active member
i think the brown is on the old roots stained from the supershit. the new roots are white because u left it out. increase the ppm to like 500 if you are using RO, the plants look healthy to me.


Dr. Doolittle
Those seedlings you have in that system, get them out they won't survive; you need to keep the plants at the same size at try to at least.

Those will have to go in the system some other time.. the burn will not allow them to catch up growth wise......

another thing right now it's too early to tell..... since they are in an aero setup; how long are you spraying your plants how long and how often? the drippers and such?

If it spreads you know it's rot, I have not heard of fluros causing a problem causing alge unless they are very close and a lot of them T5 do not have the light penatration to form alge growth.......

The only thing I am concerned is, when nutes are sprayed all roots will be stained not just one part, unless parts of the roots are getting directly sprayed.....

Is maxigro organic or no? I don't think it is.......


maxigrow is chemical... i think the superthrive def caused a problem as well... the plants still look healthy. i added zone to improve root health and im up to 450 with the nutes. im going to cut the big plants back.... i think they will be ok with the seedlings? i cant bloom this system with 3 plants. im going to take the 10 best. i wanted 20, but 10 a little bigger will work.


Dr. Doolittle
Superthrive would not cause brown roots.... it's got amino acids and vitamins; but it is not good to use superthrive and should be avoided at all cost.

Seedlings will not flourish well because if you drop the ppms to make it acceptable your other plants will starve, it's a loose loose situation.


well im slowly upping the feed in the tank and hoping the seedlings will still take. i think they can handle 450 PPM. we shall see! its worth trying since we dont have anything else going. we could move the seedlings to dirt but so far they dont seem to be suffering.


Dr. Doolittle
Clones are supposed to start at around that much seedlings you are going to kill them dude, you have been warned.

THey will they already are showing signs I seen the seedlings in the pics.


i appreciate the concern! i think maybe two might not make it but it looks like the rest will. the seedlings were really yellow and unhealthy looking when they sprouted originally in their soil and immediately upon surfacing they were moved into the aero (more shock). they are looking better for the most part every day. they are my only chance at more plants for these tubes right now so ill take any i can get and sorry to those that i loose. let me get some more pix from today. be right back.


the plants roots look super healthy now. i will post some pix when the system allows again. the plants are also growing good and the seedlings seem to be taking fine. between adding air stones, covering the hydroton baskets, and throwing zone in there it all seems to have solved the problem. thanks to everyone for their help! +k all around.


brown algee don't need lite to live its like fireflys they have there owen light its from your water supply.... R/O can even have it if the filters have not been changed I now use 6stage r/o +di ..... Zone is about the best thing...


new root porn. thank you zone and icmag!

the seedlings are surviving. maybe not thriving but surviving!
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Active member
damn look good roots. mine is in a 5 gallon and the roots are huge, veggin about 1.5 months, but id say at least 10% of the roots are browning it looks deep in the roots though, but the plant looks super healthy, lush and the growth is awesome. what should i do?


Out of the slime, finally.
Read up on the sticky above "strange slime on roots." Read it and then read it again. Everything you need to know is in there. Don't let the hydro herp get you. Beat it now. Read.


if i had it i think i beat it. however im more inclined to think i didn't have it and that my roots were just suffering and dieing off. all i know for sure is that for now my roots look healthy as can be. i read the whole post like richyrich said, and now im in the zone. i feel good about it!