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The funniest cartoon


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
Two of the best animated flicks ever. Writer/director Ralph Bakshi.
'Fritz the Cat' released in '72 was the first ever X-rated animated film and
'Heavy Traffic' a '73 release is considered to be Bakshi's greatest work. If
you lived through the '70s I know you remember these films. Heavy Traffic
was a gritty true to life tale of those times and a reflection of Bakshi's own
life and experiences. Rent or buy them, pack 'n burn a few bowls and then
settle into your favorite chair or couch. I won't promise you anything like
a life changing or religious experience but you just might walk away from
your TV feeling like you've taken a very psychedelic trip back in time.



Active member

number 1 in the hood g.

honorable mentions: old family guy, squidbillies, southpark.


Robot chicken , not really a cartoon but animated none the less...Family guy has its moments ..I think i might pick up some of Bakshi's work at amazon when I get paid looks far out...South Park , Old simpsons...new simpsons are wore out...

Don Cotyle

JoeCartoon is some wicked funny stuff baked or not! Back in the 70's The Fabulious Fury Freak Brothers was the comic book for stoners!!!

Dope will get you thru times of no money better than money will get you thru times of no dope!!!!! Ya had to of been there!!!
AQUA TEEN HUNGER FORCE IS MY SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I piss my girlfriend off daily by speaking like meatwad! "Good morning ill have 2 steak'ems"



Superfly1 ..those three stoned flies crack me up

It's been years since I've watched some JoeCartoon animation....I'm watching some new ones on youtube.

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