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Marijuana Edibles


New member
Hello.. I have been wondering. WHat do they charge you with for the posession/sale of marijuana edibles? Surely they don't weigh the whole edible(cookie/brownie etc?). That would be insanely unfair.. but it makes me wonder if they actually test the edibles for how much THC is in them.. Somehow I can't see them doing that either.. so what do they do?

Also: Will drug dogs hit on thc enhanced edibles?
Drugs dogs can detect them, but if you make cannabutter then make cookies, you won't have much of a problem.

Far less suspicious for public areas.


I'd love to know the answers to these questions too...I've always considered edibles as the most secure way to travel with your stash, and I've even considered bringing some baked goods onto a flight with me! Am I crazy?
^Nah, I've had friends who have done that. As long as you don't get too close to a dog, I think you'll be OK.

The thing is that nowadays you can't bring water or anything onboard.
Not sure how they'd react to cookies.


If they question the cookies just say you have diabetes and they are for keeping your blood sugar up while travelling?


As far as I can remembre you can take food on a plane. I always take a sandwich. The water ban is only coz of some mystical liquid bomb threat. No bombs to be made of a sandwich or cookie so you can take them he he

I make my cookies with cannabutter but I'm affraid the smell of ganja is quite strong nonetheless. I might have to strain the butter to get rid of the green color (the butter is green not the cookies) if the cookies are intended for smuggling. That would help with the odor wouldn't it?

Another good thing (for smuggling) is to make your cookies STRONG. One dose of my cookies is a piece 2cmx4cmx0.5cm. So in case dogs smell them or the customs guy eats one and tastes the ganja I can quickly destroy the evidence :D

I just smelled my last vintage cookie that's hanging around in my fridge since beginning of February and it doesn't smell of ganja... I'll take it for my flight at frieday. Shame I was to lazy to bake some more... Friends and family would appreciate that easter gift...
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Active member
the weighing thing depends on the state for sure, i know one kid who got popped with mushroom choclates and they weighed the choclates! another the same thing and they dissmissed the case cause they could not come up with a feasible law to charge him under cause the mushrooms were so finley ground they could not prove them there and didnt want to take the time i guess. I know they weigh allot of shit with bags wrappers etc so be carefull and check with some legal experts. maybe give NORML a shout in your region.


New member
Can anyone chime in with a definitive answer? I know it probably varies from state to state.. etc. But what are they likely to do? How do they generally handle such situations.. if someone is caught with a large, or small amount of edibles.. I also wonder about how those people came to be busted in the first place.. obviously I'd like to avoid any mistakes they might have made.. Although I find it interesting how could LEO really tell if food is enhanced? I'm thinking it would have to be pretty obvious on the packaging.. or someone would have to nark them out.. otherwise, how could they tell? And even if they could tell, how would they know how much weed/hash was in each cookie, or even that there was infact weed/hash in each and every cookie? without actually eating them all that is.. now that would be a trip XD

Does anyone have any experience or know where I could find the answer to these questions? Mainly the one about how they handle the punishment/weighing etc. Any help would be much appreciated..


Have you heard about the Tainted Inc. case going on lately? Michael Martin, will be accepting a guilty plea tomorrow for production and distribution of medical edibles to clubs across California. And this is where there have been ordinances allowing for sales of edibles to patients. Check out: http://stopthedrugwar.org/taxonomy/term/6?page=4 (about half way down) also www.freetainted.com

So, at least in Cali. it seems safe to buy and consume edibles, but not to manufacture them on a large scale. But then again, there are dozens of other edible creators in California, and this is only the second arrest, that I know of, for edible manufacturing. Beyond Bomb was the other one you can research.

I have been trying to find any other information on any arrests involving edibles, and have come up short. So it seems, medical edibles are a very safe route to take as a patient. As far as in non-medical states . . .

Here is ASA's tip of the month for June 2007:

Medical Marijuana Edibles and the Law

Americans for Safe Access has received many reports from patients and dispensaries that law enforcement considers edible medical marijuana products to be illegal. Unfortunately, this is an incorrect interpretation of the law. California Health & Safety Code Section 11018 defines "marijuana" as "all parts of the plant Cannabis Sativa L., whether growing or not; the seeds thereof; the resin extracted from any part of the plant; and every compound, manufacture, salt, derivative, mixture, or preparation of the plant, its seeds or resin." (emphasis added.) In 2003, in order to clear up confusion around the legality of concentrated cannabis, the California Attorney General (AG) issued a legal opinion on the matter. The AG concluded that Proposition 215, the Compassionate Use Act of 1996, included concentrated cannabis within the definition of marijuana, and that patients and providers should be protected from criminal sanctions.

In addition, with the passage of SB 420, the Medical Marijuana Program Act, by the California legislature, patients and caregivers are explicitly protected from criminal liability. One of the criminal statutes exempted in SB 420 for patients and caregivers, Health & Safety Code Section 11357, includes reference to concentrated cannabis. Problematic interactions with law enforcement may not be avoidable, but things to can do to lessen that likelihood include ensuring all edibles in your possession are well wrapped and clearly labeled "for medical use." If you produce edibles yourself, ensure that: a) the ingredients and finished product are out-of-reach of children and people who are neither patients not caregivers; b) the facility and tools used to produce the edibles are clean and sanitary (consider compliance with local and/or state clean room requirements); and c) the packaging of edibles does not violate copyright laws nor unduly attract the attention of youth.
vod said:
As far as I can remembre you can take food on a plane. I always take a sandwich. The water ban is only coz of some mystical liquid bomb threat. No bombs to be made of a sandwich or cookie so you can take them he he

I make my cookies with cannabutter but I'm affraid the smell of ganja is quite strong nonetheless. I might have to strain the butter to get rid of the green color (the butter is green not the cookies) if the cookies are intended for smuggling. That would help with the odor wouldn't it?

Another good thing (for smuggling) is to make your cookies STRONG. One dose of my cookies is a piece 2cmx4cmx0.5cm. So in case dogs smell them or the customs guy eats one and tastes the ganja I can quickly destroy the evidence :D

I just smelled my last vintage cookie that's hanging around in my fridge since beginning of February and it doesn't smell of ganja... I'll take it for my flight at frieday. Shame I was to lazy to bake some more... Friends and family would appreciate that easter gift...

on average..how long do edibles hold their potency?


Edibles should last at least as long as the equivalent of the non-medical edible would last. I would suggest eating most edibles within a couple months of their creation if kept refrigerated. If kept frozen in a sealed container edibles could for last years. For a little comparison, hash will hold potency for decades if kept sealed and frozen.


New member
I took Rice Krispy treats on my flight from OC to Chicago to CT on my last business trip and didn't have the least of a problem, no worries at all.


Edibles should last at least as long as the equivalent of the non-medical edible would last. I would suggest eating most edibles within a couple months of their creation if kept refrigerated. If kept frozen in a sealed container edibles could for last years. For a little comparison, hash will hold potency for decades if kept sealed and frozen.

Mr. Fatt Daddy, what he said here ^.


Active member
check out the "behyond bomb" article in last months CC...it was awesome, despite the fcat that genuiess is sitting in jail....Kenneth Affloer seems to me to brilliant. Anyway another thing i wanted to mention and sorry its not realy an answer but some advice. a buddy of mine was on Bisco lot in delaware selling laced brownies covered in powdered sugar. The cops thought it was odd he was charging $5 a piece for a brownie, but made the assumption it was laced with LSD not THC and with their little black light test (real lsd glows under black lights) they hit the brownies which glew due to the powdered sugar, he spent 3 or 4 months in awaiting test results charge with literaly pounds of LSD... :fsu: