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Two 1000 Watt Flowering chambers Perpetual 1 month yeild with mothering chamber


New member
I'm looking to have a perpetual 1000 watt indoor harvest every month. This means that I will have two flowering chambers, so that I can have a fresh batch of medicine every month. I will also need one mother / veging chamber.

I will probably go organic soil the first time in 5 gallon pots. I plan to grow out a mother plant take clones veg them out in 1 gallon pots then transplant to 5 gallons for flowering.

Here is the to get list. Please NOTE I want to get top of the line gear that will last and which is durable.

2 - Lumatek 1000 watt 240 volt digital ballast

2 - Secret Jardin Darkroom DR150 4.9 ft x 4.9 ft and 6.5 ft high

1 - Secret Jardin mother chamber DR80 or DR120

I have a series of questions numbered 1, 2, 3 etc can you please respond back 1, 2, 3 so its easy for me to read. thank you.

1. I plan on having one ducting system with two fans and one long carbon scrubber. Here is the chain Fan-Carbon Scrubber-Light-Fan; Air from the grow room gets sucked into the fan and pushed out of the carbon scrubber gets cleaned, then pases over the 1000 watt HPS cooling it, then it leaves the grow room with no smell. Can anyone point me to threads where others have done this, recommend any gear / fans.

2. I take it that I won't be able to have C02 with this ducting system I mentioned above.

3. I need to know some awesome soil mixtures.

4. I need to know some great nutrients etc for the plants

5. how much time do you end up saving going hydro? I don't want to deal with it for the first grow in this system because of cost, but interested for the future.

6. I'm looking to keep cost down so if there are any products I can re-use etc I would be interested. Not looking for anything cheap/inferior more reusable

7. While i'm willing to keep cost down I'd like to have high quality gear.

I hope to get over 1.5 lb's every month from this setup.


Pull my finger
6) get grow bags, ive used mine for years and theyre cheap too.
3) go to the organic fanatic collective in the organic soil forum for bomb soil mixes.
7) vortex powerfans come with a ten year warranty, and you can usually find free shipping too.

1.5 lbs is a month from one 1k is going to take some serious tuning and have a strong veg light too. i would go for 1k in veg as well. this will get em big fast.

4) pick one.


New member
swampdank said:
1.5 lbs is a month from one 1k is going to take some serious tuning and have a strong veg light too. i would go for 1k in veg as well. this will get em big fast.

should I go for an MH light or for a good amount of t5's in the mother chamber. I dunno if I would want to put a 1000 watt mh in the veg chamber. Probably a 600 watt....

Whats the major difference that you get in the plant with a 1k compared to a 600 for veg? I know for flowering process with HPS you get more light penetration. Do you get larger leaves?


I would suggest pulling the air as opposed to pushing through the hoods. So the revised plan would look like carbon - lights - fan - exhaust... Ya dig?



I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
check out blazeoneup
his soil mix is simple and works.. peace



second sackos advice blaz's soil mix is propper and youll be saving cash on nutes.
2)if you put them on seperate timers you could have the fan turn off for a while when the c02 cuts on the co2 doesnt have to run constant, from what i understand you dont want it too,it is carbondioxide ya know.i think depending on the size of ur room you run it like 15 minutes an hour etc.

and yea 1.5 is aimig high with 1000 watts,i did really well when i only had 1000 with a mover,i shocked myself and got almost 3 lbs off 23 plants i think it was,or you might wanna think about putting a scrog in there till you get more lights i see great results when peeps use this method in here.hope this helped peace-Y-
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New member

Although you are super excited about growing right now, I would suggest no matter what you do, delay at least one week before ordering anything. When I first started I was so anxious to get started that I bought materials that werent the best. By waiting a week you will gain more knowledge and it will be much less likely that you will inefficiently spend money.