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earwax questions


My little pony.. my little pony
[ Verite goes to find out what he won and surprise, its a lifetime supply of earwax .. collectable from either ear.]



Chiefsmokingbud said:
uhh maybe because he is referring to hash oil

Hash oil and ear wax, sorry but I dont see how the two are remotely related!
headshot said:
Okay what woody said is one of the dumbest things I have ever heard. I don't lie to myself and think my country is the best, but I don't like people talking down to me because I ask about how some hashoil product is made. And what am I doing woody??? Asking questions douche!!!!

I guess I had the missunderstanding that I could come to IC mag and get helpful answers to my questions, not get criticized for just asking a question. ( I have never smoked earwax.) And yea thanks to people who were actually helpful in answering my question and didn't criticize me for wondering how an oil product was made.

you misunderstood, but not in the way you're thinking. please ask away, this isn't in any way a comment directed towards you. it's intended as a general statement to those who don't watch their intake of chemical products. chemical meaning harmful substances that effect you in a negative way. sometimes when you get "fucked up" by smoking something. it's just that, you are getting fucked up and damaged by what you intaking.

as a large scale extract producer. i have a sense of social responsibility to not promote the poisoning of the cannabis using community. extracted products is where i saw the need for the most improvement. years ago i got sick of buying shit hash/oil and paying bullshit prices. as i started learning what i had been putting in my body i was discussed. your talking ot a guy who regrets rarely and believes that you should die with leathered skin and weathered by life. learn more about solvents and you'll agree.

yes i was born in america and lived here for many years. how else could i know my people so well.
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Is there a way to make oil without solvents, strictly natural like dry sifting hash or making it with the bubble bags? I wanna try oil sometime but using butane to extract it just seems kinda nasty to me, i know smoking trace amounts of butane cant be too good on more then one level.
headshot said:
Okay what woody said is one of the dumbest things I have ever heard. I don't lie to myself and think my country is the best, but I don't like people talking down to me because I ask about how some hashoil product is made. And what am I doing woody??? Asking questions douche!!!!

I guess I had the missunderstanding that I could come to IC mag and get helpful answers to my questions, not get criticized for just asking a question. ( I have never smoked earwax.) And yea thanks to people who were actually helpful in answering my question and didn't criticize me for wondering how an oil product was made.

shmike just asnwered your question that "earwax" aka budder is whipped BHO or QWISO..(page1, last post)


lover of all things hashlike
lucky. search for solventless hash oil or Rosin. a guy named compashon came up with the methodology. it works but its somewhat crude/laborious/time consuming. it does make a dry oil though which is fun. if your afraid of ISO or BUTANE use ETHANOL. i rock ethanol nonstop and am not in anyway afraid of it as a solvent because we all drink the hell out if it. cant remember the last time i could say that about butane or iso.
industry standard

industry standard

when making most hash there's more than one way to skin the cat. slightly different textures can be made many ways. so budder and earwax are not always the same product.

i wish there was better access to lab equipment for medical patients. i see why some place that enjoy cannabis don't feel the same about oils.

earwax can also be large pans of oil left on heat pads. it heats/purges at an excellerated rate. the down fall is that it vapes off the "juice". should keep temps below 100f when using hot water or a hot plate to purge when heat pads are left insulated they get well above. BUt remember when butane comes out of the tube it's below freezing. so using a hot pan in bho making will instantly purge most of the butane.
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Uncle Remus

I also will not injest/inhale ANY chemical like butane, iso or any of that shit...IMO anyone who's using that kinda shit to make anything that they are injesting is just begging for medical problems and/or cancer of some sort...Its bad enuff we injest so much hormones, chemicals and other nasty shit thats put into our food these days

And in regards to this comment:
f your afraid of ISO or BUTANE use ETHANOL. i rock ethanol nonstop and am not in anyway afraid of it as a solvent because we all drink the hell out if it.

WHO THE FUCK DRINKS the hell out of ETHANOL??? Unless your referring to drinking alcoholic beverages (beer, booze wine), I have no clue whats this is supposed to relate to...Anyone, or am I just too stoned...And if you are talking of drinking booze, I would have to say there is a HUGE difference between having some drinks and vaporizing then inhaling it...Wouldn't even think of trying it

Just my opinion...Wanna fuck up your body by inhaling iso and butane? Knock your socks off...As for me, I'll stick to the buds and ice hash


Slap-A-Ho tribe
lucky185 said:
Hash oil and ear wax, sorry but I dont see how the two are remotely related!

Well you're pretty dense then because earwax is a solvent extracted oil derivative so yes it belongs in this forum.

Can you make earwax with ethanol? probably not, ethanol produces a pretty runny product.

Long story short imo earwax is just whipped BHO that someone said it was uber potent and a pita to make to justify a higher price. You can call a wheel 5 different names but it's still a wheel. TUG had some picks of whipped BHO that could pass as earwax.
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Uncle Remus said:
I also will not injest/inhale ANY chemical like butane, iso or any of that shit...IMO anyone who's using that kinda shit to make anything that they are injesting is just begging for medical problems and/or cancer of some sort...Its bad enuff we injest so much hormones, chemicals and other nasty shit thats put into our food these days

And in regards to this comment:

WHO THE FUCK DRINKS the hell out of ETHANOL??? Unless your referring to drinking alcoholic beverages (beer, booze wine), I have no clue whats this is supposed to relate to...Anyone, or am I just too stoned...And if you are talking of drinking booze, I would have to say there is a HUGE difference between having some drinks and vaporizing then inhaling it...Wouldn't even think of trying it

Just my opinion...Wanna fuck up your body by inhaling iso and butane? Knock your socks off...As for me, I'll stick to the buds and ice hash

ignorant and scared. if you knew how to savely handle and purge oil of solvents you would be saving your lungs a lot of trama. see you probably smoke a joint or a couple bowls to get desireable effects. i take two hits and am done.

no solvent in my oil. no health hazard. however your intaking all kinds of carcinogens. your also smoking any nutrients left in the plant matter, unless you water cure. which not many do or know how to do properly. so you my friend are ignorant and need to catch up on your readin, before speakin. SO stop giving people the impression that solvent oil is dangerous. the internet is full of endless learning gotta catch up to us that have had it longer.


My little pony.. my little pony
I dont know how anyone else is doing it but when I do my quick wash with 195 proof Everclear I always end up with hard tackey-taffey-toffee consistency oil. Doesnt melt until you touch it with a warm finger for more than a few seconds. Completely void of any isoey aftertaste. About as clean as it gets taste-wise after ice wash.


Woody Creek said:
more than one way to skin a cat. STOP TALKING LIKE YOU KNOW! there's false affirmation in your posts. keep learning and shut up. you "pros" around here don't know for fact, your only proposing theory. i know for fact.

that shit was so funny. especially the last sentence. this guy is fucking priceless.

Chief knows what he is talking about.

woody creek does not (ether oil, HHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, shit is terrible)




Earwax, as I understand it is BHO that hasn't been fully whipped to budder. It can be as potent as budder but doesn't yet have the smoothness or taste because the purge is not yet complete. Have patience and continue to whip, the end result will be worth it. Nice pics Smike.



:yoinks:Right back at ya Oilmeister!

'You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Oilmeister again'
