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canna boost


Hey Felix how ya doing ? fanx for replying. Yea i gotta gsxr750 streetfightered and she is another one of my babies, along with the "girls", of course and my boxer dogs. Time you got your self back on the road babes.... coming into bike weather and you know you'll be so jealous when all those bikers are on the road annoying ya, revvin up and zoomin past your car...lol :)


OMFG zoolander..those girls are lookin exceptional...I want a smell!!!! What strain is that you got there? And only one week to go...im so jealous...lol. which sytsem have you used babe? i hope i get results like that with the NFT (not much chance but i can hope right??) have you had a sneaky toke yet or ya being a good boy and waiting for the big day? Let me know how you get on Zoo. They look fab.


dropped camera last night and tried it and it didn't work, tried it earlier and it worked normally, weird

here's one from the side and one above

here's a go at a macro shot

crap pic but still a nice shot of sensi

and finally a side shot up close, notice the frosting of trichs

gonna start the flush in a day or two

pics don't do justice to the grow, i'm shite with a camera
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Ez they are lookin great babe. I have already checked out your your grow by one of your links and they were lookin SO good i just had to have a joint...lol. Flowering is such an exciting time!!! Where dya grow all those plants Ez, specially if you gota family?? I have to presume your kids are small and wont go into the room where you keep the system? Good chatting again Ez... b bad as you can.


wish it were my house thats for sure
its in a loft professionally fitted by me, fully insulated all the way round except the gable wall which is insulated anyway (building regs) even the false wall i erected is insulated
totally undetectable by infra-red gear on the choppers
i reckon it could be undetectable even if ya stuck your head in loft hatch though i wouldn't like to put it to the test, all power can be shut off from outside loft
room measures about 4ft wide, 7ft tall, 10ft long
table on next run will be 9x3ft with 3x 400 hps

wish i'd've done a tutorial now, damn that weed (but i just love it) hehe

this is my 3rd loft i've done (had a joint so i'll rabble for a bit)
1st one was a total nightmare, set-up real quickly as i had to take all gear from another grow after it was finished (i used to use spare rooms etc) didn't have cool tubes and boy did i need them, made some from a tutorial on ICmag eventually (can't remember if it was before the suicide attempt or after) hehehe
i had to hand-ball all the water via a 10L bucket (rez=100L) up a ladder thats flushing, changing rez. i didn't have any way to keep my rez cool (middle of summer in a loft) except to fill bottles of h2o and bang 'em in the freezer to put in rez EVERY DAY. topped off rez with melted water i mean melted ice duh! it was fun

got it down to a fine art now but it's always a giggle remembering all the f**k-ups and how i should have done it the 1st time

gix - are you gonna let us have a wee peek at yours then, don't remember seeing any pics


Hey Ez... how ya doing babe? I wish i had a set up like that. Ive got a wardrobe with 600hps in cool tube with exhaust fan, an axial fan for intake and a Primair unit, which does all the work temperature wise, for me... lol. In the other door of this "magic" wardrobe i got a wee bit for moms and a bit below for any clones i got on the go. Its taken me a year to get to this stage Ez.....man you should have seen the first wardrobe...lol!!! But i got some lovely haze with massive buds, on my first grow with no intake, no exhaust, 125hps and NO NUTES at all, except some honey which i fed her during flowering. I did eventually get some bud rot so i had to start getting some air in about the place but that was me HOOKED. After that Ez, my second and third grows were a DISASTER, more trouble than the gazza strip but with help from the guys at WF, im still here and on my first hydro project. Now i just LOVE growing. I never sell but i love to bring out the weed when everyone else has feckall and see the smiles on their faces...and the stoned "man thats good weed" when they toke, its worth every bit of heart ache during a grow. I will post some pix when i figure out how to do it Ez. Its only a wee grow...dont fink IC people be too interested in it...;)


hey felix
those babies is lookin very nice indeed. I got a bubblegum mom but ive not actually grew her yet so it'll be interesting to see how your grow comes along. How far along are your plants at the minute? Mmmmmm that Arjans shit is looking so lovely i wanna smell her right now. I also got some Nevilles Haze just into flower....cannae wait....Catch you soon felix. B BAD as you can.


EZ, yeah this is my 2nd run with speedqueen so I can see a difference with the boost. Gixer, thanx for the kind words. No taste on this one but the last were great. Speakin on bikes my buddy just bought a Hyabusa show bike that is sick. Sorry if I spelled that wrong :wave:


hey gix- there wouldn't be anyone here who wouldn't mind seeing your lovely ladies
remember, it's not the size of the grow, it's the TLC peeps put into theirs that makes ones grow superior.
i'm just a greedy f***er for weed. when i'm working (construction) i have a j on way to work then maybe 1 to last me all day (can't blaze away on site, bummer) but when i get home i just blaze away, live in a 4 bed so plenty of space to myself even with 3 kids. got a 6ft pool table and used to be very, very good at 8 ball (trophies an' all that) so in pool room when i'm not out checkin' on things.

real easy to upload pics if you got them on your hard drive
click into user menu then click upload photos, a box comes up so you can gain access to your hard drive. find your pics in the folder where you keep pics then double click the browser tab, repeat for more pics. when you've loaded up pics click the submit tab. real easy once you've done it but i remember my first dozen attempts hehehe


Och BOLLOX Zoolander...now im gona have to buy that Boost stuff after all. I dont fink i can manage to buy it this grow but maybe next one. Nice bike your mate's got...i knew what you meant even wit the spelling...lol. catch you soon Zoo... b BAD as you can babe.


Felix you have a great way of describing your plants. Its said with a love and appreciation that we all feel when lookin at our babies. I love seeing a beautiful sativa leaf, all shiny and slim and just "gorgeous" with 11 fingers.....mmmmmmmhmmmm. Makes me wanna keep the leaf and press it or sumfin. Your love of the plant comes through in your chat, babes. A true poet and lover of the weed...


Evenin Ez..howz you doing? Hope all is well with your grow. Ive got some pix someplace of my wardrobe and its "erection" (hehheehehe) all done by my own fair hand, even the electrics!!! Ive also got some pics of my babies after they had been in the NFT for two weeks.... feckin amazing growth. I never saw any growth like that in soil man. Do i have to start my own thread to show them to you? Let me know and i can show you my three gorgeous girls in their new home. Catch you soon Ez. B BAD as you can.


Sokay Ez...you can seee my girls in my gallery. I manged to upload em first time...ffs..whats going on here...lol.


hey gix, felix n zoo
cut down a sample and speed dried it over 60-70hrs so i new the smoke wouldn't be as good as when proper flushed etc (that starts tonight) anyway i weighed the bud and was surprised. what looked to me was about 5 gram turned out to be 8.4
all hail the boost hehehe

shameless is on, laters


Well done Ez....3 and a half gram moretha you thought....man thats nearly double.....ya never said about the smoke babe......thats the important bit for me....how was it????
ps what dya rekon bout this zero kewl guys thread guys???


hey felix- to increase resin production you put plants into dark for 36hrs before chop, just incase the purple stuff is £££££'s

went into grow shop today and pulls me to one side, word in the ear type thing. 'got summink you'll be into EZ, steroids for the ladies, not legal in UK, it's called rocks/rox, £90 a litre.

anyone heard of it or is he pulling my chain