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Mikey Dread~World War III

"No more racial struggles
No more cultural war
Coz only a cultural revolution
Can prove what we are fighting for

Each one has his own culture
And differ from all others
But right here on earth my friend
We all should live as brothers and sisters, youknow

Some people fancy an afro hair do
Whilst others cream their hair
This as far as society goes
Is normal clean and fair

But when you grow your locks so long
Until it locks and looks so dread
people look you up the soles of your feet
And scorn the crowns on your head
Cultural War

Everything has its time my friend
And everything has its reason
Well right now we are fighting and fighting and fighting
And still we don't know the reason

So lets be fair and serious
And get this thing down straight
We are all brothers and sisters
And should never live in hate

World War I -Came and gone
World War II -just before i was born
But today all i can say
World War III is just a minute away"

Mikey Dread died last weekend~RIP Dread

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