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Clone Help



I took some clones a week after I determined sex in flower. And when the clones rooted and were under 24/0 they started to grow distorted. They are growing, and I know I have a cal-mag and N deficiency because I fed normal water for about 2 weeks, but I am starting to feed nutes now. During the 24/0 they all started to give me female preflowers probably because I took them during flowering and they were mature enough. So now all the top growth is distorted and curled together.

Is this something to worry about or are the clones simply revegging from flower?



They'll be fine, they're just confused :redface: Give em some time, they'll start spittin out 3 bladers, then things'll get back to normal.


Anything I should be doing to help em along? I was thinking of increasing the veg nutes for higher N, hopefully that will snap em back?


Assuming that the purple petioles are genetic, the cuttings look healthy. I don't know what kind of light they are under, but upping the intensity would make things a little quicker for you. Besides that, just make sure the roots have room to reach, and let time do it's thing. I have a few SD ibl cuttings that look really similar to these...I took them when a plant had been on 12-12 for 5 days. After spitting out single, gland covered leaves for 2 weeks, they are now almost back to a normal leaf pattern.


wat does the purple stems mean usually?

plants had them from seed, and growing good in flower.

they are under 3 23watt bulbs (small area). been under 24/0 for maybe 2 weeks, just put a timer on so they have ben on 20/4 for about a week now.

some are less deformed then others, so i guess I will wiat it out.


Dr. Doolittle
There is something wrong here, normal growth is not supposed to be distored, what soil mixture are they in?

Sounds like pH may be off......
When you said you watered with normal water? WHat is normal water? Tap water? RO water?

Purple stems can mean phosphorus problems or it could be strain related, I would have to see a picture to determine which one.

Did the stems turn deep purple recently?

What lighting are you also using?
Fluros? incandesants?
Compact fluros?
Have you tested the plants pH run off?

Nitrogen deficiencies are normal for clones rooting.
If you get a magnesium deficiency for clones; sometimes it's normal, but vast majority of the time it is due to using RO,distilled or bottled water with low to no cal mag micros in there.


Rasta, you are in luck. Stitch will be a more dedicated helper than I will. Give her all of yer grow info, she will compute it, and tell you yer issues! Sorta like the ICmag Dr. Phil...Wish I had the time to be more like her!


MynameStitch said:
There is something wrong here, normal growth is not supposed to be distored, what soil mixture are they in?

Sounds like pH may be off......
When you said you watered with normal water? WHat is normal water? Tap water? RO water?

Purple stems can mean phosphorus problems or it could be strain related, I would have to see a picture to determine which one.

Did the stems turn deep purple recently?

What lighting are you also using?
Fluros? incandesants?
Compact fluros?
Have you tested the plants pH run off?

Nitrogen deficiencies are normal for clones rooting.
If you get a magnesium deficiency for clones; sometimes it's normal, but vast majority of the time it is due to using RO,distilled or bottled water with low to no cal mag micros in there.

I am using just tap water.
This is under CFLs.
I know I have a cal/mag problem using tap water, and I use Cal-Mag to correct this, just didn't introduce it till this week (should have used it last week).

The strains that seem to have the most purple stems are Flo and DSD, which i would imagine are strain specific.

PH seems fine, I tested the runoff with a ph strip and the color didn't change.

I have about 12 clones, 2 of each strain. The ones that aren't purple strains the stems are mostly green with a little red/purple (i have always seen a little purple or red while growing). Most of them are growing fine, just a few are distored.

Stitch - what kind of pics do you want. I will take more.


Dr. Doolittle

DEpending if your water is hard or soft...... clones don't need cal mag unless you have soft tap water or you are using RO,distilled, bottled water.

I would stop using the cal mag, too much will cause other nutrients to be inproperly absorbed right and since you do not know your pH it's a recipe for disaster.

pH and certain micronutrients will cause twisting of the newer growth, if newer growth is affected it is something wrong with micronutrients and pH if it's not at the range will cause what you are seeing due to nutrients not being absorbed at the proper pH level.

All nutrients have a range where they are absorbed right and the range you need is where all available nutrients are absorbed at the right level to where the plant can grow nicely.

I want a pic of the purple stems you are talking about, were the stems purple when you took the clone?

I think flo may have some coloring not 100% sure.. will have to double check.

What color pH range did the strip say it was?
I need to know the value, also what range does those strips go up too?
Also what soil mixture are your clones in?
They have good roots before you put them in there?
What cloning method did you use?


I am gonna fill in as much as i can right now.

Cloning method - took clones abouta week after i deteremined sex from plants, took clones, cut at angle, dipped into clonex, then into jiffy plugs, and put under 23watt bulbs, all rooted, i then put into Promix (what they are in now).

They had roots popping out when i put em in, and i actually put them into clear cups and transplanted and there was alot of root growth.

I have been using cal-mag every watering with plants in flower since I saw the rust looking spots when they vegged. I will stop using this on both flowering plants and these clones in veg.

The Ph strips go up to 8, and its just matching color, when I watered before I left water come out the bottom, I dipped a strip in and it stayed the same color, from my eyes it didn't change, looks to be from 6-7.

The clones are getting a 1/2 strength of Botanicare Pure Blend Grow and Liquid Karma and Cal-Mag.

The plants have purple stems in flower as well, so I dunno if its strain specific or just from what I have done.

All the stems on the ones in veg cab are purple, the stalk and all the shoots.

I will get more pictures later for you. i will take pics of each one. Alot of them have purple, i would say about 4 of them have the wierd leaves.

Only reason I added cal-mag was because I noticed the rust spots.


Dr. Doolittle
The color on the strip you take the color and match it on the bottle and it will give you your pH value.........
What is the lower value it starts at? 4?5?6?

I would stop using the cal mag for now unless you use distilled water or RO water......


So i just checked on flowering plants, no purple stem on those, however they started out the same way when i started from seed i remember.

I will stop using cal-mag. I mean I had the rust looking spots on the clones the same way I did when I started from seed, isn't that a sign of needing to use cal-mag from that day on???

Today I watered with the cal mag, grow formula, and liquid karma, the next water I will run with just distilled water to give it a semi flush.

The PH strips as I have learned are a bitch to use and pretty pointless. The strips I have go from 1 to 30. And when I put the runoff on the strip it doesn't seem to change, which comparing to the color is 6, which I guess runs from 6.0 to 6.9 so can't be that accurate.

I really need to pick up a PH pen. Is there a unit that you can jam a sensor into the soil and give it a readout?

Myname - so why do you think to stop cal-mag? That locks out phosphorus?


So I got some more pictures, not much really. So 3 strains seem better than the other 2, they have a little bit of red/purple in the stems, but the other 2 strains are all red/purple.

Next watering will just be distilled water. And I will try to flush them,but they do all show signs of cal-mag deficiency



Dr. Doolittle
From my experience and I have seen people tell me different things..... but it seems once the stem turns purple it will stay that way even if it recovers, if you take cuttings from the plant it stays that way too which is weird and odd.......

I know strains can have the color, but it looks more to me there weas too much cal mag causing lockout,

You do not have a calcium nor a magnesium problem by far, it's more like N P K lockout, the yellowing leaves with the splotching is a phosphorus problem, when it looks like this it's due to lockout; I have noticed in the past certain deficiencies will be shown depending on how they are locked out or a problem is occurring; since there is so much cal mag in your nutes and water, it's being formed like your water is too hard.

After a good flush, I would use tap water, and in about another week; they need to be put in there own pots cause they will surely be getting rootbound soon if not already close to it.