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Trimming After Plants Are Dry


I have ridden the mighty sandworm.
Does anyone here trim after you plants have dried as opposed to trimming while the plants are still wet? If you do, why do you do it this way and have you noticed any significant difference in the final CURED bud.


I have done both and prefer WET as the dry bud tends to be crispy and trichs fall off with minor disturbance.

It is also easier as the sugar leaves and minor leaves haven't curled up in to the bud requiring extra effort to remove them.

Its also nice getting all of the trash, root balls and dirt out of the grow area leaving the trimmed buds to dry on window screens (laid out flat of course).


Registered Medical Patient
dude, check out JoeShmoes grow diary for the epitomy of how to trim ur buds...Let the whole plant dry...then trim and catch all that goodness on a screen!!!trust me...

- Z


Tom 'Green' Thumb
I have done both and find trimming dry weed to be much more work to say the least. I always do my hair cut with the buds wet now as I can just zip around the bud and the leaves are all rigid and easy to remove. When dry, like someone stated above that they curl up into the buds and you have to spend much more time trying to get a close cut. IMPO (P stands for personal, not professional lol.) the wet buds are much easier.



Pull my finger
i have also tried both ways and am currently trying both ways as i still havent decided which way is best for me. i can say that trimming is wayyy easier when the buds are wet. however, i do have a very special mutated plant that i left most of the leaves on. i will just pull em when i burn cuz bag appeal isnt a priority with this special plant cuz only one whos smokin it is yours truly.


I like to take the middle road :)

I like to pull the big fan leaves off when I cut, but I cut all of the bud leaves 2-3 days after hanging. The reason I do this is because gravity pulls the leaves down, making the stems more accessible to cut, and the plant is still wet enough so that the leaves don't crumble.
Ziggaro said:
I like to take the middle road :)

I like to pull the big fan leaves off when I cut, but I cut all of the bud leaves 2-3 days after hanging. The reason I do this is because gravity pulls the leaves down, making the stems more accessible to cut, and the plant is still wet enough so that the leaves don't crumble.

uuhhggg ! ... Pfffffffffffffffffff ...

wet only for me pLeAsE .... :laughing:


I've tried both and it is wet for me all the way.

1. Easier when fresh not stuck together you can see the bud
2. Less handling
3. Fresh wet trim into the freezer yields better bubble later

Don Cotyle

I've tried it both ways and like this method. I trim all feeder leaves except top colas. The bud leaves help hold in just a little more moisture to the buds and help extend a cure. I trim all buds up just before putting into jars. When I'm done I can quick dry the trim and gather keif or freeze em ad do a BHO run. Then I have smoke to hold me thru the cure, so I can get the best cure I can without rushing!!!