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Little help,plus an additive to last thread!



CLONING.....this time many ways!!!

EVEN BETTER and EASIER remember my moto KISS.....
Keep it simple solutions!

Well i have a new way of cloning so far with these temps!
Straight in a styro cup with perilite and water NO dome needed...
SIMPLE and to my liking, here is a pick of my 3 styles of cloning!!!

You can see a bubbler an a bulb
over head#1 ....then styro cups and perilite under dome#2.....and then the best one(again with themps in the 70's indoors 75 exactly)the cups with NO
dome on the floor,just perilite and watering every 3 to 5 days!!..#3 hahahaha!
Get it folks EASY.......just provide 24 hours of any light and NO DOME NEEDED.PERIOD.
Also i believe they are better this way do to the fact that they are already
ACLIMATIZED to dry conditions,and ferther i believe forcing them to root fast!

Now look again folks at the pic,witch clones look the most comfy......plain old
cups on the floor#3 tek!!!!!!....the bubbler really SUCKS in FL....my water??
The dome aaaaah well abvout the same but when you take the top off they
notice the dryness and start to shrivle an dry a bit???? not climatized good.

So give this a try and you will see,also lightly scratch the stems to root more!
No need to cut fan leafs just at the bottom 3 inches to place in cups,thats it!
Little correction for the folks that may have had probs cloning in bubblers......
Water has alot to do with it???......my water has showed the facts this time?
Now here is a pick of the healthy clones from the easy assed cup cloning!!!!!!

AS you can see no trimming leafs!
Really healthy roots so when you wanna get them out of the cups just float them in a bigger pot of water gently and place in soil or a hydro unit to grow!!
KISS always works best!


and this is POST NUMBER #2000 hope it helps!

See ya soon,got any q's im here and always will be....


Guess no one digs this??????

THat was the number 2000th post and i
feel like im talking to a ghost at most?????
Ok? :badday:
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stone fool
Bong salute on the 2K, just passed that myself. I do the styrofoam cups also, just the simplest method I have found. I use rapid rooters in the cups with hydroton, and I poke holes in the cups for drainage. I use sterilite shoe boxes with holes for lots of air, to do a dozen cups, and the water drains into that and keeps the air moist. I have to water every day though, but also do not use a dome. Good tip Lou.


THanks Haps!!

Hey folks dont miss my grows of 08' in the
outdoor forum and flowerpix forum!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy growing.....


Active member
Ok no holes in the cup, scratch the lower stem all the way around, no rooting hormones. How much water do you fill up in the cup with perlite


Ok i forgot that....

Hey bro,i usually get it half full and they evaporate
in a few days.......about 3 to 5 days?
Then just refill to half and the perilite absorbs it just right!
Cant believe how healthy the roots are,so fuckin easy too!!
Give this a go even if you clone differently folks,just to see...
Peace,hope i can help someone!