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Water Cure-Problem?

Hey folks,

I'm attempting a water cure on a nice fat cola I had laying around. Now I'm on day 2, but I already changed the water half-way through day one because it was quite yellow and I could tell that the water was close to saturated in terms of it's lack of abiltity to pull more chems out of the bud.

Now, I just went to check on the bud and change the water again, but this time, I noticed that the water was a little bit CLOUDY.

Is this a sign that algea may be growing? It's a really nice bud and was hoping not to be wasting it by attempting to get smoother, chemical free bud.

There are holes in the top of the container, and it's in a dark spot in my closet.

Am I just worrying too much? I just want to take preventative measures instead of finding out on day 6 or 7 that I've fucked up.


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Sounds to me like you need more water. Try a bigger container.

Worst water cure I ever had was when I tried a 'micro' water cure, doing it in a jar. Ugh

Remember, the more water the better.
Thanks for the quick reply NiteTiger. I appreciate it very much, friend. I am using a smaller container, and that's probably why I've had to change the water twice already. I'll be sure to increase the container size upon the next water change.

So I'm over-reacting to the cloudy water, correct?Is it common, sir?


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Yeah, it means the water is doing what it is supposed to, pulling out nasties. You could almost call it a good sign. Except that you don't want it to sit in that overly saturated water.

If you're in a dark (dark!) area, I'd take off the lid completely, unless that's what you're using to hold the bud under water. You want to have plenty of airflow.
Yeah, unfortunately the lid is used to keep the bud under water. But I made sure to have plenty of holes, and the lid isn't as large as the rim of the container, so there's a gap around the whole lid.

Thanks for your time NT, I appreciate it.

I'll be sure to get picks up with comparisons of pre-sure to post-cure to further vouch for this system.

Got a little karma comin' your way, bud. :wink:


Why is airflow important? Isn't it about osmosis? Water takes salts out of herb and other stuff just together with it, no? Although there should be something else going on probably, like when you soak liver in milk it sucks out the bitter taste out. NiteTiger, ever tried milk cure :) I think might give it a go some day using zero fat milk in the last day or two just for fun :rasta:
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"ever tried milk cure :) I think might give it a go some day using zero fat milk in the last day or two just for fun"

wtf? i'm dubious about water cures to begin with (y would i want to waste my hard earned work by stripping it of its beautiful smell and taste?) but how the heck is curing it in milk going to make it better? Are you planning to water cure after milk cure? sounds like a dangerous proposition drying out milk-soaked buds, and probably not a great smelling one either.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Ziggaro said:
(y would i want to waste my hard earned work by stripping it of its beautiful smell and taste?)
Because you'd have smoother smoke 60 days sooner. I'm already waiting 120 days. Why wait 180 for hotter smoke?
I'm not too sure about the milk cure,considering milk in itself has a high ppm content compared to pure water. But the theory behind the water cure is based on science, and science is science. It's true and provable. Osmosis is what it is. A principle in which molecules flow from an area of high concentration to low concentration. It's that simple. So there's nothing to be scepticle about.

But I'm also curious as to whether removing the chemicals, natural pigments and sugars from the buds will reduce the "comedown" associated from smoking and/or vaporizing heavy, medincinal type herbs.

As I have no experience with a completed water cure yet, I cannot speculate as to whether the comedown is reduced after a water cure, but I would invite veterans like NiteTiger or anyone else to chime in about their experiences if they can truely remember.


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
To be honest Mr.B, I haven't really ever thought about it. It's a good point, something I'll definitely make a point to notice next time. Maybe something to it, because I don't seem to get as draggy when I'm stealth stashin'.

I'll make a point of doing a side by side comparison on this next run, remind me about it in a coupla weeks.

Jersey Cretin

New member

A Mason type jar and a 2 qt plastic container. :headbange
MAN...Keep it simple !
No dam Cures in Milk....toilets. Good old water.
Holes in the lid to help slowly drain water out. Fill it back up luke-warm water, like a beer, No Sudds!

A few Water pics in my gallery.
:joint: Jersey Cretin

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Ziggaro, my herb isn't really hard earned, it's just weed that grows itself all I do is soak and plant seed. There were milk talks here before. I am sceptical about it myself but its ok for me to be a little childish when stoned :)

I'm not a big fun of watercure but sometimes I do it, like once a year on outdoor crop. Like much better regular sweat cure, though.

edit: Yes, sure guys it's osmosis and airflow is not needed. cheers
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Mr.Botanical I agree science is science and I am sure there is science in getting nusty taste out of liver when soaked in milk. Can't be magic. Science it is what used in cooking.


NiteTiger I had already asked you why. and what exactly is it I am incorrect about - osmosis or airflow. Anyway, you answer or not my wc buds do fine in in a closed bucket.
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Technically, the better term for this process is diffusion, as osmosis refers to the transfer of solutes from high to low concentration across a live cell membrane.

Diffusion is definately the more correct term.....


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
About saying airlfow is not needed - if there's air in the container, and you seal it up, it just doesn't work right. I can tell you, I tried it with the cooler closed, and it ruined the bud, was just disgusting.

Is there any air in your buckets, or are they filled completely, then sealed?


Mr.Bortanical, yes seems you're right on that.

NiteTiger, thanks for sharing. Well, there's is some air in my buckets, I guess. At least I never filled them up to the top so not to spill any so yes there must be some as I recall. I don't know why our experiences vary. First time I did wc it was in a 10 gallon rubbermaid tub without lid, I used about an oz f bud there just to see what wc does and it stank my whole house real bad. cheers!

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