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Ceramic Metal Halide (CMH)


Sleeping Dragon
ya ill purp is spot on..
dont forget you have a full 1 year warranty if it does fail out on ya..
Adv tech will Warranty direct even after 30 days..
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purp i don't think they are exact, the boxes were diff and one said Sun System 10 and one said Sun System X. Though in roman numerals that's the same lol... so I dunno.

and I said SuperSun in my last post I meant Sun System, the reflectors are SuperSun :bashhead:

My plants are continuing to explode under this light. I can't believe how well developed all the side and bottom shoots are.


My CMH grow, day 31 from sprout. They appear bigger and healthier than most other MH or HPS grows I have ever seen. The biggest one is 3 feet tall with 16 nodes!




This thread is amazing. All the plants look like they were vegged outside...

Such fast, healthy growth. And enormous fan leaves.

Microwido: 31 days from seed; that is mind blowing. Great job man. And those hoods aren't air cooled...

No question in my mind this is what i'm getting when i upgrade.


Yes, you simply do not need to air cool these lights. Even when my room was not vented at all it only got up to 78 as a high. You can place your hand on the reflector and not bet a burn, but it is hot. The plants can get within about 6 inches also.
I agree, the plants from these lights look like they are vegged outside. Mine have such fat leaves, and ALL nodes are developing shoots on their own. They are truly bushes, and I'm seeing the fastest growth I have ever seen indoors. Every day I look at the plants and see what previously was 2 days worth of growth. The two clones I have under the CMH look like a completely different plant from my last cycle where it was vegged under MH.


My goodness. My only dilema is: do I use no glass, the tempered glass that they have at the hydro store, or do I get a piece of non-reflective portrait glass cut to size. I'll be putting a 250 retrowhite in a Sun System Super Sun Reflector. It has the provision to put on 4 inch air hoses. The Cabinet is 40 inches floor to ceiling and my upper box has a robust blower and filter. With growth like that, may wake up and need some glass or have to take a cutting.


Hey everyone. I wanted to post some pics of my Kalichakra from seed I've been flowering under a 400w CMH with an HTG ballast.

These pics were taken March 4, 2008, when she was 20 days old.

These pics were taken March 12, 2008, 8 days later, when she was 28 days old.

This is my first time flowering with a CMH, but so far, I'm loving it. I like it a lot more than my 400w HPS.


accelerates growth...like that...DO WANT

accelerates growth...like that...DO WANT

This is the holy grail of growing. Just what I need for reaching self-sufficiency.


Crap man how tall is that plant? 2'? What medium are you using? I need to learn to grow like that.

MoleMcHenry said:
Hey everyone. I wanted to post some pics of my Kalichakra from seed I've been flowering under a 400w CMH with an HTG ballast.

These pics were taken March 4, 2008, when she was 20 days old.

These pics were taken March 12, 2008, 8 days later, when she was 28 days old.

This is my first time flowering with a CMH, but so far, I'm loving it. I like it a lot more than my 400w HPS.


Active member
i'm sold but am having a really hard time following the ballast needs
I've got a couple of 400 MH ballasts now
What do i need to get to run the 400 watt CMH's bulbs?


Sleeping Dragon
Burt, What is the ANSI Code on the ballast.. You may have to open the box and see the lable on the the CORE,,, )

if you have a Probe start metal halide (ansi code M59) theres no CMH for that ballast.. (if ur bulb is a M400 U)
at that point id recommend the HPS retro whites over the ED28/37 styles (they hamper the reflector and airflow for cooling)

if you have a pulse start (if ur bulb is a MP400 or MS400)
(ansi code m172 and or m155 you can get these
(page was up a minute ago.. )
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OK Sim what will happen if I use a CMH 150W in a non-pulse start ballast? Worlds collide? Wreck time space? Seriously tho will it not light or just shortened life of the bulb?
MANY thanks......
Here are some updated pics of the CMH goodness...

This is the pic I previously posted taken on 3/7/08 at 8:53pm

And now 6 days later (to the minute!) here is the same 2 plants 3/13/08 8:53pm

The 2 plants were moved on Saturday to a new 4x4 room, with another brand new 400W SunSystem 10 and CMH bulb. I tried to get a pic at the same angle so you could see the difference, but it's not exact. Here's a few more of the same 2 plants...

And I just realized the clocks moved forward 1 hr this weekend so the pics are actually an hour shy of 6 days. :joint:

edit: open both the "before" and 6 day later "after" shot in 2 tabs in your browser, and switch back and forth between them, it's amazing!!! :jump:
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Was wondering if y'all could give me some opinions concerning an upgrade I'm doing.
I'm in the process of replacing one of the lights in my flower room setup to get rid of a 400w metal halide with a conversion bulb in it. It just does not put out the light that the other 400w hps with CMH bulbs do. (or running hps bulbs for that matter.) I'm gonna move it into the veg room.
My question to you folks is, given a choice, would you go with a 600w hps setup or a 400w hps with a CMH bulb?
I'm tired of that "dark corner" in my flower room.

What say you?


Sleeping Dragon
Gree.. if u put a cmh pulse start *(cdm150) in a pulse start ballast nothing should happen.. good or bad..

Ill ya full SPD provides amazing growthl....
ill is that higromite i see..?

highroller.. a 400 cmh wont help in that dark spot as much as a Good reflector..
you arent going to beat final product using anything other than cmh

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My 2 plants from previous post were moved to a new setup this weekend to make room for this 6 bio bucket setup currently under a 400W CMH, with a plan to add another 400W CMH (for a total of 800W CMH) before switching to 12/12

from 3/8

from 3/11

from 3/14
