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not to talk shit but...


cant stop wont stop
so i love weed and all but i'm just not buying the whole weed is great pain medication.

i recently got into an injury accident at work and they prescribed me vicoden the first day. what a waste of that time was, took over the amount allowed in a day and still couldnt sleep, then i thought ahhhh good ol trusty mary jane. and nothing i mean nothing. i still was in excruciating pain. next day went back to the doc and he gave me some percocet. i did feel a little sick at first allthough i took a couple more than recomended but never felt better.

just wondering everyone elses oppinion on prescription medication and and medical marijuana because before this incident i was actually against drug companies.
I don't deal with prescription meds very well at all, just don't like the feeling they give. But I have to agree that smoke doesn't do anything for me to alleviate pain. Guess I'm kind of old school when it comes to pain management... bottle of whiskey and a whole lot of teeth gritting.



Some kinds of pain responds better than others.

Some strains do better for pain than others also.

Weed does help to reduce the side effects of opium based pain meds and most of the time lowers the amount required to do the job.


Active member
its strain dependent. my blueberry can cure a tension headache but not a backache. i take a blood thinner called coumadin and im not allowed any kind of pain relievers because of the interactions. im allowed maybe 1000 mg of tylenol before i have to go to the hospital for pain relief. havent had to go to hospital yet because all pains are at least made tolerable by smoke. for an excellent pain numbing strain try sensistar.


cant stop wont stop
peanutbutter said:
Some kinds of pain responds better than others.

Some strains do better for pain than others also.

Weed does help to reduce the side effects of opium based pain meds and most of the time lowers the amount required to do the job.

nice to know maybe a diff strain might help, and maybe that inconjuction with a lower potent opiate bassed pain killer could be the way to go. might even help with the addictive aspects of pain meds.. i guess until weeds readilly availbe the public we'll never know. thanks for the input, but i do know vicodens and nothern lights oasis doesnt accomplish much!


it's pain dependent too--some pain gets worse if you get too high. you just need to experiment. i currently am dealing with shingles and it is insanely painful 24/7, so i have a mix of dilaudid, tylenol and mj on regular rotation that is making life bearable. The mj definitely helps, but not alone--without the dilaudid i am in agony.


Eugene Oregon
Maryjane has helped me in many ways... i suffer from ADD,Chronic back pain and knee pain.. and then my artheritus in my knees,ankles,and hands..
You need a narcotic strain like a PURE couchlock for pain troubles.


I'm not very experienced, but so far I haven't found that mj actually eliminates body pain in the expected traditional (numbing) way. Instead, it's more like it makes me disassociate from it.. it's not gone, it just feels different and more manageable. I don't know if that makes sense.

I suppose it all depends what kind of pain and your own physiology. It definitely eliminates my migraines.


Bong Smoking News Hound
First off you should ONLY take DOCTORS RECCOMENDATION... Second.. If the pain medication isn't working.. what makes you think Marijuana will? Third. As a Pain Suffer for over 6 years! I know SEVER PAIN, Using marijuana as a edible... is most effective.. Also It lowers my Tolerance to Other Pain Medication!!!! So i dont have to take as much.. Just like everything else it takes GETTING IN YOUR SYSTEM>>> Not a Immediate effect that is like magic. And boom you're not in pain anymore...

So before you talk shit. Live with pain for a year or more, go through the doctor hoops. Then tell me what works best.

So please explain. What type of pain? And how did you acquire this so called pain?


Plant Manager
'it doesn't work for me...so it can't work for you'

acute pain relief is not one of mmj's strongest areas....some strains are better than others, but that is not one of mmj's biggest attributes. It is beneficial in so many other ways though.

Sorry it doesn't work for you...
Indicas are more for pain but sometimes make u a little tired .pot is not the cure all but its not addicting like purcocet be carefull with that stuff My father is an addict because he has cancer and doctors hand it out like candy. pot works good with meds so you dont have to take as much.
steppinRazor said:
so i love weed and all but i'm just not buying the whole weed is great pain medication.

i recently got into an injury accident at work and they prescribed me vicoden the first day. what a waste of that time was, took over the amount allowed in a day and still couldnt sleep, then i thought ahhhh good ol trusty mary jane. and nothing i mean nothing. i still was in excruciating pain. next day went back to the doc and he gave me some percocet. i did feel a little sick at first allthough i took a couple more than recomended but never felt better.

just wondering everyone elses oppinion on prescription medication and and medical marijuana because before this incident i was actually against drug companies.

Sounds to me like you were smokin some schwagg,


Freedom Fighter
In my experience, MJ helps with dull pain...but seems to intensify sharp pain-- It helps my old-ass hurting back after a day of hard work....but if for instance, you smoke before getting a tattoo...(at least for me) it (the pain) becomes your full focus--


my only expierence with percription drugs after an incident involving a circular saw and my index finger lead me to the belief that pain medication doesn't make it stop hurting but makes me not care that it is hurting. i still felt my finger throbbing but i was so out of it that it was the last thing on my mind.


i've found that it makes me not mind the pain more than releave it. which honestly i'll take over having to take a fist full of pain meds.


When I had my wisdom teeth pulled I was in lots of pain and vicodin wouldn't do a thing. A couple hits from the bong and I couldn't feel a thing. That was enough evidence for me that mj can serve a medical purpose.


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
MJ doesnt help with my pain like a broken or sprang limb. But it certainly makes my arthritis much more bearable. MJ doesnt work for pain well for me but it is a miracle on my skin allergy. If I need to take a pain killer it will keep me awake ... smoke a bit of pot with it and I sleep much better. Best of luck with your ailments. Seems all things work a bit different for each of us.

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