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What plant is this?

Sorry cant post pics.... I found this pic on the CMH thread.. no name though. Simba posted, but its not his weed.The blue-ish looking one.... I really want blue weed, my fav color!!!! PAGE 13 of the Ceramic Metal Halide (CMH) In the Growroom Designs & Equipment(the sticky at the top)

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Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me

My gf gives better directions than that, and we dont use maps


Here's the link ... http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=72215&page=13&pp=15 ...

Come on people, its not that hard to lend a helping hand! ... That said, I can't actually answer ur question! :) haha

Altho have a look at some seed bank websites, Blue Mystic is a strain that can b turned blue with a lil skill, certain strains can also b turned purple if u suddenly drop the temp of ur environment in the last couple weeks of flowering, they're lil tricks u can learn, bt i dnt bother with them.
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I have a Mom that has been passed to me for my 1st adventure, and wooooow what an adventure. It is one of those situations where i really cant just ask the previous owner what strain she is. My question being a newbie and have a big ? for what my mother's strain is and I would really like to know. Any helpful hints on how i can research her to uncover what strain she may be?
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jiggywhompus said:
We are stoned and lazy. Link please.

Ya same, but i would still make an effort to see blue weed...

Thanks Dr GreenFinger, ive read up about temperatures changing the color, so i will look further into it. But i know i wont be getting a blue plant from a seed thats supposed to go pruple. So "Blue Mystic" is my best bet for a blue looking plant???


Blue Mystic is the only plant I know of that turns blue lol ... I have really gone looking for a plant that turns blue tho so I'm not sure what others are out there lol ... Blue weed would hav good bag appeal to mates who don't no what they're on bout, my mates always think they score big when they get purple or something in the bud they buy (except the police over hear use pink/purple dye in the sprays they use to kill the crops they find, and the gangs dnt giv a shit so sell it anyway! ... If its proper purple bud, then fine, bt if its dyed spray or something then i'd rather not inhale it thanks lol) ... Dats y I like to give my mates stuff and grow my own, healthier, and doesn't provide gangs with money to fuck me over with lol)
...Anyway, I'm rambling on now lol.

Kieffer - U can't really find wat strain a plant is unless u really no its roots, u can call it wat the f*** u want lol, doesn't make it tru bt I make up names for my plants if I dnt no wat they actually are.

Yah i know colors only a color.... I myself would never go and pay more money for a differenmt color plant. But seeing how if im going to grow, it would be very nicew to have a colorful garden. Wouldnt youwant to have a purple plant here, red there, blue here, and a nice white crystakly looking one also. Later on in life, i will probably see myself only smoking the green, but for now i want to try and find these colors.




quoted the original picture in a reply (without pressing send) and the name reflects its a belladonna.
ExcelAtIt said:

quoted the original picture in a reply (without pressing send) and the name reflects its a belladonna.

Sweet thanks Excel
Hey Wygram what are those names lol. YES I LOVE color
Winter is a blue season.

Winter is a blue season.

Blueberry....looking a little blue.

Use the cool days or nights of winter to bring a touch of color to your stock. This drop in temp. is only needed during about the last two weeks of flowering, otherwise yields may suffer in some strains.

Blue satellite is great for color as are many of the other "blue strains".

Some plants will color at the leaf, some at the trichome area, some will do both, this is genetically determined. Durban strains are a good example of a strain that can color only in the trichome area. Either way, blue, purple, or pink weed is funk, that's for sure.

The Accumbens


Nice Accumbens ... got the blues? haha ... I've heard theories (i havn't tested this myself) that dropping temps in late flowering will also raise potency slightly as the plant will pump out more trichs/THC n order to try and collect some pollen before the cold kills her ... Its jst a theory i've heard along when reading bout temp affect color change etc etc etc. maybe it works???
Dr. Greenfinger said:
Nice Accumbens ... got the blues? haha ... I've heard theories (i havn't tested this myself) that dropping temps in late flowering will also raise potency slightly as the plant will pump out more trichs/THC n order to try and collect some pollen before the cold kills her ... Its jst a theory i've heard along when reading bout temp affect color change etc etc etc. maybe it works???

What if you take your plant in pot, place a garbage bag around the pot, and place it in a pot thats bigger that has ice water in it.


that may stunt root growth? I personally hav no idea wat that would do to a plant in late flowering lol ... Try it if u want hahaha
Im going to take one plant and do the ice bucket thing. And ill get back to you. but root growth slow down, does make sense... But trial and erorr is no harm... Sure you may loose a plant... but thats life.