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Organic vs chemical.



hydroflower said:
I think we have gone off on a bit of a tangent here. The question was about the difference between organic and chemical fertilization not dirt and hydroponic.
I fully except the fact that organically fed plants produce a better quality bud, but how can we recreate or mimmick organics with chem ferts so that the best of both worlds can be achieved?
It seems problematic trying to achieve a "complete" fertilizer with organic substances.

Maybe I don't get it and hydroponic organics are the best of both worlds.
i think it would be impossible. you'd have to find a way to include those many small but complex variables that organics introduce.


Active member
Deep Sea Ocean Sea Salt is the best of both worlds its every mineral in a pure
state already converted to its inorganic form ready for the plant derived from a organic source..
add a tiny bit refined fertilizer or organic if needed depends on strain.
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Thanks for all the input but I'm going to stick with chemical and therefore refined nutrients. I am now unconvinced that organic nutes produce a better bud than refined nutes, more likely is that more care has been taken with the organic growing and that there are more "poor" hydroponic/chemical growers out there than organic.


Good try, organics creams chem bud..

My crash dried buds are better than cured chem, no shit. And when cured they're simply the best you can get in this city. (But you can't get em)

If you want a personal stash then just grow some. Then while you enjoy that take the time to get into the details - they're much easier to enjoy learning when you got a stash.

Make the decision then, all because you do it the 'easiest' way once, doesn't mean you're stuck there.

Organics can be very easy, once you've gone through the learning curve and then tasted your own organic bud, you'll never go back.


Active member
Hello all,

Inadvertantly clicked this forum this thread is in and wouldnt you know theres the same old chem vs organic bullshit thread again!

WTF you people got nothing better to do then beat this horse again and again and again?

Good God!


PS. Organics way better! enuf said.


minds_I said:
Hello all,

Inadvertantly clicked this forum this thread is in and wouldnt you know theres the same old chem vs organic bullshit thread again!

WTF you people got nothing better to do then beat this horse again and again and again?

Good God!


PS. Organics way better! enuf said.



In addition to what you said I understand that with non organic nutes the plant takes up lots of other chemicals that are used to move npk into the plant that don't get used and are left in the cellular material to be smoked. Which leads to the bad taste aroma comments. As with organic only the chemicals that the plant needs are being taken up and used. I am sure someone will correct me if I am wrong.


Active member
Dead on.... It's about preference. You can compensate for most things. I use Floranova for a lot of situaiton, because it's hydro organic. I finish up with an organic mix at low levels to flavor it out.


The Voice of Reason
G33k Speak said:
My 2 centavos: 'natural' nutes allow a plant to produce a wider spectrum or profile of flavonoids and vitamins and minerals.

Which sports team would do better?
The team that ate mac n cheese/pizza and hot dogs??
or the team that ate whole grains and organic produce??

AFAIK organics is better because it allows the 'support services' for the plants to thrive- all the colonies of micro flora and fauna that really feed the plant.
You are feeding the soil( and microbes) not the plant. The microbes breaks down and makes available the minerals in the soil.

Can you add chem I kill ferts to an aquarium?? can an earthworm survive in a pile of chem I kill ferts????

This is fairly inaccurate... A proper regimine of refined mineral nutrients is in no way comparable to eating junk food...


One team eats whole grains and organic produce....

The other team goes down to GNC and loads up on the specific dietary elements which enhance physical performance...

YES, Fish can live in the presence of refined mineral nutes...
YES, earthworms can too...
NO, just because a nutrient is from a refined source does not make it toxic to microlife...

Can you add manure tea to an aquarium?
Can earthworms survive in sand?

I hate the misconceptions organic growers propagate about mineral nutrients...

Mineral hydro can absolutely produce results that are indistinguishable from organic results...

There are several threads discussing this, ad nauseam... I suggest a search button and a bit of reading before anymore comments get made on this one...
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Heres a quick fact.
The roots are able to take up co2 when using organic nutes, but they cant if u use chmical..
it is also way healthier, if you think about what you leave in your lungs

go organic


The Voice of Reason
BagAppeal said:
Heres a quick fact.
The roots are able to take up co2 when using organic nutes, but they cant if u use chmical..
it is also way healthier, if you think about what you leave in your lungs

go organic
like I said... Instead of more myth posting... use your search button... the real science has been discussed, as I said, AD NAUSUEM...

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
Woody Creek said:
it's what you find in organcic that you don't see in chem. chemical are exact. Organic is full if impurities. These impurities are what make up healthy.

raw veggies or mcdonalds what do you choose?
thats actually a pretty bad analogy....
in food terms hydroponic mineral nutrients would be more like one of those pure nurition drips you get in hospital if youcan eat.... not junk food
miracle grow-now thats the big mac
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Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Grat3fulh3ad said:
This is fairly inaccurate... A proper regimine of refined mineral nutrients is in no way comparable to eating junk food...


One team eats whole grains and organic produce....

The other team goes down to GNC and loads up on the specific dietary elements which enhance physical performance...

YES, Fish can live in the presence of refined mineral nutes...
YES, earthworms can too...
NO, just because a nutrient is from a refined source does not make it toxic to microlife...

Can you add manure tea to an aquarium?
Can earthworms survive in sand?

I hate the misconceptions organic growers propagate about mineral nutrients...

Mineral hydro can absolutely produce results that are indistinguishable from organic results...

There are several threads discussing this, ad nauseam... I suggest a search button and a bit of reading before anymore comments get made on this

Seems the overwhelming consensus amongst the "nugs and jugs" attendees is that the GH grown pot didnt hold a candle to the pot grown in other nutes, in the flavor department. Ive talked to many of the nugs and jugs attendees that have come to chat. Seems most that ive talked to agreed that the GH grown pot, although beautiful to look at, just didnt cut it in the flavor dept.
Interesting opinions from a very large group of pot smokers.


Well-known member
GH 3 part will grow an amazing amount of very pretty buds. Thats it....thats all....at best with a great flush you may get a little of the flavor. Ive had many of the greatest strains we all know grown by great and poor growers alike...with organics and chems......Im not here to argue which is better....I totally am of the mindset that Chem based nutes can and will produce product on par with the best Mother Nature can produce outdoors.

The problem lies in what chem nute is used.....GH3part was not nor has it ever been formulated for growing tasty fruits or vegetables......It was for Lettuce (ever had really tasty lettuce?, prolly not hence why a product like 3part which is designed to grow a pretty tasteless plant grows bland pot)

Please to all of you Gh3part growers who smoke your flowers......do yourself a favor.....try botanicare powerseries.......a product designed to produce exceptionally flavorfull fruits and produce. Peace DLB


Active member
this thread should be closed.

All nutrients are "chemicals."

Both chemical and organic nutrients have the same shit, whilst organic may have unneeded substances in it that osmosize through the roots and sit in your plant.

the shit is hitting the fan, yes?



The Voice of Reason
Babbabud said:
Seems the overwhelming consensus amongst the "nugs and jugs" attendees is that the GH grown pot didnt hold a candle to the pot grown in other nutes, in the flavor department. Ive talked to many of the nugs and jugs attendees that have come to chat. Seems most that ive talked to agreed that the GH grown pot, although beautiful to look at, just didnt cut it in the flavor dept.
Interesting opinions from a very large group of pot smokers.
As far as I know, the good peeps at the nugs and jugs did not have any opportunity to do a side by side with the same cut grown both organically and in a proper GH grow... If I'm wrong, please point it out... That would be the only way to get any sort of accurate consensus, imho... And I'll still stand by the statement that I've never smoked any of the cuts I grow, when grown using organic methods, that gave me any reason at all to change my mind...

I still stand by my statements 100% about properly done GH grows... I've experienced it to be so, and the fact that a group of people smoked some GH herb without having the same experience doesn't change that...

I've smoked the same cuts from two different GH grows which use basically the same formula, and taste quite different... I guarantee you that any 10 growers with the same cut will get 10 different variations of the same general herb... It is honestly a bit of a stretch to try and say one method can consistently produce superior results... The absolute most anyone can speak to are their own experiences... Just because I've never smoked any organic which changed my mind (on the contrary, I converted from an 'organics true beleiver to my current opinion), and just because you've never smoked any GH grown to change your mind, does not mean that perfect examples of both don't exist...

The opinions are very interesting from such a large group, I only wish there had been some meaningful comparison done...

And to Dr.L... the bottle instructions on the GH 3 part are indeed better suited to lettuce production... but the nature of the product makes it highly configurable... It can be very well adapted to be much more canna specific, but you do have to abandon 'following bottle directions'... And ANY substance which you believe to make a difference in achieving your ideal of the perfect flavor, can easily be integrated into a GH grow... I'm not at all against organic molecules, but plants uptake inorganic ions through their roots... There is nothing in GH that plants metabolize that you are not feeding your plants already if you feed organically... If GH was only capable of producing 'bland' herb, then I would never get comments from connoisseur smokers who are surprised at the flavorfulness of the herb they're toking and comments of disbelief that it was grown using only GH...

I will say this... I've gotten lazy and/or absent minded before, and messed up my timing or ratios or some other detail... and been absolutely dissatisfied with the final product, in either flavor or burn or both...