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SCROG question



got a quick Q about my scrog. this is my first time attempting a SCROG and things seem to be doin really well so far but my question is when do i stop training the canopy? is it a never ending thing or once they are mostly settled into place do i just leave em be?

heres a pic from 2 nights ago.


Before you flip to 12/12 be sure that you are Going to Have a full scrog. You can always thin it out. From the looks of your picture you have a ways to go and quite a bit more weaving to do. Basically it appears that most growth is from vertical side shoots, they need to be woven to expose bud sites and develop more Colas.

Regarding stretch, raise your lights so that they do! This will give you something longer and flexible to weave with, then lower the lamps and flip to 12/12. Works for me, have a 24 Pack Full and ready to chop within a week or so. Be patient, different growing skills/conditions yield varied growth rates. You will know when, take it easy.

Looking real good

TyStik :bow: :bow: :bow:


Something I noticed while examining your pic - looks like your ladies are already budding... are you still running 24/7 lighting?

Everyone has pretty much already stated the obvious - you want to have the majority of your veg woven into the net and twisty-tied onto it... once you have about 2/3rds of the net full you want to flip... the initial stretch from flipping to 12/12 should fill up the remaining empty net.



BudLove said:
Something I noticed while examining your pic - looks like your ladies are already budding... are you still running 24/7 lighting?

Everyone has pretty much already stated the obvious - you want to have the majority of your veg woven into the net and twisty-tied onto it... once you have about 2/3rds of the net full you want to flip... the initial stretch from flipping to 12/12 should fill up the remaining empty net.


Either he has very tight new leaf growth or Buds forming as you remarked. Sh*t, it took my computer glasses and a magnifying glass to see what you pointed out. Should have listened to Dad, he said " if you play with yourself you'll go blind", fortunately bi-focals and a magnifier have resolved that issue. LOL



Ty-Stik said:
Either he has very tight new leaf growth or Buds forming as you remarked. Sh*t, it took my computer glasses and a magnifying glass to see what you pointed out. Should have listened to Dad, he said " if you play with yourself you'll go blind", fortunately bi-focals and a magnifier have resolved that issue. LOL


You are crazy


they had been in 12/12 for a couple weeks before i put the scrog in. all werent confirmed females so i had to wait till they were so i wouldnt have to cut males from a tangled mess of plants. as for the next round i will be using clones so sexxing wont be an issue. they are at about 26 days of 12/12 right now.


yamaha_1fan said:
You are crazy

Crazy?????????????Well, maybe just a little bit. Se Nile? Never been to Egypt, Stoned? Bet your best Bong on that one Yamahamahama. LOL

NOW he tells US that he has been on 12/12 for a couple weeks. Damn, had to use my magnifier--------Again. It does make some things look bigger than they really are, (nasty) ROFLMAO



I have only had to tie down a few, I just weave them through the netting . Let it run the way you have it this time and don't be too quick to flip 12/12 next time. Wait until the scrog screen is nearly full. You're paying for the electricity, let it fill out for a bumper crop.



Active member
looks good, Ty what do u think for 1st grow. LST or scrog.? i keep changing my mind.
i don't know why but i think scrog sounds easier and less stressful than LST and cropping.
...but i just sprouted my first beans so wtf do i know...? :rasta:


The plants in the photo do not have as much side development as I would have, building that grow for a client took a months time and I had to root bound them in small pots to constrain growth.

The vertical growth at this time is about 8 inches higher than the scrog screen in the flowering room, notice the slim stems, they are easier to weave than when fully developed. In another week they will be even taller. I just lay in the 5 gallon planter at an angle into final position and gently work the slender branching into the netting.

It will take about a week longer under the 6 x 600's to grow the lower branches out, no problem though as there will be a screen full of horizontally growing branches with a ton of bud sites just waiting for 12/12. I'm not in a hurry, quality comes first.

TyStik :jump: :jump:


To be honest I prefer the scrog system over other methods that have been tried. There is no growth to speak of below the canopy to worry about, you just trim it off as it develops, better air circulation and nary a popcorn bud providing you keep them at bay. Damned things steal vital necessities from the colas.

Messing around with the plants all of the time is not something that I like to do.

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Active member
can scrog be used on any strain or are some notorious for too thick of stems for weaving. i got ice cream going and was told it gets very think branches which dont bend well. but who knows. i would love to scrog, already have a frame made...


Vindiesel, there are some folks in here that might better answer that question than I.

I would suggest though that short, squat, fat little Mutha's don't seem to be conducive to scrogging unless they were really put into "stretch" by keeping the lamps higher than usual so as to develop long side branch growth that can be woven into the scrog net.

Any other thoughts on this approach out there?

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Hey if I went from 200 watts of cfl down to 100 watts of cfl and moved the shelf WAY down that the bitches would stretch faster, weave easier, and fill the screen quicker?

Just thinkin' stoned. Need to go refill my bowl!


You're forgiven, Slow, i gotz me a buzz 2. Reload.

Leave the lights be, just raise them or lower the shelf, not to much though with cfl's.

Takes a puff, ah much better!!!!!!!!!!
