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WARNING: Potential Market Crash!


Active member
LiLWaynE said:
give me some stock SYMBOLS to check out indica

Oh Good Grief..!! You don't wanna Check out those SYMBOLS

Check out some other SYMBOLS ...... like whatever you like to like


Housing Bubble

Housing Bubble

A recent eight-page article in the June 13, 2005 issue of Time magazine referred to a “blistering real-estate market” and spoke of how “record home prices are inflaming passions.” The article referred to several people who had admittedly made a tidy profit in cities such as Boston, Chicago, Indianapolis, Miami, and Washington, DC. In Boston, for example, prices have risen so dramatically, that the median-priced home now sells for a $2,079 monthly mortgage payment.

In Chicago, a housing study by Dartmouth professor of real-estate John Vogel, Jr. revealed that in two apartment buildings built only four years ago, condo rentals were $1,800 per month and one could purchase one of those condos for $270,000. In 2005, only four years later, the prices in this same set of buildings have reflected the unusual aspects of the housing bubble, where the cost of purchasing a condo has risen to $450,000. However, the rental price of these condos has remained reasonable, falling by $100 to $1,700 per month. In fact, in the past year, 25 of the 50 states plus Washington, DC have seen double-digit appreciation in the prices of houses for sale.

In every sense of the word, this is a seller’s market...

Large global multi-billion dollar mass media companies such as AOL Time-Warner spend loads of effort on how to extract the maximum psychological advantage from everything they present to the mass population. In the June 13, 2005 Time magazine article entitled ‘America’s House Party,’ there were constant references to this great big party in which the reader was a fool by not participating. The article listed seven people in just one block in Chicago, North Wood Street, who had seen dramatic appreciation in the value of their properties:

1745 North Wood Street – 72 year-old Jean Kieres purchased her home in 1958 for $22,000 -- and has since seen its’ value rise to $700,000.

1744 North Wood Street – Bruce Fischer, 60 years-old, purchased his 100 year-old home in 1992 for $90,000 -- and has since seen its’ value increase to $700,000. He was described as having “used his home as a piggy bank,” by taking out a $200,000 home-equity loan. This home-equity loan had removed approximately $420,174 of his accrued equity, placing it in the hands of his lending bank. By the time all factors were considered, Mr. Fischer came out with negative equity in his home.

1731 North Wood Street – Jeff Bruce’s house had changed hands three times in nine years. Daniel Cooper paid $312,000 in 1996, Charles Ehle paid $350,000 for it in 1998, and Jeff Bruce paid $580,000 in 2003. By 2005, the home had become worth $640,000.

1715 North Wood Street – Courtney Lance had seen her property tax explode in the decade between 1992 and 2002, an elevenfold increase. In 1992, her property tax was only $483. By 2002, it had increased to $5,600. Calling it “Highway robbery,” she sold it in 2002, and today’s owner pays $6,930 per year in property taxes.

According to the National Association of Realtors, the median price for a home in the United States has now risen to $206,000 -- up 15% in the past year alone, and up 55% in the past five years. Economists have compared this run-up to be similar to what happened in the 1990’s tech boom that occurred in the NASDAQ stock market. Have Americans learned anything from that market crash, which removed six-trillion dollars from the wealth of the American middle class, and transferred it to the increasing wealth of those in the elite upper 1% of all wage earners? That is what these self-generated market crashes are designed to do -- and every indication sees the housing market as the next market sector to crash.


Well, it finished -214, a 52 week low.. where are we at and what are the predictions for tomorrow?


Active member
Maybe Down again...Alot of selling


Advancing 360 583
Declining 2,803 2,361

Really Doesn't Bother Me...Down it Goes

You know it too :headbange:

You Can Still Make Money in This Market.

Don't Be Left Out



Oh Good Grief..!! You don't wanna Check out those SYMBOLS

Why not? I made descent $ today from shorting them greedy bastards...

Remember that inflation is only the act of printing money in excess of Gross National Product. They could blame it on the price of widgets or oil only because you never knew the real cause. The real cause and only cause of inflation is the printing of more money beyond the Gross National Product.

They must eventually resort to war to balance the account, because war ultimately is merely the act of destroying the creditor, and the politicians are the publicly hired hit men that justify the act to keep the responsibility and blood off the public conscience.

Where do you people come up with this? Have you ever taken a basic economics course? We know the real cause! Read through this thread again, and then hit up every financial blog and news agency for all the information. It is not a secret, it never was. People have been calling this for a long time now.

Inflation, in classical economics, is the expansion of the monetary supply... Deflation, is a contraction of the monetary supply... what we are seeing is a "contraction" of the monetary supply. Price inflation, is just that, price inflation. The more haywire the credit markets are, on top of the increasing price of supplies, business owners naturally have to raise prices. The US dollar tanking also raises the cost of our import costs. The Feds do not print money. Besides, just go long war profiteers such as GD or NOC if ya want to make some money =)

If you want to know where money comes from, watch this movie.


Money = Debt

After that, google fiat currency.

Kirby, read this one...

5.82% of ALL mortgages outstanding are now delinquent... and foreclosures now stand at more than 2% of all outstanding as of the 4th quarter of '07...so roughly 1 in 20+ mortgages are now delinquent...


The Federal Reserve said today that for the first time on record going back to the 1940s, when they started tracking it, American's home equity fell below 50%.


American household net worth fell at a 3.6% annual rate in the 4th quarter...


well the main prob (as I see it) is the earnings to borrowings ratio, in your view, what would a secure level of house prices to earnings be. In the uk, it seems to have topped out at: average home costs 9 times average salary, (used to be 4 times 15 years ago).

You are 100% correct. Average here used to be 3x someones income. No clue now, most properties are worthless anyways. People borrowed too much under the impression that home prices would rise astronomically forever. Then you have your jerkoffs who gave away mortgages like they were free candy... Then you have your douchebag appraisers who over appraised properties... Then you have the monoline insurers who insured worthless securities for the scum bag bankers who lent out all the money... And the banks are hiding these worthless assets on off balance sheets to top it all off. The problem is, people are only now beginning to realize how much exposure they have to these worthless securities.

Since money equals debt, and no one is paying their bills, we are literally witnessing an implosion of the credit markets. Wealth is being evaporated all around the globe.

This is why we need the markets to crash. A "correction" is a better way to put it though. Since the Feds keep pussy footing around, and the greedy banker fucks won't reveal their true exposure, a crash is inevitable. The markets have to correct themselves in order to reset everything. It's just the way things work.

Anyone out their seeing whats happening...


We either restore trust right here and now or our capital markets - and our economy - are toast.

Today we broke critical support levels on all primary indices. The break is not yet "convincing", which means it may - and can - retrace. But any material sort of down day tomorrow puts us at severe risk a DOW in the nine thousand range, a SPX around 1000, a NDX around 1200 and a Russell in the 400s.

This is it people. The real job reports will come out this morning @ 8:30am.

One of the fiercest battles between the bulls and the bears, is about to take place... the bears have been in hibernation for too long now... it is our time to shine.
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Cannabrex Formulator
The entire bloated, parasitic, malignant and exploitative monster we call the modern economy will blow it's own rancid asshole out within the next 25-40 years (max).

When it happens, either yer set up in the bush independent of said sick economy, or you die screaming in food riots in the cities.


Indica Sativa said:
Where do you people come up with this? Have you ever taken a basic economics course? We know the real cause! Read through this thread again, and then hit up every financial blog and news agency for all the information. It is not a secret, it never was. People have been calling this for a long time now.

Inflation, in classical economics, is the expansion of the monetary supply... Deflation, is a contraction of the monetary supply... what we are seeing is a "contraction" of the monetary supply. Price inflation, is just that, price inflation. The more haywire the credit markets are, on top of the increasing price of supplies, business owners naturally have to raise prices. The US dollar tanking also raises the cost of our import costs. The Feds do not print money. Besides, just go long war profiteers such as GD or NOC if ya want to make some money =)

If you want to know where money comes from, watch this movie.


Money = Debt

After that, google fiat currency.

Inflation is the amount of excess money that is printed and circulated that is beyond the amount equal to the annual gross domestic product of the USA! Inflation is “artificially created,” and does not occur naturally in any market economy, no matter what that economy is built upon, or indebted to. Inflation increases the cost of acquiring goods and services. Artificially adjusted to compensate for raises and salary increases in the working class, inflation works as a constant manipulation, so the average person is ALWAYS RUNNING JUST TO STAND STILL.

Furthermore, liens allow the bank to declare your property as an asset of theirs!

With something called FRACTIONAL RESERVE BANKING --- banks are allowed to loan TEN TIMES the amount they have on deposit at any given time. Also, if large sums of money are suddenly withdrawn from deposits at the bank, there is no mechanism that would force them to control their outstanding loans back into balance with what is actually on deposit AFTER the funds are withdrawn.

As it is, most of the money IN CIRCULATION merely exists as nothing more than bookkeeping entries, and not physical paper and coin money. When one gets a LOAN at a bank, usually no money changes hands. It is merely a few buttons that are pressed --- this is money that does not exist, will not exist in the future, and has never existed in the past. It is nothing more than a few taps of the computer keyboard that either DEBITS or CREDITS the money in the account.

This nonsense about ECONOMIC CYCLES is just that, nonsense. By manipulating the money that is in the public sector, by the calling in of outstanding debt, the POWERS THAT BE create the illusion of normal economic cycles. They have created the system, and they oversee the system. When one of THEM gets into trouble, they are self-investigated. It is a WIN-WIN situation for THEM, and a LOSE-LOSE system for the working class.


Active member
Indica Sativa said:
Why not? I made descent $ today from shorting them greedy bastards...

Ahhh didn't know you Shorted them..LOL Oh Yea..Down it goes..Credit Crunch

I Shorted the DOW with MVV and bought MZZ,SDS (proshares) on March 6th

I was in COIN Since the $5.92's ..nice gain to $17.00's and down today..Hope it isn't the end of the Rise...But We'll see..just too new now


Indica Sativa said:
Forget about the "today" part of the title... We are getting closer though... Feds better do something quickly...

This is it folks, tomorrow and the remainder of next week will basically decide the next 20+ years of our lives. (Unfortunately, this is not isolated to the US alone)


If you want info regarding the situation at hand... read this. Dow Theory All other major indexes are basically showing the same pattern. Research, spot trends, read about events leading up to 1929, all the info is there. PATTERNS,PATTERNS,PATTERNS! For once, read without asking questions, and prepare yourself. other articles

To sum it up... Bush took office in 2000~The 2002 lows were supposed to be the start of a 8-10yr bear market cycle~ Uhh... yeah, we rallied up and hard reaching new highs in 2007. We have had disconfirmation in the dow jones industrial and transportation highs and lows since 2002.

No disconfirmation this cycle.

$30 trillion in real estate, $45trillion derivatives market for credit default swaps...prime mortgages, commercial property, home equity loans, car loans, credit cards and student loans. "We have not even begun Wave Two: the British, Club Med, East European, and Antipodean house busts."

Dollar is tanking, food prices are rising, unemployment... the list goes on and on... this isn't new info, again follow the patterns... the smart ones have been calling all of this for a long while now..The Feds Failed

History repeats itself. If anyone tells you otherwise regarding this, they are more than likely going to be the ones standing in the soup lines.

Here is another good read.William Peter Hamilton, 1929 - "Calling the Turn" - An example of Dow's theory in practice

I won't be around much anymore. All my internal indicators as well as external are telling me it is go time. It's time for the Bears to come out and play:sasmokin: I am going to short this bitch all the way down into the abyss :laughing:

Keep growing what Mother Earth provided us. Spread your knowledge, and life will reward you.

I wish you all the best of luck.

Especially you Gypsy, someday I will repay you for all the knowledge you have provided me. In the mean time, do whatever you can to keep the seed business alive. We are about to experience some very turbulent times.

Love you all,

Indica Sativa

We're approaching your 11.5k threshold today...


unemployed -63000

Feds came out this morning and the fact is, everything in their release is old news... the fact the markets rallied after they got done spewing their non sense, thus further proves their are a lot of dumb fucks in this country...

This is a clear indication that we are safe for the time being, and we are most likely going to rally higher. Which is fine by me as the price of puts will drop :rasta:

Bulls put up fierce fight, although we did close a bit lower...

I cashed out around noon and took my profits. Now the Feds have a couple days to pull their heads out of their asses. I'll keep ya posted under a new thread.

took my twm proshares off just in the nick of time =)
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If nobody else, I'd appreciate it.

I never took an interest in the stock markets before I read your thread. I was a little upset that the govt bailed out all those who should have lost their homes, I wanted blood in the street.

I got a couple grand and am taking an interest in the stock market now. I'm reading all I can and talking to people who are in the know, but still pretty lost on it. My third straight day of watching cnbc and mad money.. still it's a fog with no lifting in sight.

Guide us...


New member
If you're just getting started in investing I would recommend you read some books, rather than watching that crap on TV.

In particular:
The Bogleheads' Guide to Investing

The basic idea is that no one can't reliably beat the market over time, sure some people can here and there for short periods of time. But your best off with a long term buy and hold strategy of broad based index funds. Also asset allocation is an important aspect, so you'll want a mix of stocks and bonds that best suites your risk tolerance. hope that helps.


vapor.dr said:
If you're just getting started in investing I would recommend you read some books, rather than watching that crap on TV.

In particular:
The Bogleheads' Guide to Investing

The basic idea is that no one can't reliably beat the market over time, sure some people can here and there for short periods of time. But your best off with a long term buy and hold strategy of broad based index funds. Also asset allocation is an important aspect, so you'll want a mix of stocks and bonds that best suites your risk tolerance. hope that helps.

Absolutely, thank you. I was hoping there'd be someone who chimed in with a book for me to check out. I'll go to borders tonight and see if they've got it.


Inflation is the amount of excess money that is printed and circulated that is beyond the amount equal to the annual gross domestic product of the USA!

LMAO! You are such a sheep. I refuse to read anything beyond that statement. I have already beaten this topic to death with many other liberal fucktards. "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink"

It really boggles my mind that even though you acknowledge that money is debt, you conveniently ignore the fact that, when offsetting total production, net debt/money supply is new debt origination minus existing debt default and redemption...

The US .gov does the same thing as you and I, when they need money...

They go to their bank (FED), the FED originates the debt, keeps a reserve, and the debt is funded by selling Notes, Bills, Bonds, the same way lenders originate mortgages for you and then sell "secutities" through their SIV to fund it...

They originate debt, keep a reserve, and it is funded by deposits and security sales. FED does the same. They are not in the business of losing money, which is what would happen if you think money is magically "printed"

For the last time... we are witnessing a contraction of the credit and monetary supply... "DEFLATION" If something isn't done quickly, we will surely see a repeat of 1929, or what happened to Japan...

Deflation is currently occurring, and you either won't accept the definition of deflation that dovetails with events occurring as we speak, or you are just being bullheaded (ie Hippy, liberal, leechfuck, sheep, wahhhh my pussy hurts, wahhhhhhhhhh, why is my bread so expensive, wahhhhhh, I need entitlements, wahhhhhhhhh, GIMME GIMME GIMME)

Last time... If credit supply contracts, bond markets disappear, RRE and CRE asset values drop, the M3 increases o.7% yoy, banks cease new debt origination, interbank lending grinds to a halt, multi-CDO/CLO/MBS/ABCP markets collapse, what would you call that? It sure as hell isn't inflationary....

Im done.

My third straight day of watching cnbc and mad money.. still it's a fog with no lifting in sight.

Watching cnbullshit is bad... only good to watch if you are a day trader, and are able to spot the good from the bad...

Books to read...

When Genius Failed
Methods of a Wall St. Master
Reminiscences of a Stock Operator
Market Wizards
New Market Wizards
Way of the Turtle
Trading in the Zone
The Stock Trader: How I Make a Living Trading Stocks
Crash Proof: How to Profit From the Coming Economic Collapse
Fooled by Randomness
The Black Swan
Encyclopedia of Chart Patterns
Confessions of an Economic Hitman
Technical Analysis of the Financial Markets: A Comprehensive Guide to Trading Methods and Applications
Extraordinary Popular Dillusions and the Madness of the Crowds
Maniacs, Panics, and Crashes
"The Art of Contrary Thinking"

And anything written by these folks...
Walter Bressert
Hyman Minsky
Irving Fisher
John Maynard Keynes
William Peter Hamilton
Robert Rhea
Dr. George W. Bishop, Jr
Leonardo da Pisa
Richard Schabacker

There are too many... just like starting your adventures in growing, learn the basic terms, get a general idea, and practice. Download a trading platform that lets you play with play money. (Thinkorswim is a good one) Read whatever you can get your hands on. There is no such thing as reading too much. Go on torrent sites, and download every book you can find also... it all helps.

Don't forget some people don't have a knack for gambling... which is exactly what this is... the difference is, you have all the tools and formulas to give you an edge in regards to the market...

The basic idea is that no one can't reliably beat the market over time, sure some people can here and there for short periods of time.

Bullshit. Last time I checked, average annual market return was somewhere around 5%... ( 5%+ provided you know when to go long and when to short something) Just like a poker game, how much you bet and lose is up to you. Can't lose much if ya don't bet much... stop limits are your friend... either way the market goes, you can make money if you really know what your doing.

But your best off with a long term buy and hold strategy of broad based index funds. Also asset allocation is an important aspect, so you'll want a mix of stocks and bonds that best suites your risk tolerance.

If you do that you are going to get your fucking head chopped off in todays BEAR market... Since my focus is on puts and short selling at the moment , the only thing off the top of my head that I would go long on, are defense contractors such as NOC and GD... war is inevitable...

Buy Low, Sell High applies to Bull Markets.

Buy High, Sell Low applies to Bear markets.

Or if your knack is swing trading, you are able to make money during any Economic Cycle... wasn't someone just saying cycles were bullshit? You are in for a world of hurt if you believe that... Whenever I tell someone to put the pipe down, it is for reasons such as this... (it makes me look like a retard considering I also love cannabis)

This nonsense about ECONOMIC CYCLES is just that, nonsense.

Almost forgot... if your math skills are rusty, you better get your mind refreshed...
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My little pony.. my little pony
genkisan said:
The entire bloated, parasitic, malignant and exploitative monster we call the modern economy will blow it's own rancid asshole out within the next 25-40 years (max).

When it happens, either yer set up in the bush independent of said sick economy, or you die screaming in food riots in the cities.

Im ahead of the curve since I already have a hankerin' for soylent green.

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