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Not growing the way they should?


What STRAIN are you growing? White Widdow
What was the establishing technique? (Were the seed or clone?) clone
What is the age of your plants? About 2 months
What PHASE are the plants in? (seedling, vegetative or flower) are the plants in?Veg
What Technique are you using? Top feed, drip, Atami Wilma
What substrate/medium are you using?(Hydroton, RockWool etc.) Hydroton
What is the Nutrient temperature?Huh?
What Nutrient's are you using? General 3 part
What is the TDS/EC/PPM you are using?1,2 Microsiemens (almost no added nutes, my tab water is pretty hard)
What is the pH of the "Tank"? 5,8
Are you sure your calibration is correct on your equiptment?Just calibrated
When was your last watering? 15minutes every 2 hours, exept at night (18/6)
When was your last feeding change? (ie. grow-bloom-micro-additional) Filled the res 3 weeks ago.
What size bulb are you using? MH 400W
What is the distance to the canopy?1,3 meters
What is your RH Factor?
What is the canopy temperature?
What is the Day/Night Temp? (Include flucutaion range) Dunno, but not too hot and not too cold.
What is the current Air Flow? (cfm etc.) A single fan, not blowing at the seedlings
Is the fan blowing directly at plants?no
Is your water HARD or SOFT?Hard
Has plant been recently pruned, cloned off of or pinched
Have any pest chemicals been used? If so, What and When?no
Are plant's infected with pest'sno

Ok, heres the deal. I took 3 clones from my white widdow male 3 weeks ago, after they rooted I put them directly in my Atami wilma buckets in hydroton. The hydroton was washed and soaked(as good as I could) before this. They all seemed to be ok, and 2 days later the roots were well into the hydroton.

They thing is, they dont seem to grow, and the very leaf tips seems a little burned. The burned thing was there allready when I planted them in the buckets, but the last days I notice a little yellowing.. and only the roots seem to grow.

Is it normal to get a slight stall when you transplant to hydroton?? Im a little concerned about the ec, but my tab water is very high.. Luckily theese are all males.. I have them in there as an experiment before my ladies hopefully go in in a few weeks.. I would sure like to get this problem solved or understood before I mess around with the real deal..

By the way, theywe been in there for 9 days now..



her dankness
Is that fresh, unused hydroton?
When you washed it, did you let it sit long enough to do a proper pH stabilization on the stuff? It tends to go high when you first start using it.
I've never seen this particular system before but looking at the specs, am pleased to say that you are going to be happy with it once you get your hydroton stabilized. I run a home-made cobbed-up version of that thing on a constant flow in 6" pots of hydroton and had that exact problem when I first put in the plants- It turned out to be that the pH of the medium itself was too high, and paying attention to the gradual rise of pH in the nute solution discovered the problem.
You SHOULD be able to run that thing on constant flow over your rocks (it becomes a vertical NFT). Monitor res pH carefully and adjust as needed. It may take a few days to settle down.


uhhh i think u got a problem with that tap water dude :/

what does the water start out as? If it is 1.2 EC with barely any nutes you are probably locking something like mg out with too much calcium..i can't hardly see with those pics tho so it'd def. help if u took more

do you use the same water on your other plants without problems?


I washed it again and again, I endded up cloakin my bathtub drain.. When I fixed the drain problem I washed it some more.. Then I dumped it in a big bucket with water and kept the pH as close to 5.8 I could.. this was done by every now and then adding more pH down.. after about 24 hours I washed it again shortly with tab water. It seems I could keep on washing for an eternity and the hydroton would still cloud the water a bit.. My pH is pretty stable now and I havent had to do very had buffering I think..

My tab water runs in at about 0.8 but I think the hydroton raises it. Isent there anythig I can do without buying a RO unit?

I run mothers in similar system, and they are having problems too. In thair case they are havin lockout problems, but they are at least growing..

I will get some more pics..


i read in a DIY thread that the Mr. Clean Autodry Carwash thing works pretty well. The guy who posted the thread claimed it cut his dissolved solids by 2/3 but I have no proof.

But think about it dude... 1 plant = the cost of an RO machine
if you gotta do it...then do it or suffer the cost to your yield


her dankness
Another thing to remember, since it sounds like your hydroton prep is completely fine, is tht newly-rooted clones ARE prone to using up the stored nutrients in their low fans while they are starting fresh, vertical growth, and some yellowing and drop is normal.


hmm... I sure hope they start growing in a few days.. the roots seem to be fine. Been having all sorts ot problems in my switch from soil to hydro.. But newer seen this before.. Will foilar feeding help in any way? Thanx for the help so far guys..



her dankness
It certainly could; if you choose to go that route, mix your foliar fert a bit weak and mist lightly. You'll want to go with a 'grow' fert with micros in it, since the plant is trying to put out some new leaves- you are seeing it sucking nitrogen out of the old ones.
Good luck anyway.


Domesticator of Cannabis
I have some clones that look like yours maybe worse, they'll be fine. I'll show you after work. Once they have some roots I'll move mine into a larger pot & give them a little food.

OK I believe it's like stinkyattic said. Here's mine around 10 days. I'll wait a couple weeks longer before I feed & repot them. Once they get that they start growing real fast. Some were done in soil, a couple are in straight Pro-Mix BX & I did one in straight Perlite. I heard it could be done so I tried it. Looks good to go. They've just been watered & the soil topped up. I'll only use 4 of these the rest I'll cull they don't die on me often. I'll test a dose of fish with them.

I cut the cutting - place in water than use an exacto to slice below the node @ a 45* angle - dip clone in powder or rooting gel than straight into my substrate that was watered a day or two earlier. I keep the dome on for 3-4 days & have a heating pad.


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Stinkyattic - I'll try foilar feeding with a low dose of grow and micro, and see how it goes. I will post the result when I see one :) Thanx for the help!

sirgrassalot - So you are also experiencing that they stop grow for a week or two?


Domesticator of Cannabis
Bøf said:
Stinkyattic - I'll try foilar feeding with a low dose of grow and micro, and see how it goes. I will post the result when I see one :) Thanx for the help!

sirgrassalot - So you are also experiencing that they stop grow for a week or two?
Yes they seem to stay about the same until the roots develop somewhat. If I neglect them more than I have i can keep them at this size for a few weeks until I can provide the space for them. When they get the first feed they start to show any real growth. They've all perked up after their watering yesterday.

The foliar feed should help, I would start them on a mild diet myself. That should give them the get up & go they need. I've never grown on a water table set up.
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her dankness
REALLY low dose, because they don't look all that unhealthy to me. If those were my plants, I'd just let them chill for another week before worrying... but I AM The Procrastinatrix so you gotta take that with a grain of salt lol ;)


Dr. Doolittle
Sir grass alot, do you know what is wrong with those plants you posted? Cause fish emulsion would not solve the problem too well.


Domesticator of Cannabis
Don't worry about my plants I don't have time to fill out the question chart. Fish won't cure that, who said I would use fish doh. They barely have any roots. Here's all I've ever used to achieve great results. BTW the problem is his clones are not growing not the yellowing. My list below will have my fix. I always add some salt to the soil on the next transplant. If it's anything else it'll have to be fixed with the items below. Never fails, watch.

The clones on the original post that we're dealing with & we should stay focused on, the yellowing has stopped. I'm again with Stinkyattic the plants don't look so bad but after 2 months I would think they should be showing growth. If they were mine I'd give them a mild kick start if they have a developed root system if you haven't already. Can you feed one & not the other in that system?? Trying something with one would be the way to go if in doubt. The only thing that kicks my plants into gear if they're stubborn is a light shot of N.

List of things I've needed to use:
*Potting Soil/Perlite or.....n/a
*Pro-Mix BX/HP.....n/a
*Fish Emulsion.....My Kick start when they have a root system.
*PBP Bloom.....n/a.
*Tap Water...They needed that drink yesterday. They looked like they were growing out of the side of the Mars avalanche before I tended to them. Cannabis is a very resilient plant my clones will grow like the rest without a doubt. See below how they turn out.
*Epsom Salts...Fix up the MG with a foliar or I can wait until the roots suck up the salt of the earth.

My newest set of veggers from my clones.

Below one just entered bloom the other is a few weeks. Maybe I should start writing down the dates I do things. LoL The perpetual will keep you on your toes. There's also a stretcher in between the 2 lights (seen in both shots) I had it as a filler, it's coming out today/tomorrow? I'm filled up on the HPS side too.

There's 3 here & the stretcher
the one to the top left is the oldest,
I think Feb 1st she started.
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Stitch, What is the problem with those cuttings sirgrassalot posted? is it heat? My plants never do that. I root my cuttings in those spongey rootzone plugs. 6-10 days after I take the cuttings roots will show popping out the bottoms. I put em in FFOF and feed em with 1/2 strenght metanaturals 1-5-5 on the very first watering. From what I understand the little extra P helps root and stem development. I don't know if that is true but it seems to be working fine for me. My cutting don't really start to show signs of growth until around a week after putting them in dirt.


Domesticator of Cannabis
Heat what are you crazy. LoL The great looking ones don't seem to be hot. Just the few I posted don't have a great root system yet are cannibalizing themselves until they do. Tough love I want the fastest rooting clones to carry on. This stuff almost grows itself. I spend little time on my clones 10 minutes to set up a tray full. Cloning is my weakest area but I always have more than enough of them. I have my 4 earliest keepers here already, the garden grows.
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Sirgrass I thought it may be heat because friends of mine, who are also not very good at taking cuttings, had their cuttings turn out that way. It was extremely hot in the room where there tray was. They use the same methods I use and have poor rooting rates. I get 98-99% of my cuttings to root every time and the only difference between my set up and theirs would be that my area stays cooler than theirs. Some of my leaves will yellow a little but bounce right back once in soil. they never turn brown around the edges like yours do.

As for the first post I have never had plants take that long to grow. I don't have any advice but I'm interested in what is causing them not to grow.

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Domesticator of Cannabis
If they had a curl upwards with some heat burning & you knew my set up wasn't up to par than heat may be the issue (I didn't fill out the questions). That would be the educated guess.

The whole point here is that those clones will live. The cannibalizing will stop & they'll grow once they have roots. If they don't root they can go back under the dome for a few days. I'm getting some new genetics very soon. I know I have some juicy fruit/nl growing & possibly the one stretcher may be a G13/Buddha. I never kept track of the clones just kept cloning off the clones. So I may not be getting the best yields possible. The smoke is great is why it's never been a concern until now. I feel like some new flavours.

Yes the slow growth, 2 months wow. If you have given them a shot of N lately & it didn't get them growing I'd look into that water issue Ziggaro mentioned.
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Dr. Doolittle
dontlockmeup said:
Stitch, What is the problem with those cuttings sirgrassalot posted? is it heat? My plants never do that. I root my cuttings in those spongey rootzone plugs. 6-10 days after I take the cuttings roots will show popping out the bottoms. I put em in FFOF and feed em with 1/2 strenght metanaturals 1-5-5 on the very first watering. From what I understand the little extra P helps root and stem development. I don't know if that is true but it seems to be working fine for me. My cutting don't really start to show signs of growth until around a week after putting them in dirt.

His problem is his plants have a grower who does not know what is wrong lol.

His problem was they are showing a potassium deficiency. They also look very sickly, like overwatered or something, they are not perky like they should be.