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just got jacked : (


Active member
so one of my old friends i used to hang out with has been chillen with me lately cas he just moved back from colledge.. so you kno i get him a quarter one day and a 8th the next.. then he ask me if i can get a 0 so i say sure...
keep in mind i have known this kid for a long time.. wich apparently doesnt mean shit...
so they come over we start blazing...
right off the back he was looking sketched .. almost like he just did cocaine..
or he was just super nervous cas he knew they where about to jack us..
so he looks at the 0.. then says fuck it i dont even want it...
then 20 seconds later i hear a loud knock on my door.. so i answer it thinking its my roomate or something...
then boom. guy with bandana.... points the gun to my fooking face and tells me to get on the ground.. then says where the weed at... where the weed at..
so i point it to him on my computer desk....
he takes that. along with another jar i had of 14 grams of NL...
and takes a shoe box that had some mushrooms.. ALL OF MY SEEDS.. my grinder .. pretty much all my smoking shit...
luckily they didnt find the plants noir have any idea about them at all...

all in all they took 3 oz... and random paraphaneila ..


prolly the worst day everrr... now i have no weed for the rest of my weed at workk.
and more then likely wont make rent because of this either...

they took all of my hard to get genetics..
i seriously hate ppl , and hope they all get pulled over and arrested.
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Active member
daisy jane said:
That sucks. Do you not have a peephole on your door?

ya we do..
but my friends where already in my room.. and aparantly are front door wasnt locked so right after my SUPPOSED friends came in my room. they just came in the house and then everything went down..


Damn, man I am sorry! you know,,, your lucky! One of my friends got robbed and they also took his life. thats one reason I have no one over I don't sell, and NO ONE knows,,,,there are a lot of dumb asses in this world and they don't care if they die and really don't care if you die! Just don't do anything stupid and try to do any kind of pay backs unless you are ready to commit murder or be killed. In a growers mind whats a couple ozs anyway 3 to 4 months tops. just remember things always work out I know you have seen better days but how can you compare a good day without a worst. I am sending you some positive vibes! lock your doors and try to get some sleep It will be alright tomorrow, peace


Bong Smoking News Hound
This is why marijuana should be legal. Since beer has been legal you dont see anyone pointing a gun for a 40 ounce.


Active member
Georgia Green said:
Damn, man I am sorry! you know,,, your lucky! One of my friends got robbed and they also took his life. thats one reason I have no one over I don't sell, and NO ONE knows,,,,there are a lot of dumb asses in this world and they don't care if they die and really don't care if you die! Just don't do anything stupid and try to do any kind of pay backs unless you are ready to commit murder or be killed. In a growers mind whats a couple ozs anyway 3 to 4 months tops. just remember things always work out I know you have seen better days but how can you compare a good day without a worst. I am sending you some positive vibes! lock your doors and try to get some sleep It will be alright tomorrow, peace

thanks for the love..
and ya im not trying to retaliate. as things could have been way worse. we have dogs. that luckily where in the bathroom cas they where dirty.. those could have been killed.. i got a girl roomate who was gone.. who god knows what could of happend to her...
it just sucks ppl out there would do some shit like that for a 0z of bud..

and it really sucks..
cas now im just uncomfortable living here..
even tho there not gonna come back unless there really that stupid...


Really sorry to hear you got ripped off. Thankfully you didn't get hurt. Takes a big man to not think about revenge, I'd break the motherfucker in half. :joint:


Active member
GeorgeSmiley said:
Really sorry to hear you got ripped off. Thankfully you didn't get hurt. Takes a big man to not think about revenge, I'd break the motherfucker in half. :joint:
i wish i could break those motherfuckers in half.. but that would just bring more shit back this way..
and i dont need that..
i just caint belive it happend
im still just like in a stage of not knowing how to process.
im just like blaa
dont feel like doing anything but thinking about it..
it blows..


Active member
Hey sneakin sorry to hear this.I lost alot of money around christmas in a bad deal so I feel your pain.You said they took your genetics so wouldnt they get the idea you grow and shouldnt that be a security concern? I dont want you to worry anymore than you are now but im just saying..Junkies fucking sicken me and their place in hell is waiting for them..


Your "friend" should be limping (or worse) right now - or else you're marked as a pussy, and it will happen again.

Someone I know sets me up for a jacking, goes missing soon after - big country, little hole for body.

But that's just me...

Closet Funk

CeRtIfIeD OrGaNiC!
Sounds like you hang out with some smacked individuals. I wouldn't even have anyone in my house who I couldn't trus
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Classyathome said:
Your "friend" should be limping (or worse) right now - or else you're marked as a pussy, and it will happen again.

Someone I know sets me up for a jacking, goes missing soon after - big country, little hole for body.

But that's just me...

Thats not the answer! I have been on both sides of the gun! trust me, they will get theirs! I strongly believe what goes around comes around. It was a mistake being in that situation. I have friends come over I tell them: I am not trying to be rude but I don't want company. sometimes they think I am a dick or unfriendly but I have kids and I am not friendly person when I think of the dangers. I am not saying don't have friends I have a lot of them. but theres a time and place for everything. And let me tell you from experience its a pussy you have to worry about if someones afraid of you they will kill you.


yeah I'm really sorry to hear that, but it could've been worse in that you could've been you know hurt or it could have been 5-0. That's some petty shit for them to pull for a couple of zones and some pipes. Glad the garden didn't get raided, keep your head up.


I've never been, but have some friends that have.

Your story is exactly the same as one of my buddies. Dude was selling out of his apartment. Had a dude he thought he knew come up to buy a sack. Next thing he knows a dude is coming in through his door holding a gun. Dudes get away with a half p. Word spreads quickly it was a replica gun and at this point his story differs from yours....

Had another friend get rushed while in his car. They beat the fuck outta him, took his money and weed.

It always sucks to get jacked, but at least you didn't get beaten up and you have your wits about you.


sunshine in a bag
At least you aren't hurt. Don't seek any sort of revenge, just cut off all contact with those persons indefinitely.

Sounds like they got some petty shit. Worse could have happen but didn't.

Good luck w/ your rent this month too btw


This is why is best to not even let anyone know you like cannabis, much less have it in your home. A close family member had the same thing happen to him. They hit him in the head with the gun and cut him open. Luckily someone called the police in his building and the cops caught the guy just hanging out down the street. Clearly he was fucked on something (meth, coke, crack).

I know it sounds paranoid and extremely anti-social, but I find it safest to not even let people know I smoke. Its hard, really hard but sometimes we learn it the hard way.


New member
That's some bad luck right there, friend. I have a buddy that used to sell a bit but he had to pack it all up and get out of the game when all the other dealers in his area started getting robbed at gunpoint. He heard this crew of shady characters knew his name as well and he just said "Screw it, easy money aint worth my life!"

Karma will come around in the end for these bastards that jacked you and in the meantime your story can remind us all to be a bit more paranoid. I've got some shady ex-tweaker living a few doors over right now and when he comes knocking around my flatmate just says I'm not in since this guy figured out I smoke when I came to the door one time with mad red eyes and reaking to high hell. I just tell him I smoke once in a while when exams are over and get blasted then and only then. Can't be letting no lowlifes get word of my workshop and the ladies...
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Active member
thanks for all the positive feedback everyone!!
it helps forsure...
this has been a very insane day..
when it happend it all was so quick it was like it was sureal or some shit..
and as far as him having my genetics and figuring it out.. im hoping they dont put that together as they already where in my house and found nothing as far as plants...
and they where some hood rats who prolly only get mids wich have mass seeds anyways...
so im not just gonna shut my shit down..
if they come back they do..
we are def ready this time...
and just hope that they dont think its cool try this again..
i mean they could have taken computers and other shit but only took some weed..
so who the hell knows what was going threw those basterds minds..


Active member
dude never deal where you sleep... and when it comes to weed friends are like spidermites but you cant spray them with pyrethium to get rid of em. Dont ever forget what happened to you , never thrust nobody and always lock your door when you close it no matter. Your buddy was the catalyst for this. He deserves what he gets. Maybe rob him to make your rent. Id carve out his fuc**ng kidneys and sell them on ebay to get my money back. But Im an assh*le with no friends maybe you should ignore this.