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Mass/RI/Con Growers here!


Beautiful hash Delta and Red_Nine. I can't believe how much this thread is poppin off. It makes my day everytime I check it haha. I've seen just as many elite budshots here as any other thread. I took some flowering pics tonight of my trashbag grow. It's a No Mercy unknown strain.

Side shot



Mutated top

Main Step


Whats up NE, wheres all the Rhode Islander at ??

You've all got some real loovely looking ladies!

just out of curiosity, Kirkland Are you a medi grower here by any chance? I may have met you at an MPP meeting?


Active member
Hey everyone :wave:

Nice hash fellas, looks like it'll rock you good. :canabis:
Grape ape looks to be very tasty mmmm grapey dankness, must be nice.
I'm thinking of making cannbutter with my popcorn and trim so I can make some cookies or brownies. Anyone here have experience? Been reading up in the cooking cannabis subforum. Sounds like fun. Any tips would be appreciated. Take care now :rasta:


ring that bell
ICMag Donor
Hey everyone, glad my last post was taken w/ the love it was given! :friends:

Delta, looking sweet! Beautiful canopy! and I know that hash is killer!

Red_Nine, did you just roll up your dry-sieve into a hash ball? Looks like a chocolatier's Bon Bon, rolled in moca dust! :yummy:

I do have bags, and they can be a PITA, but they do the job as well. If I had the coin, I'd probably go w/ a bubblator type machine. I have read and discussed the process a bit since my last run, so I'll be trying some different techniques my next run @ the end of the month. As it is, I've never been completely happy w/ my efforts to get full melt perfection, and I rarely smoke my hash, more likely to just put some dry sieve on top of what's in my vape bowl.

kirkland, looking good! :D:yes:

Piffington, I usually use oil instead of butter when rendering weed for cooking. Canna butter can go bad if you don't use it right away, while the oil will stay good in the fridge a looong time. Then I'm at the ready when my wife decides she's up for her one brownie-a-year blowout! :wink:

On our honeymoon in Jamaica some 20 yrs. back, we met a dude from Salem, Ma. who had been scoring a bunch of buds in the week he had been there, and brought us back to his rm to burn w/ me and show off. He offered my wife some ganja cake he'd bought and she had a piece. Meanwhile, he & I started getting baked, checking out all the different herb he'd picked up.
Meanwhile, my wife loved the cake so much, she helped herself to another piece. We went back to the beach bar where we were all staying, and within the hr. I was having to carry my wife back to our rm! Next day she was totally toasted as well! I had to carry her out to the chaise lounge and flip her over every 1/2 hr. :biglaugh:
me w/ a collie tree



Hey every1.Nice to meetchas.I cant beleive i found this site..then these forums..then this thread!!!! I AM cellardweller.long time smoker,1st time grower,just finishin some bagseed that I remember callin CANDY (from PAWT.) some yrs ago.pulled all the boys,have 6 girls comin down soon. Anyway Im from RI and just wanted to say I have seen some very awesome things here!! I will post pics when Im a little more versed in how to use all the tools that IC MAG has given us.
When I make butter I usually throw in 3-4 sticks with a little bit of H2O and as much trim/popcorn as I can fit so that it's thouroughly soaked with butter/water. I like to do this in my crockpot on LOW for about 6-8hrs or so. When finished strain the plant matter then squeeze out as much of the remaining liquid as you can. Try running maybe 1/2cup or so of HOT HOT water through it after since the Hot water will melt any remaining butter so it can drain into yr tupperware or storage dish. Cover and leave in fridge until it hardens to a green slab of.....butter.duh.underneath the butter is a layer of nasty green liquid. I usually poke a small hole in the solids and let it carefully drain out.
Use instead of regular butter/margarine in whatever recipe you please. i like making brownies,which calls for butter and oil which can be 'canna-bized' as well by heating yr trim etc. in the oil on a frying pan set to a low-med.low setting for an hour or two. strain and use in place of.......oil.duhagain. :bashhead:
Be careful and tread lightly at first when consuming,too much can ruin your plans quickly,with room-spins,nausea etc.usually overwhelming any 'high' you may have had.
Hash was looking good there red9 and mr.chuckdeltaforce,I've only tried bubble once in CA last year when I purchased a small vial of it w/a sac of Bubba K.I was in love immediately! The bags are definitely my next major purchase.
I've been making PLENTY of batches of BHO lately,thanks to the head shop 1/4mile from where I live(in the quiet suburbs no less!!)that has 100's of Colibri Butane cans that are just begging to be blasted into my stainless steel turkey baster that I do enjoy.Best $10 I've ever spent.
I use a screen and a piece of cotton or papertowel on the end where the bulb was,and for the tapered side I use a needle for a bike pump with the needle inserted into tube.Clamp it on good and it has a good hole for the butane nozzle to be depressed and released. A small amount leaks from the sides of the top but if you have yr oven mitts on and are performing this task in the great outdoors then it's no sweat!! Have a great day you massholes/NE'ers...keep it "Wicked pissah dude!" :headbange

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Highlighter, I put the kief into a piece of plastic wrap/seran wrap and form it into a ball and just start to work it with my fingers. Then I press it as hard as I can, open the plastic, roll the ball around to collect the last bits of kief, then press it again. I find by using the plastic wrap, it doesn't collect dirt/oils from your fingers, and keeps it tan/green color. The more time in your fingers, the darker it will get. I use a silkscreen that you can get at any craft type store. They usually come already stretch on a frame for 10-30 bucks, depending on the size you get. Just make sure you screen it over a clean surface, so when you collect the kief, it's just kief. Very cheap, very easy, very potent.

Delta Force

Remember boys and girls.......................full melt is easier to get when using fresh frozen trim. Yields less but with way less contaminates that break off when dry trim is used..............lets see here. If you get a nice whip like dis you know ur on to something melty

This melted for me

This was a chunk of blueberry bubble made with dry trim. Bubbled up but didn't melt. Left pure white ash tho and tasted great.

Red_Nine- I think fresh frozen trim can produce some of the best tasting most potent stuff out there only to be beaten by well made oil from DA DANK. I have never had well refined dry sieve as it is harder to do and tricky with screens and dry powder....atleast for me. My bags are a cinch and I will never throw away trim again!



ring that bell
ICMag Donor
I always fresh-freeze my trim, and next run, I'll take Gratephul's tip and let it all sit in the fridge for an hr. (trim, ice, h2o). I will also make a mess and bust up my cubes. Thinking of trying to run them thru my meat grinder, haha! My blender doesn't do that great a job. We'll see.

Also, next run I'll be going wooden spoon and leaving out the elec. mixer. I was bummed when my Highend didn't bubble. That's what I got it for!
Just don't do it often enough to get good at it, I guess. :redface:

Man, these posts are gonna set Gratephul OFF! :biglaugh:


ring that bell
ICMag Donor
Here's a bad shot I just took of my 'Resin Heaven' I bought in the late 80's, before Operation Green Merchant went down. After that, I was too sketched out to do anything thru the mail til '02. :rolleyes:

I believe it's a 25 grid screen, and I find plenty of resin that doesn't go thru.

Hey peter pan, how you like the double-potting? I may do it again next rd. I like that there's no real transplant shock from it, and if I'm using old, recycled nursery pots, I don't mind cutting the btms out. Just a matter if'n you have the head room! :D
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I dry my leaves, then freeze them. I always thought silkscreening was easy, so if you say bags are easier, I'll have to give it a shot. The trick with the dry sieve method is to not run it across the screen too much, and also freezing your material first. As Delta said, it allows the trichomes to separate from the leaf/bud much easier. If you dry sieve and get too much plant matter, it won't stick together. You know it's good, when you collect it in a pile, press down on it, and it comes up in a clump. If you apply heat to lower grade kief it will press easier, but if it's good, you don't need it. I also crumble my leafs/buds over the screen to expose as many crystals as possible. I do this a little at a time.

Highlighter, seems like you have the bubble down, I'll have to hit you up for questions when I get some bags. And what set do you recommend? 3bag, 5bag, 8bag, and I was gonna get the 5 gallon size. Any tips or recommendations would be appreciated.

Shine on East Coast!


Whats up NE'ers,

I have been busy as hell lately but great to see this thread flying high, no pun intended. Welcome to all people have stopped in to say whats up, keep the pics coming in everything look WONDERFUL!

HighLighter, I am drooling on my computer looking and reading about the bubble hash. St. Patty's Day is right around the corner, can't wait to harvest and make some more 73, I only have a tiny piece left :cuss: Also if you have a refrigerator that dispenses ice and water you won't need to make a mess, just put it on crush ice and put cups fulls in your bag. I actually didn't realize i had this luxury until the last time i made it. I had made about 4 batches before that. I tend to be a space cadet like that sometimes.

Red Nine, get the bags you will never regret it. I like to use 5 bags, the 220 with all the trim and ice, then 120, 73, 45, 25. I usually just roll the 73,45,and 25 altogether.

I may do a thread where i show step by step how to making bubble hash using different methods so people can try and use what they like.

Anyways here are a couple pics of the ScrOG, she is really starting to come alive and buds are starting to form. If anyone wants to see from the beginning check out my grow diary.

Also i had 5 S99 beans given to me, They were made by American Grower and so far I am impressed. I germinated 5 last monday and they are all looking good. I'll take 100% anytime. Also i hope to find a nice male in one of the five because I feel as though it will be a good chance for me to learn how to breed. I have never crossed anything but it's the next thing i want to learn how to do.

everyone in New England looks like they're kicking the shit out of terrorism!




Highlighter I forgot to mention that not only will i be making wonderful bubble hash soon, but i am going to attempt to make some of that beautiful hash oil i've been seeing, for the first time! I can't wait, the only time i was able to get oil was in San Francisco and one time i got a bottle cap full of it in college. Can't wait to post pics of that in a couple weeks. You were right HL these posts really started getting me in the mood!!!
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trying to upload some pics of the garden...

trying to upload some pics of the garden...



Awesome!! now I know how to do the pics thing!! ok what youre all seeing here is my homemade tent,made out of white table linens(ghetto, i know) a 70 watt hps home depot special,and a 150 watt hps old assd street light. :jump: Im thinking a coupla more weeks until I can harvest. Easy question for you vets here..alot of my hairs are turning red, but my trichomes arent cloudy or red yet.
I should wait until the tri-s turn right? and not judge by the pistils turning color...any help would be really appreciated. Oh yeah..basics.. soil grow (horse poo and miracle grow soil) Nov12-15 germ'd
Nov15-Dec31 Veg'd 24/7 with a little bit of All purpose 12-4-8
Jan1-present 12/12 with Green Light Super Bloom 12-55-6.
Like to thank AGENT ORANGE for the greeting..theres the pics below you asked for..and heres a funny for all EAST COASTERS


New member
:rasta: What's up new england! Looks like there are some real nice things happen on the east coast. I'm a newbie grower and just got things up and running this year. With help of some friends i have aquired some ak, white russian, and a nl cross. :jump: All are in soil and being fed pure blend pro. pics are coming soon!

Lune TNS

Don't worry about the pistils, go by the trichs my friend... nice looking cab you got there, might be ghetto but that doesn't mean you can't get some grade a herb out of it.

Stay pissah :joint:

The Vermonster

Active member
Ronin420 said:
:rasta: What's up new england! Looks like there are some real nice things happen on the east coast. I'm a newbie grower and just got things up and running this year. With help of some friends i have aquired some ak, white russian, and a nl cross. :jump: All are in soil and being fed pure blend pro. pics are coming soon!

Welcome to the best thread on icmag bro.....lots to learn from these guys!!!!!!!

Cellardweller.....if you dont have a microscope go to Radio Shack and get yourself 1 for $10......best investment around....easy to determine when to chop your ladies!!!!!!
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Active member
Man, my mouth is watering from all these hash, oil and butter threads. I've never tried making any but you guys have made me change my mind. HL, I, don't know if I, like the double pot set up or not. It seems like a pain in ass to water them so far but it was a lot easier transplanting them and I have no height issues. Nice buds cellardwellwer, they look tasty. Delta Force Blueberry bubble I, don't think its gets any better than that. grateful great looking scrog setup. Nice to see you dropping in Red Nine, Vermonster whats up.

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