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rollin da spliffies



anyone smoke spliffs? duh i'm sure some of you do smoke them...

but i'm not sure about them. its a different feeling them smoking just weed... its like...stimulating and stuff... i guess its good for parties and the like... where you want to feel inspired but still sorta energetic...

but i'm not sure if i should or want to be smoking these things...


Active member
i am confused i never knew of a diffrence between spliff and joint aside from maybe the rolling technique and overall shape; what is your definition of a spliff?


Active member
Spliffs rolled with tobacco are called; "Euro Trash Spliffs".

i feel people do that because they cant hang with a pure weed joint. sissys...
i just saw a person on youtube say that americans smoke pure joints because the weed is to shitty.claiming the potency of amsterdams weed is to strong for an all weed joint..lol. then he sprinkled some kind bud about a bowls worth into about a joints worth of tobacco and rolled what appeared to be a fat ass joint.. i cant believe ppl do that. i was like uhh no maybe your just a pussy..


I like a spliff, But i have never put any tobacco in one I roll a spliff with 1.5 s Nothing but sticky and yes some times I have to put it out because I am conservative and well maybe I can't handle the whole thing. But I am American and I though kids rolled tobacco/pot so they can look cool Smoking who would want to mess up some good pot with tobacco? And yes there is some shitty pot in the states but theres also some of this.....Cough...Cough....peace n love man DAMN!!!!


I don't know.
I like spliffs. Its like a blunt. Tobacco and Weed combo...

BUT... it can be too much. I think its just when your smoking too much tobacco in general. Spliffs are a good way to kick off a party I find...with a shot...it just gets you going...the tobacco is the stimulant...

what i really like about a spliff is that you can smoke it like a cigarette...more of a on-your-own type of smoke... or share it... but yeah... a joint (pure weed) I think is better shared for some reason... a spliff better individual smoking or maybe with a few friends... whatever i don't know shit


A spliff is by definition a tobacco/weed joint... at least I thought.


put my weed w/tobbacy and you no get my weed no mo.

i hate the taste of any paper. glass only, or vape.


A spliffy=a joint=a tader=hog leg=rabbit (lets go skin a rabbit)=pot in paper

A cigarette made by Marlboro has tobacco

A spliff made by me has pot


spliff (a Jamaican word I think?) is just another name for a jay or joint.

98% UK and Euro smokers roll the entire contents of one filtered cigarette on a large cigarette rolling paper with about half a gram of low grade hash and a half inch roll of cardboard pushed in one end as a "filter"....if they have grass, then they put 3 or 4 parts tobacco (usually a whole cigarette's worth of baccy) in with 1 part bud

I was shocked just how many Euros in their 20's and 30's smoke cigarettes (too much angst?)

idiots!......please keep in mind that nicotine and the other 600 added poisons from our friends from big tobacco do not add to the high in any way (which is usually the main reason I smoke a jay) ...on the contrary, I think tobacco in joints actually takes away from the high and adds a dullness to the effects

if you feel the need to have to add tobacco to your joints then please, for your own health's sake, use rolling tobacco, Drum etc, that has been produced to smoke without a filter...not a Marlboro without a filter

just about all the UK and Euro smokers are addicted to nicotine....I used to smoke the same way for decades.......until I got wise.

if I smoked a joint with tobacco now I would probably white out and immediately yodel in 3D technocolor

I think tobacco companies are missing out on profit..they should bring out a low nicotine tobacco grown organically without additives specifically for Euro smokers to add to their joints.

I roll my jays on a small size standard cigarette rolling paper...usually slim ones with a cardboard filter....I use a rosewood herb grinder....the rolled up filter makes it easy to roll as perfect as a standard packaged cig.....after the paper is licked, you can tug the filter out by 1/4 inch to leave a gap between the filter and grass so you can smoke 100% of it down to the end without sloppy paper and burnt lips...trim off the filter overhang and the about to be lit ends with scissors..a perfect jay everytime!

also make sure to use a minimum of saliva when licking the rolling paper or you might end up with a side burner.....or just wait a few minutes for the saliva to dry.....or lick like a St Bernard and then lick the other side of the joint to stop the joint from side burning

"Roll em, Roll em, Roll em!, get them joints a rolling!"

Happy Rolling!
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Spliffs rolled with tobacco are called; "Euro Trash Spliffs".

i feel people do that because they cant hang with a pure weed joint. sissys...

they mostly smoke hash over there....they don't have a pipe culture happeninng...and alot of the bud they smoke is chemically grown wet bud ........so they add tobacco so the fertilizer laden damp grass or soap bar hash will burn in joint/spliff

tobacco makes your breath, clothes, hair and room stink like a day old full ashtray


Active member
Blunt is more like brown paper and weed combo, that aint tobacco! i like my herb and backy separate, i mean the taste of herb is so much better and i like my cig after i am high not during! i guess if i had to smoke schwag or nuckers i would maybe do that but probably just would not smoke actualy!


98% UK and Euro smokers roll the entire contents of one filtered cigarette on a large cigarette rolling paper with about half a gram of low grade hash and a half inch roll of cardboard pushed in one end as a "filter"....if they have grass, then they put 3 or 4 parts tobacco (usually a whole cigarette's worth of baccy) in with 1 part bud

Well I guess me and all the smokers I know are in the last 2%. I use about half a cig for +0.5g good hash and maybe a quarter cig for weed. It just makes it burn better without having to use the lighter all the time. And it makes your stash go a bit longer...

But each to his own I guess - even though us "Euro-trash" people see to astonish you guys from the other side of the Atlantic...

Couldn't roll with pure spliffs... hm, I wonder which nationality has the most white-outs in A-dam?
dude06version said:
i just saw a person on youtube say that americans smoke pure joints because the weed is to shitty.claiming the potency of amsterdams weed is to strong for an all weed joint..lol. then he sprinkled some kind bud about a bowls worth into about a joints worth of tobacco and rolled what appeared to be a fat ass joint.. i cant believe ppl do that. i was like uhh no maybe your just a pussy..

The first time I was in Amsterdam, I was really dissapointed in the quality as are local bud had been of much higher quality. I was telling this to a budtendor when he says "hold on - i got some really great shit". He lights up a big pre rolled cone and hands it to me. Unknowing to me that just about every dutch smoker rolls about a 70/30 tobacco/herb mixture. Then he goes on to tell me how this is such "great shit". I thanked him and declined any further offers as I dont smoke tobacco in herb...and of course he didnt have any of the bud that wasnt "pre rolled"...

Why do so many coffeeshops work more like used car lots...?

Another group of dutch peopel were trying to claim they rolled the biggest joint in the world . 1000grams. UNfortunatly for them 600grams was tobacco. Making the largest joint still come from NorCaL @ 462g :wave:
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I hate mixing tobacco with weed , id rather just have a ciggerette after. I also dont kno how people smoke "poppers" , its where u cut a little piece of ciggette and stuff it in a popper peice (just a straight tube no real bowl ) and then put weed on top. I think your supposed to "pop" it threw just before the tobacco starts burnin and supposivly the weed smoke going threw the tobacco gives em a diff high.


Well I guess me and all the smokers I know are in the last 2%. I use about half a cig for +0.5g good hash and maybe a quarter cig for weed. It just makes it burn better without having to use the lighter all the time. And it makes your stash go a bit longer...

that's a contradiction!.....you can't be in the 2% of non-ciggie users if you add the processed, chemically enriched, dried out, stale shit that is filled into cigarettes in with your joints

that makes you a 98%er

1) cigarette tobacco does not add to the high

2) "it makes your stash go further"....I used to say the same thing...but it doesn't...after a week of smoking slim 100% pure joints you will never go back to cigarette tobacco with your bud.....tobacco in a joint hides the wonderful subtle cannabis flavors and as well as dulls your sense of taste and smell...leave Marlboro country and really come to where the flavor is..the taste of cannabis.

Sheriff Bart

Deputy Spade
cutting with mullein leaf or flowers is a good way to stretch the stash
might add a bit of drowsiness but otherwise works well, and it smokes well (mullein is even good for the lungs, an expectorant among other things)

but i am one of the tobacco after the cannabis people
i like to smoke on my pipe after, sometimes though i take a hit of the canna, start up the pipe, smokes some more canna, then finish of the tobacco. its kind of interesting, the mix of both the THC starting to get ya and the nicotine peaking


Active member
Started with cannabis in the States. Moved to Europe in my mid-teens, where it was all spliffs. I resisted for 6 months or so. I remember coming back to the states for a vaca, and buying soooo many packs of Eazy widers, so I could go back to Switzerland and roll up my gorilla fingers. I did always love the ciggy after. Pretty soon I was on the spliff train, and that is all I have smoked since.

I smoke a 1/4 oz of canna a day, and the tobacco is loose organic (i'm sure that's healthy) so I dunno how much per day, but I use a container a month. If I was on a deserted island and had no weed, and you handed me a bowl, I wouldn't smoke it. I can say I almost wish that this wasn't the case. It's been this way for ten years, though, and so all of my comparisons for flavor, etc, are done with that in the mix. I guess some people would say that means I am not a cannaseur, but I really just have a different frame of reference. It's like colors. We both know something is blue, but how do you know we're actually seeing the same thing?

In any event, Be kind to you Spliff Toking Bretheren. And I would make the argument that the nicotine works synergistically with the cannabis and will amplify the high. Until you get used to them. Kinda like ciggies on their own. Try smoking 2 packs right now, if you don't already, and you will barf. similar.



I personaly don't think tobacco adds to the high, it just makes you light headed and feel disoriented. So I guess you could say that adds to the high. In my opinion, tobacco speeds up the onset of the high, but also makes it go away faster. It's like smoking a blunt, it seems to give you a rush, but leaves you kinda dizzy. That feeling is much more noticeable when you use good a good quality cigar wrap that is made of pure tobacco leaves.
Someone above said that blunts don't have any tobacco in them, I just wanted to correct that. Cigar wraps are idealy made of tobacco leaf(whole ones too), it is true that this is not the case for your more comercial blunt wraps and similiar products, but that doesn't mean it's not made from the tobacco plant. It is often paper made from tobacco plant pulp, so it is paper, just tobacco paper.
On the spliff thing, I smoke spliffs daily, but I don't use tobacco, just king size papers, plenty of cannabis, and a tip(card where the filter would be), all rolled up in a cone. If I am trying to conserve and still feel that I need a spliff, I just use some trim as filler.