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Damn thats fucked up man. Maybe you can do a guerilla grow somewhere, throw a few beans and hope for the best. IMO buying weed from a sketchy source is a much bigger risk then having a small closet grow that nobody knows about.
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stealth cabinate time..

if anyone else lives in the house with him than its damn near impossible to make it stealth.. kinda hard to deny the sound made from the fans at 3am when its dead silent and everyone is sleeping except your fan lol


My god!!!!
I thought I got hit hard with 1 1/2 yrs probfor paraphanalia...
That's one of the worst screwings I've ever heard. Seems like a good lawyer could have got the evidence thrown out since you didn't consent to a search and they were at your house by mistake.
Either way, you're at where you're at. I agree a guerilla grow is in your future. If you really want that kind, you'll find a way to get it done!


so now this theme of "entering upon will" the cops have in America 2008, do we have to literally start getting shot at our front doors for people to realize no-warrant harassment is wrong? remember, they shoot to kill.
I'm in the same position as you. I got busted and am awaiting court in ab two weeks. All there is around is dirty schwag. We'll see how my court date goes but I may not be even able to smoke for a long time. It is a damn shame.


bagseed77 said:
no funds for lawyer, they are crooks anyway, guerilla it has to be !!

They may be crooks but when you hire them, they are YOUR crooks


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
Bearfootlove said:
the cops in your township/city/bourogh (sp)
all know you grow now
if your not on probation move to the next county or township over
does not have to be far from job/family
but the cops/people in that area do not know you

they do not share info (that i know of)
and you will soon be either forgotten or lost in the shuffle of real criminals

keep it green man

:ying: peace-bear :ying:
moving 1 town over works but if LEO pulls in behind ya when your driviong runs your cars plates they know what you've done. when they get behind me and run me they drive away i have no criminal priors havent been pulled over in 10-12 yrs now lol


That really sucks man, sorry to hear it.

I'll just echo the ideas of others: guerilla grow! Read up on here and do it up! I'm trying my first this season, should be good fun!

Here's to a safer future for ya man!