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Big Pharma Scam Exposed


Active member
Oh no! Not another Big Pharma scam you say. Well, check this out:


Seems that none of the SSRI medicines Big Pharma and Big Allopathy have been selling us actually works! Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft, you name it. It's a fraud. Doesn't work. You'd be better off taking a placebo.

You'd be better off taking a toke of White Widow or AK47 or Train Wreck--because those medicines actually work for whatever they prescribed that big pharma poison for.

The irony of it all is that the stuff that works is illegal. I doubt you'll hear any of this from Big Media.

BTW--It's time for everybody to quit buying toothpaste! Yes, toothpaste. Seems like the stuff is loaded with fluoride, which will make you passive and obedient, and deferential to authority. Also, the fluoride is a waste product from the Uranium enrichment process. They combine Uranium atoms with fluorine and make Uranium hexafloride--a gas. Then they centrifuge that and separate out the fissionable uranium, then convert it to the metal again. This leaves a lot of fluoride gas, which they combine with tin to give you stannous fluoride which is what they put in drinking water and toothpaste. Bet you didn't know that. It's toxic. So they virtually make us ingest it in our water and when we brush our teeth. Dentists even give us that sh*t in a concentrated form of a mouthwash for 'protection'. Buncha fools.

So, drink unfuloridated bottled water. And brush your teeth with Baking Soda. Costs about 50 cents a box and lasts way longer than a tube of toxic toothpaste. Just wet your brush and dip it into the box like your'e scooping some powder out. Then brush your teeth and rinse with half strength hydrogen peroxide. Much better for your teeth, your body and your mind. Also your wallet. Send a message to Big Dental. Do what Nancy Reagan said--Just say NO!. Be a refuzenik. And then wink at yourself in the mirror.


Winkin atcha--


Active member
wow, did you have your foil hat on while yu typed this one out?

i dont buy your toxicity report on the floride one bit, its a naturaly occuring element, available naturaly, and if it was truly toxic, there would have been a case or two about it over the last half-century its been a staple.....

you probably used the chinese toothpaste with the 'extra[read:lead] additive'

as for big pharma ripping people off...
i can personaly attest to the uselesness of anti-depresants...
they used to give me all kinds of shit, makes my weed habit look cheap...
10$ for zyprexia, 25$ for neurontin, prozak, paxil, zoloft, there was a few i cant even remember names to, clorazipam? anyways the pharmacy ticket would get to the 100's and 1000's for each/month, insurance covers most of it, depending on plan...so no one cares.. "its the way it is".... or your poor and you smoke... then were criminals.


The Tri Guy
For severely depressed peeps, a placebo has value. The inspiration of a glimmer of hope for the future can start the recovery process in itself. Though clearly wont solve anyones problems on its own. The history of a "pop a pill and get on with it" attitude is one that will continue though as the cost of actually helping someone is more than can be generated in taxes by that person being well.


Active member
GMT said:
For severely depressed peeps, a placebo has value. The inspiration of a glimmer of hope for the future can start the recovery process in itself. Though clearly wont solve anyones problems on its own. The history of a "pop a pill and get on with it" attitude is one that will continue though as the cost of actually helping someone is more than can be generated in taxes by that person being well.

so if we give them a tic-tac instead of a pill but tell them the tic-tac is a pill then they will get better? but who would make money off that?
i see big companies ripping people off.

there "clinical trial" consists of nothing more then people with pre-determined outcomes due to situation, condition, etc. so they know it will work before they even give it...

but the placibo effect is a nice throw back at them, hope there stocks take a hit, people are dumb, and nieve and will take them with blind faith... there too overwhealmed with a system designed to make money by convincing them its the "right thing"

shiva das

The following letter was received by the Lee Foundation for Nutritional Research, Milwaukee Wisconsin, on 2 October 1954, from Mr. Charles Perkins, a chemist:

"I have your letter of September 29 asking for further documentation regarding a statement made in my book, The Truth About Water Fluoridation, to the effect that the idea of water fluoridation was brought to England from Russia by the Russian Communist Kreminoff. "In the 1930`s, Hitler and the German Nazi`s envisioned a world to be dominated and controlled by a Nazi philosophy of pan-Germanism. The German chemists worked out a very ingenious and far-reaching plan of mass-control which was submitted to and adopted by the German General Staff. This plan was to control the population in any given area through mass medication of drinking water supplies. By this method they could control the population in whole areas, reduce population by water medication that would produce sterility in women, and so on. In this scheme of mass-control, sodium fluoride occupied a prominent place. ...

"Repeated doses of infinitesimal amounts of fluoride will in time reduce an individual`s power to resist domination, by slowly poisoning and narcotizing a certain area of the brain, thus making him submissive to the will of those who wish to govern him. [A convenient light lobotomy]

"The real reason behind water fluoridation is not to benefit children`s teeth. If this were the real reason there are many ways in which it could be done that are much easier, cheaper, and far more effective. The real purpose behind water fluoridation is to reduce the resistance of the masses to domination and control and loss of liberty.

"When the Nazis under Hitler decided to go into Poland, both the German General Staff and the Russian General Staff exchanged scientific and military ideas, plans, and personnel, and the scheme of mass control through water medication was seized upon by the Russian Communists because it fitted ideally into their plan to communize the world. ...

"I was told of this entire scheme by a German chemist who was an official of the great IG Farben chemical industries and was also prominent in the Nazi movement at the time. I say this with all the earnestness and sincerity of a scientist who has spent nearly 20 years` research into the chemistry, biochemistry, physiology and pathology of fluorine--any person who drinks artificially fluorinated water for a period of one year or more will never again be the same person mentally or physically." CHARLES E. PERKINS, Chemist, 2 October 1954.


Quoting Einstein`s nephew, Dr. E.H. Bronner (a chemist who had also been a prisoner of war during WWII) in a letter printed in The Catholic
"bruch yer teet wit bacon soda an hydogin perokside den ye kan get yur gril to floss liek myne"

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Active member
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! This post is the most recent recipient of HuffAndPuff's highly coveted Seal of (dis)Approval. Nice (terrible) work.

All the best,


Been There said:
I see a thread above with medjool rip and someone called medjool posting here. Anyone wanna clear this up?

Please, I second this request. I find this really upsetting. Medjool was my friend and I don't think this is right.


So you are telling me that my mother, who had been chronically depressed and paranoid for the first 60 years of her life when she refused medication, has been faking the lack of depression this whole time she has been taking citalopram (Celexa) ?

Wow, it must be some placebo.


The Tri Guy
When she was prescribed, did she also recieve councelling? The placebo opens the hope gates, and the councelling is what does the good or harm, depending on the councellor. What we need are league lables for particular psychiatrists/councellor showing how many of their past patients commited suicide. That would be more usefull than analysing how happy, happy pills can get ya.


GMT said:
When she was prescribed, did she also recieve councelling? The placebo opens the hope gates, and the councelling is what does the good or harm, depending on the councellor. What we need are league lables for particular psychiatrists/councellor showing how many of their past patients commited suicide. That would be more usefull than analysing how happy, happy pills can get ya.

Dude, counseling? Are you kidding me? You obviously don't understand what true depression is. Some people are born with natural chemical imbalances in their brains, this is not something that can be corrected with counseling. Their brains naturally do not produce the levels of serotonin that "normal" or "happy" brains do. A drug that tells the brain to produce a normal amount of serotonin helps to correct the imbalance.

Some psychiatrist or psychologist with a piece of paper hanging on the wall isn't going to change that. Drugs like SSRI's can help to a greater or lesser extent depending on the severity of the condition, obviously if you aren't truly depressed the drug isn't going to help you..

There is a difference between fake depression and real depression. Some people think they are depressed so they go to the doctor and the medications are pushed onto them. I mean seriously, so many people are on these drugs that don't need to be. Some people can be helped by counseling, don't get me wrong, but those people are the ones who don't need a drug in the first place. It isn't the fact that their brains produce abnormally low amounts of serotonin, it's the fact they are suffering from some other form of mental distress (eg a death in the family, stress at the job)


Active member
wow, did you have your foil hat on while yu typed this one out?

'i dont buy your toxicity report on the floride one bit, its a naturaly occuring element, available naturaly, and if it was truly toxic, there would have been a case or two about it over the last half-century its been a staple.....'

Cancer , Autism, Diabetes, ADD, Depression , etc. etc. etc. are all thru the roof in the U.S. Flouride is not the cause its a contributing factor.But it's common knowledge that it impairs the logic function and processing speed of the brain.......... Unless you believe fox news and wave red/white/blue flags and sneer at all doubters, just drink the kool-aid. To each their own.

OG bub

ICMag Donor
folks chill out, and do yer homework!
Mrs.medjool has passed. and in her RIP thread, her husband announced he will use her handle to continue her efforts and memory.

It is a priv and an honor to have Mr. Med here to contribute..

Peace, bub
OG bub said:
folks chill out, and do yer homework!
Mrs.medjool has passed. and in her RIP thread, her husband announced he will use her handle to continue her efforts and memory.

It is a priv and an honor to have Mr. Med here to contribute..

Peace, bub
Good eyes.


Active member
I have had major depressive episodes as far back as i remember, only i was good at hiding the symptoms for a long time until finally they got the best of me and i had no choice but to deal with it......

I have been through all the main classes of anti-depressants, and i can absolutely tell you that these drugs have no beneficial uses whatsoever.....there are serious side effects to these drugs, such as weight-gain, libido interruption and loss-of-motivation......the most dangerous thing about these drugs is when your body becomes acclimated to them and you stop taking them......the withdrawl symptoms are absolutely unbearable, and you should only stop taking them under a doctor's supervision.......

It has just recently been discovered that the Gastrointestinal Tract has the same receptors as the brain for serotonin......this is why drugs like Prozac cause weight gain and excessive stomach acid-reflux, imho, but the studies have yet to affirm my hypothesis......

Now, i cannot speak for everyone with depression......and i cannot speak for those with bi-polar symptoms or exotic symptoms like seeing things, hearing voices, or multiple-personality disorder.....but in my case, i experienced absolutely no help with my depressive episodes.....it was like my brain just acclimated to the higher levels of serotonin after a few weeks, and so basically the drugs became just placebos.....

Maybe they will refine these drugs and make something that actually works for me someday.....i cannot rule that possibility out......however, the rate at which these prescriptions are written (especially for children whose brains are still developing) is truly astounding and the consequences for missing a dose of these drugs is truly horrendous......that's my biggest fear: it's not TAKING these drugs, its what happens when you MISS A DOSE of these drugs!!!!!

So is it any wonder that a person with major depressive episodes gravitates toward drug-use as a way to find some sort of relief? Finally i found that small doses of cannabis, used intermittently, truly help people with depression cope in the world. Cannabis is truly a miracle drug, but people with depression must use it responsibly....for people with depression, i think it is best to vaporize and only medicate when the depression "trap door" opens up and you feel yourself falling into a depressive episode (people with depression will recognize what i mean by the "trap door")......

:ying: kind regards from guineapig :ying:


Well said guineapig. Like you I have had major drepression as long as I can remember. It just finally flattened me about 15 years ago and I began the RX drug route. Cannabis works for me just as you say it does for you. I was a rather rabid prohibitionist, but out of desperation tried some and the benefit was immediate.
Thanks for the update on Medjool's name, I missed the information somehow. Hello Mr. Medjool, I am glad to see you here, big hugs, I'll pm as soon as I am allowed.

Texas Kid

I just read an article that states high priced placebos work better than cheap ones. The mind is a funny thing eh??

They gave a group of chronic pain patients one placebo and told the participants that it was a new name brand drug shown to be super effective and it cost $2.50 per pill and they gave another group the exact same placebo and told them it was a discontinued bargin basement drug that cost $.10cents per pill. Guess what? the one that was more expensive worked better..lolol mind you, they are both placebos so niether had any active pain medication in them at all.

The mind is a terrible thing.......
