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UK earthquake holy shit

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
WOw, so i just felt my 1st earthquake bout i dunno an hour or so agao...about 3 seconds the whole house was vibrating and my chair shook, everyone on th house was woke up...dwe didnt know what the fick it was, thought maybe a big truck on the road or an explosion, but its just been on the news, it was an earthquake.... apparently it was 4.7..
I know this is nothing to you guys who live where you get em all the time, but this is a big deal in west yorkshire, i mean were not exactly on the san andreas fault lol.... i mean man the whole house was vibrating.....
all the pots in cupboard were clattering on the spot, and my dog went nuts.... and my arsehole was clenched up so tight i doubt i could have shit a sewing needle lol
So who else felt it, and what was it like where you are..... We had nothing broke except a couple of loose tiles off the roof....Im glad my little nephew isnt here.....i hope it wasnt bad where he is
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Elevator Man

Active member
Harry - I'd just fired up a spliff of Cocoa Kush, and was poking around in my veg cabinet when I noticed my fluorescent lights had started swinging. Weird, I thought, and steadied them, took another drag on the spliff, and then 'whump' - the whole apartment block started rattling.

I looked out of the window, and the girls in the supermarket had run out, so I went down and they said all the booze behind them had started rattling and shaking...:)

It was a 4.7 on the Richter scale, between Lincoln and Louth:


Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
i said to my gran( who i care for) it felt like what id expect an earthquke to be but i didnt think it would actauully bloody be one lol...
i bet brum copped it then....

Elevator Man

Active member
Apparently they felt it in London too - quite a big one by the sounds of it - for here anyway. I missed the last one, but the North Wales one about 15 years ago felt nearly as good as this! I'm on the second floor, but I wonder how my friend in the tower block felt...?

I love this stuff...as long as my plants and computers are all fine, which they are...:)

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
certainly makes you realise how puny we are eh
apparently the epicentre was market rasen in lincolnshire.... ive got an uncle in lincoln...might give him a ring tomorrow.....


Resident pissy old man
I can under stand how you feel. For those of us in SoCal, it is not at all unusual, but still a little weird. Especially when you are a little stoned and it takes you a few minutes to figure out wtf just happened! We have had a couple in the last 2 weeks. They are strange, but not as bad as the 4 hurricanes we had in my last year in Florida. Three of them came within 10 miles of my house. That is when I decided to move to Cali.

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
Hi pops...
yeah hurricanes now that is a scary one, very rare here.... the last one wsa "Thre great storm" in the 1980's where bbc tv weatherman micheal fish famously refered to a phone call from a member of the public to the Met office, saying they had heard there is a hurricane coming, well he said "dont worry-there isnt"......lol the biggest storm for fuck knows how long hit within hours.
I dont blame you moving away from that particlaur aspect of natures fury


Harry Gypsna said:
my arsehole was clenched up so tight i doubt i could have shit a sewing needle
I've always wondered what an earthquake felt like, didn't realise all I had to do was squeeze really hard


Well, I'm over 150 miles from the earthquake and we felt it here, just a mild shake for a second or less, made the timbers of the rook creak but nothign fell over or anything. I;d just smoked a pure spliff of 3 different TW phenos and 2 different SD phenos jus tfor the hell of it cos I'm bored as sin and just finished it when the room shook slightly, I just thought hmm, that was strong pot, then I noticed folks coming out their front doors to see what happened. I just pulled the curtains shut and rolled another.

We never have extreme weather where I live - it's just crap all the time! Consistently dreadful really, but we've never been flooded, never had storm damage apart from soem loose tiles once from high winds and once our TV aerial blew down, but when that hurrican hit the Uk it missed us, the floods last year didn't affect us, we are really lucky I suppose, or erhaps god thinks 'those poor fuckers have such awful dreary weather all year round so I'll spare em the rough stuff!'
Where I live....we have earthquakes daily...mostly 2s and 3s.
The fun is when they hit 5 and up.

Last one I felt, I watched a concrete slab move like the ocean. :joint:

Everyone needs to feel one.


The Tri Guy
The only thing I noticed, NW, was the house creaking quite badly for about 3 seconds, didnt feel anything, but for a split second my first thought was subsidence. Then I realised : (i) it was still standing, (ii)I was probably being very silly
and resparked. Now I feel slightly less silly.


so did everybody else clench their bumholes shut really tight as well !?!? like is it a shared phenomenon or unique to Harry Gypsna !?

Fat Albert

Active member
I woke up to a few when I spent last year on the West Coast. The biggest was 4.2 (heh). All I have to say is:

There are few things more unsettling than realizing that EVERYTHING IS MOVING, and there ain't a damn thing you can do about it.

Fat A :wave:

Crazy Composer

Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
An earthquake is something you never forget! hehehe Been through a few of them in Italy, and one in Washington State. Funny thing is... the Italians were calm in the earthquake, but when it snowed for the first time in 30 years, they FREAKED OUT! hehehe There were old Italian ladies in the streets calling for my mother, who had told them all about the snow in the US.


Active member
4.7 is a good one...it can shake that core in the middle and rattle them bones

Hope everyone is ok over there....Some quakes go up and down...some sideway...Sideways is worst...houses starts creaking,roads splitting,balances get thrown out of whack

Most I felt was 6.2.... Woke me up from my nap before school and they even close the school down for the day.

Felt 4 of them so far....last one is near a beach where its a little safer because of the ocean's water absorbs some of the shock,but nonetheless dangerous.


free your SELF
Yep, I felt it alright.

My house already gets shaken daily from the train track running straight past the house. That's what I thought it was until my tv started rocking backwards and forwards and nearly fell off the table!

It only seemed to last for about 3 seconds max. Quite strange though.
yea i woke up this mornin and put it on the local news (canada) and it said that the UK had a big earthquake , one of the biggest they have had or something , so i figured id come on ICmag to get some firsthand reports and sure enough .. good stuff


Yeh I felt it hear in Leicester, heard my desk rattling then everything started shaking for about 5 secs, took me a little while to realise what was going on, I thought the building was coming down at first (live on the fourth floor, thought it would be more likely than Earthquake in England lol), pretty cool once I realised I wasn't screwed, left my legs feeling a bit shaky

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