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Nirvana Haze Outdoors


Well-known member
This photo was taken at new years eve... so where i am it is still under more than 14 hours of light and has a way to go. I hardly ever visit the plant and it was looking a bit dry so i put the water on a little longer when i visited. Last time i saw it it was less than half the size.

Anyone know anything about Nirvana's Haze... is it a rip off of neviles haze or some other variety?

I grew the same plant indoors but couldn't but had to harvest it early.... didn't want to just keep the one plant under lights... so reveged it and put it outside. My other reveged plats didn't really take off compared to the haze.

i'll update in a couple of months or when i get around to it. Should be a bit bigger then if i got the watering right for the harsh summer sun. It grows in a partly shaded spot.

The pictures are taking forever to upload.... so happy new year all. watch out for cops... they are a pain.





Well-known member
Oh... and this is a funny creature we get in australia... looks like and alien... i can't remember what it's called and my cheap arse camera doesn't focus.... but anyway... might be of interest to some.



Well-known member
Yeah praying mantis, that's the one.

These photos were taken on the 15th of Feburary. I really didn't know if my plants would be dead or alive. Well they were alive and seemed relativly happy.

This first plant I was too ashamed to show you last time. It is a Californaian Orange Bud also from Nirvana and it took a long time to reveg. I didn't think it would amount to anything if it lived, but now that it has started flowering it looks like it is going to produce a little bit of bud anyway. The smoke from this plant I didn't find particularly orange, but hell it gets you stoned anyway so who cares? It's still a very strange plant. It's grown along the ground and parts of the plant are still reveging and looking very odd indeed. It did better than the Blue Mystic, which was great smoke, but died in the arse anyway, presumably from dehydration.


carli orange bud 1st of jan


carli orange bud 15th of feb

I'll definitly grow Blue Mystic again, it's a very fast growing plant with very sweet, fragrant buds, looks and grows a lot like Afgan but tastes much better. Worst Nirvana strain I've grown was Big Bug, It was useless, a big pile of leaves and not much else. I don't recomend it at all. If you have to grow it, grow it big, don't top it and remove any small growth so you at least get some managable buds off the plant, or better still grow Blue Mystic. Haze out grows anything so far and survives well in dry conditions, but I cut it young last harvest so I'll reserve my judgement on the quality of the smoke.

The haze has shown good progress since last time. The roofy thing is a bit over two meters to give you an idea of the plant's height, the step ladder should help too as a referance. Birds or someshit have had a go at the top of the plant, but not to worry, birds deserve free drugs too. It hasn't started flowering yet so i'm guessing it might get a little bigger over the next three months. I hapazerdly turned the water up again to compensate for this plant's size, from 10min a day to 20 min a day. The COB won't be happy about the extra water, but fuck it, this haze is my main priority with only two plants in the yard. I could have pluged a few drippers but that seemed too much like work at the time.


haze 15th of feb


haze 15th of feb

I think my calculations were all wrong on the calender, der. I'm guessing this plant will start flowering really soon and be ready to pull in three months if it is still going. This is the biggest weed plant I have grown so far so should be great to see it in full bloom. I never let it go full circle inside because i wanted to harvest all my plants at once due to the large transport times to the property and unecessary risk and electricity costs for one indoor plant. This time i'll give her the time she deserves to mature.

If anyone is curious I don't really feed my plants much at all. I put some cow shit last season and let the chickens run rampage, but nothing this season except some gympsm and a quick turn. That tree in the picture is dead and is feeding the soil. I'll chop it down one of these days before it kills my house with a branch. Most people take way too much care of their weed and do more harm than good. Less is more. If in doubt do less. I gave some plants to some friends and there is an inch of shit on the top of the pots hot composting. The plants are yellow and overwatered to compound the problem. Look at nature if in doubt of what to do. I've never seen a plants growing from turds (except mushrooms), nor have i seen a cow or sheep shit in the one spot constantly. If you don't find it in nature it can't be good for your plants! Stop trying to improve nature, just observe, learn from it and copy it when it does well.

Love mother nature to recive love in kind. :wave:


sunflower in drought 15th feb

P.S. is there still a gaint pumpkin growing thread like there was at overgrow? I want to give kryptonite a run for his money this coming season. It's pumpkin beetle city up here, but i'll give them pleanty of green zuchinnies to eat so they stay off my prize!


Goddamn, that's gonna be a monster. Gotta love the Haze. Nice pics, keep up the good work.

P.S. I would also be interested in a giant pumpkin thread..... may have to start one.