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Michigan Dispensary

Mt Toaker

As many of you may know November 21, 2007 all of the signatures needed were turned in to the state of Michigan to present MMJ on the next ballot this November(2008) and I was curious as to how I could contact dispensary so I could compile some market and financial information so I could start working on a business plan to start one here in Michigan should the bill pass (crossing my fingers). If you post contact information please tell me what state it is in, with that said I would really like to contact Dispensary's in as many states as possible to figure out demographics. 1000 California dispensary's would be great but the economics are vastly different as are the people that business will be done with.

Thanks for your help
Ive never even been to a dispensary before... but I dont think youll have to worry much about demographics.

you should probably talk to a lawyer and make sure dispensaries wont violate other state laws or local ordinances.


I don't think that dispenseries will be allowed under the proposed system for Michigan.

The proposal was crafted with the intent of avoiding some of the perceived problems of CA.

In addition people trying to orginize dispenseries would degrade the probabilities of the law being passed by the voters.

Please consider deleting your post.


I'm a Michigan resident waiting and waiting.
I also personally gathered hundreds of petition signatures.
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Mt Toaker

I have read the proposal thoroughly and it did not mention anything about dispensaries at all. I am waiting for a response, I e-mailed the site that has an entire readout of the proposal, Michigan NORMAL referred me to this site and said they could answer the questions that I had. IF dispensaries are allowed then I assure you that I will be contacting a layer.


This proposed was very carefully drafted. There is only so much that the voters in Michigan will go for.

Hints that the preceived problems in CA are about to migrate to MI will drive voters against mmj in MI.

The concept of dispensaries was intentionally left out of this proposed law just for that reason.

Without dispensaries surveys indicate that the law will pass on about a 60/40 basis.

People publicaly stating they intend to open them will scare voters and could cause this proposal to fail.

Again .. please consider deleting this thread.

Does your desire to make money override your desire to help the sick people of MI?


Active member
peanutbutter said:
Does your desire to make money override your desire to help the sick people of MI?

Isn't that the motivation behind most of those dispensaries ? I've never been to one in California, but the prices don't exactly seem cheap.

:joint: :wave:

Mt Toaker

I'm not trying to get rich off people by any means. But as a business student I see a new and untapped market if dispensaries were allowed but I have received information that they are not going to be in Michigan, people are just growing their own meds. It was a very rare opportunity to start a business in a NEW market. Its not going to happen so I'm sticking with Bio-Fuels


Thank you for confirming that. Such misinformation could cost the election.


As an ex-Detroiter, I wish all you guys the best. I'm hoping it passes. Naw, make that praying it will pass. peanutbutter, here's a cyber pat on the back for a job well done. Way to walk it and talk it, dude.Respect.
Its unfortunate that most dispensaries are owned by money hungry "gold-seekers" but the fact is they are a necessity where there are MMJ patients. Some patients dont have the time/space/energy/knowledge to grow quality cannabis and they are going to need the help of others. Hopefully they will not be forced to the streets. Hopefully our newly elected president will see the idiocracy that surrounds the DEA's continuous raids on medical cannabis dispensaries and allow them to operate freely.

EVERYONE needs to support JacK Herer's Bill for FULL DECRIMINALIZATION (California Cannabis Hemp & Health Initiative 2008)

California Cannabis Hemp & Health Initiative 2008

This initiative will legalize Cannabis Hemp for (a) industrial products, (b) medicinal preparations, (c) nutritional products, (d) religious and spiritual products, and (e) recreational and euphoric use and products.

It will also include amnesty, immediate release from prison, jail, parole, and probation, and clearing, expungement, and deletion of all criminal records for all persons currently charged with, or convicted of any non-violent cannabis hemp marijuana offense.

We're going to need 434,000 good signatures from registered California voters. This means that we'll need 700,000 to 750,000 signatures all together.

This is a very important time for all of us to stand together in solidarity and do what is right for humanity and for the world in which we live. If you are outraged that it is illegal to use this plant to heal the planet and to solve important global issues, then listen to your heart.

Revolutions demand great sacrifices, and your job in this revolution only requires some of your free time to collect 500+ signatures from now until April to get this initiative on the ballot and to begin to heal humanity and the world around us. This is the most important movement of our time and what we are doing now is history in the making. Those who win the wars write the history books, so let’s start writing our own history!

If you're ready to get out there on the streets and collect signatures on the petition then send us your contact information including your name, mailing address, and phone number or email address so we can send you your package to get started! Here’s the link to send your info to: myspace.com/hemp2008.

Thank you.

Jack Herer, Proponent
California Cannabis Hemp & Health Initiative 2008


Mt Toaker said:
And believe me I would rather people receive the medicine they deserve legally than make a buck off of it.

Thank you. That's the whole point.

Learn all you can about growing. Learn all you can about which strains provide the best results for specific diseases.

In a few short months there will be a need to grow for those in need.

Peace bro.


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