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Dry bud


New member
Just picked up a quarter of some outdoor stuff. It's really dry. Some people put orange peels in a bag with it. Does this work? How many peels and for how long per eighth?


Active member
ToKEN said:
lettuce as well. I personally like dry buds though

me too, i love that easy crumble. once it goes past that to bone dry, it gets harsh though. few small pieces of orange peel will do an eighth. about [ this ] big.


picked up a QP a few weeks ago, the quality was great but very very dry

i threw a banana peel in there overnight, one on top one on bottom, when i checked it again in the morning it was perfect and still is 2 weeks later..
I fail to see the problem with dried cured buds. why are you people throwing old fruit peels in with perfectly good cannabis?


New member
Sometimes if my bag is bone dry, I'll take a potato peeler and skim a bit of peel off an orange, like one swipe with the peeler with just a little bit of the white pith, about half the size of the orange. That is usually plenty to keep an oz PLENTY moist for the week it takes me to smoke it. The little bit of peel will dry out over the course of being in with the erb. Any more than that little bit of peel tho, you might end up getting your bud funky, so be mindful! :)
I had the opposite problem last week. Had some of the best sticky I have ever had. Only thing is you would get 1 toke out of the joint. Then, you would have to relight it.

Put some coffee, sweet tea, or spit on a dry joint to make it burn smoother...just behind where it burns. Too close and it goes out. :(

Peace in the tokers den! :D


Smokin on that serious...
buying dry bud means you got the weight you paid for, be happy you didnt pay for a qp thats gonna shrink without you smoking it.


boil some water up and hold a joint over the
the steam for a few seconds. works a treat.


Registered Cannabis User
true like some of you guys said, dry bud is harsh...but you all know the old saying. The more you cough...


lover of all things hashlike
citrus peel can contain mold pretty easily.. id at least recommend something inert like paper. but then again, i wouldnt recommend that most rehydrate their bud anyway, as it is generally improperly done.


Active member
I agree,I don't like the idea of fruit peels,bcause of the possibility of mold.
I used to use paper towell wet with distilled watter.
I started smoking cigars a cpl.yrs ago,so I now have a humidor,& it works gr8.
Most smoke shops that sell hand rolled cigars will sell watter pillows.
Theese are about 1.5"sq.they are filled with those polly crystals that retain watter.
You soke them in dist.watter then they swell up.they come w/a little bag,you put the pillow in then drop into the container w/your weed.
Theese cost around $1.00.

I personaly like to let any smoke I get dry out,& rehydrate.
Evan commercial weed benifits from this curing proscess.



New member
dbuzz said:
me too, i love that easy crumble. once it goes past that to bone dry, it gets harsh though. few small pieces of orange peel will do an eighth. about [ this ] big.

id honestly rather dry that wet. i never put moisture of any kind in my bags, my friend put orange peels in before and it molded. probably not letting it air out enough.. but id rather not risk mold on my dank.


New member
i also find that dried bud burns faster than wet. i throw in a little bit of lemon peel into my bud if its dry and it seems to last longer. tastes great too.

also only leave it in there for a day. anymore and it's gonna mold.