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Finding FatDandy..



No probs kenzler m8..thanks for the thought.

Once I get this kitchen done..
I will haul out the books again..
I know I have read about it in one of them.

:wave: Georgia Green thanks for the info m8..
news and views on LR's always appreciated.. :D

The red JEM vertical phenos are starting to fluff up.... :yummy:
No apparent bud colour yet..but the leaf stems are carrying a definite cherry red.

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I feel in the mood for a Friday feast... :canabis:
so anyone without an indoor grow going...look away now... :D

This is the AK-47 female in the tent..she is filling out nicely..

Now we have the 2 WR.
On the left is the #1....now you can see what I was saying about this frame..she is very scrawny..kinda boney and stretched when she starts..but then she just woofs..she now has the density of the #2 pheno..right.

Now kenzler..you know I said you have to be careful what you wish for on this grow..you wanted purple..
well..not only have I got a Purple on the red JEM males..
I have 2 females on them too..

Look at this..


Purple.... :sasmokin:

2 are still white ATM..but I will wait until they make their minds up..


This is the WR #2..close up with the newly flowering JEM makes me more convinced that she is seed swelling.. :woohoo:
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Georgia Green..are you a LR/AF fan too..
I was hooked from the first original LowRyder I grew.
If you have any photos..or info..feel free to post here..we are all addicts.

zappa66..I will have to ask kenzler about the WR and AK-47..

but the coloured ones are Mossys JEMs... :wave:

Guys..now you can see the difference on the males. The build/tuftiness..

Part of the mission for this season is to get the guaranteed 1 ounce per plant on all the hybrid crosses..
you can guess which pheno we will be chasing..

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Mossy my friend you are a god now i see these colours coming through my summer is going to be a fun one that's for sure :)

So a Purple Male and a Purple female is very good that's for sure you will have to explain more though as im confused as i thought purple male was for the russian????? but that's down to what im smoking on late night's playing with my new iphone plus up with the baby...

zappa66 these are not Lowlife's mate these were from a spanish breeder originaly then i got some and played with them for 4 Generations and this is what we have now.
Mossy shold have a well bulky 1/ 1/2 foot plant that will give him 20 + grams back if all goes well :)

You can go back through this thread to see my grows of the russian from last year if you want to see more of them :)


kenzler..all the colours come from the b.indy...the matt leafed b.indy.

Now...there is also a Shiney leafed b.indy..which I haven't had a chance to play with yet.
In the shiney one...the colours are Metalic..like oil on water.
The Red I have in there..is like deep bright Cherry..with a light in it.
It actually flashes at you..like tinsel..
as soon as I have time...
I will be hunting those down too.
Plus..there is a lavender/blue..that I haven't managed to pin down in either pheno yet...and I WANT IT... :headbange

Thes are the girls in the tent with the red/purple JEM male.

Front..the WR..#3 pheno
Left..the AK-47..
Right..the JEM's.

Point of interest. Last seasons experiments say that LR crosses do better multi seeded into a large pot..
(so they have plenty root room in the first 3 weeks of life)
with the males cut out as they show.
The AK-47 was transplanted into the large pot (20ltr) after she sexed...(because I wanted them isolated for breeding.)
The JEMS have been multi seeded into a clay pot..and the males removed..

and there are 4 girls in that 10 inch pot... :eek:

They have reached their normal height..
yield will depend on how well I judge their ferts requirements.. :smoke:
But..I think I will do okay..
it opens up the possibilities for growers with very confined space..doesn't it.. :chin:
4 of the Verticals in a 10in pot..virtually no lateral growth..
you could fit a few of those into a wardrobe... :yes:

:listen2: Oh..BTW..
I was feeling the 2 WR girls up yesterday...#1 & #2 :D
and those swelling calyx's are packed... :woohoo:
(looks like the first cross of 2008 is going to be fruitful.)

but the surprise was..
WR..#2 pheno smells on the high end of the scale..Exactly like the Reds in my crosses..
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ATM..this is the only maz/lown pheno I have going.
She is good on bud density..

Here is the vertical JEM..in white..

same in purple..
which has deepened so much in the last few days..she looks black & white from above.

here is the shiney pheno b.indy from last season..can you see how the leaves are flashing metalic gold..
I have to chase the "JEM colours" in her.

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mate I see what you mean with the leafs there almost looking like they had a spray on them and I'm a happy boy now the seeding has began my garden will have some colour in it this summer :)
your right on that skinny plant you could fit loads in as it don't branch out much.
will try and get some pics done today also see you all later lads


:listen2: kenzler..what you been up to..
a new iphone is a big present..have you been celebrating something...:bigeye:

I was just talking to another friend..who plans to plant some JEM's in his flower borders this season.. :yes:
I think they will be great.
Size means they can be hidden behind most perennials..
Low grow odour..speaks for itself.
Colour makes them more like flowers than cannabis..

I want to see photos though..

I did check out the border theory last season..you know me..test..test..
Now..with an un-trained eye..would you pick out the canna in there..?

This is the purple in the shiney pheno..you wouldn't have to hide her..she looks like a flower already.. :headbange
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Cheers zappa66..straight mazar x lowryder..IBL.

Guys....looks like the AK-47 x WR worked too..

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This is a work of art!! I had to look close and I have a good eye.

And yes I am a fan! But, I only wish I had your genetics.



Sage and geraniums Georgia Green... :yes:
You can lose them amongst almost anything that you might have in a border.

and who...except a canna addict would expect a 12 inch plant to be canna.
They do not have the traditional Look...or smell :nono:

What is the one you have.
It looks like my original lowryder #1..or is it a cross..?


Active member
Nice work as always, Mossy.

Did you ever notice any difference in yield between your autos inground and in pots? It seems you usually use pots

What size pots are them again anyway? haha, I tried to do a search in this thread for a while but gave up.


:wave: Ganico..
I only have pots..no soil..so I am excited that kenzler and another m8 are considering them for the garden.
They will do okay in 10 ltr pots..or multi-plant in a 20 ltr.
They definitely prefer clay pots..if possible...better roots.

kenzler..what is your favourite colour.... :chin:

The group in the middle are the whites..starting to flower..

now look down to the bottom of those white pistills..what colour do you see..
Purple.. :D

Here is the good news..the red JEM's..in the breeding tent..
look into the centre of tha bud..pink pistills..looks like I am getting 2 reds...along with the 2 purples..

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That's deffo pink mate in the bottom shot and i look forward to seeing that in full bloom :)

Deffo Purple coming through in the other shot mate and i must say in that top shot those 2 girls at the back and packing the size on aint they :headbange

Now getting a structure like that but deep purple which is my Fav colour i must admit would make my day but i also must add the pink Pheno would fit better for Darcey's Gem as she is my little girl and look's lovely in pink :redface:

Also i find no major change from growing in 6 inch pots to anything bigger myself.
I find giving the root ball enough space through the seedling stage and the very little vegging stage is the key point and i will dig a pic out of a root ball from a fully grown male now to show you what i mean and they were 37 days old when they finished there job of seeding my girls which was a LR2 crop if i recall :)
This summer i plan on putting some in a old beer barrel cut in half and packing it with girls or in the flower beds.

I have seen some of the lads online get better yeilds using Hydro though but that's something i know very little about.

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Ha ha kenzler...
the red Is the Darcey cross already in my head...with pink pistils rising.. :yes:

I was thinking something like Purple Passion for the purple russian..as you seem to have a passion for the colour.. :chin:
Now I am thinking Purple Plague.. :eek:

Have a closer look at the WRussians..
they are getting their curves in nicely.. :yummy:
they have started to wink at me now in the light..so they are frosting up well.. :yes:
Just down to a taste test now..to see which pheno is the most afghan dom.

#1 pheno

#2 pheno
I have them on 50% flower ferts..every second day.
I am going to give them some universal next week.
Keep them on a balanced diet..nurture the seed.

I have a large plant pot upstairs..I mean massive..and I was thinking about multi-planting into there.
I thought..if I drop the soil level a bit..it will give them a bit weather protection..while they are tender/soft. I want to see how they would do with almost unlimited root drop.

Nice roots on that one..
they are very different in root requirement to long season girls.

Micro always out grows me in his hydro.
LR and the crosses do seem to love it.
I think..because they are greedy little swines..and they like sitting in nutrient soup... :smoke:
I would like to see one hydro'd in a 40 gallon drum..see what would happen then.

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