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Northern Illinois Univ Shoothing!!!

Lemon said:
Sensible solution: Get rid of guns

American solution: Give guns to students


from my cold dead hands!

I would starve without my A5. When I was in high school we had gun lockers, and could bring hunting rifles to school. Nobody ever got shot. Nobody ever pointed a gun at another person.

The solution is to teach people to be responsible gun owners, hold parents accountable for negligent behavior (i.e. leaving guns + ammo laying around for their 5 year old to play with).

Parents and schools need to take responsibility and teach these kids the proper way to use and respect firearms. "Halo 3" and "Call of Duty 4" are not adequate gun safety courses.

This guy shot 55 fucking rounds at close range and only killed 6 people!!!!
I guarantee he learned to shoot on PlayStation.


This Guy is mess up, Why did he had to do it on V-Day?? Its like the Massacre that happen in Montreal long time ago on v-day too..People don't know the motive but girls issues must be part of the reason.


gets some
As a Virginia Tech alum, I can honestly say my deepest condolensces to all those affected.

If there were more guns, people wouldnt get away with things like this. But Im sure there will be another stricter gun law passed to restrict ownership even further. A ban on guns for law adiding citizens does no good when criminals can and will still get them. Its a sad thing when its easier to get a gun illegally than legally...


Active member
i read about 3 words of this whole thread and they went by too fast for me to remember.....but doesnt matter.

students w/ firearm training and faculty should be allowed to bear arms.

for 1 the dude would have had 2nd thoughts knowing that, and 2nd some one could have offed his ass and saved the lives of at least a cpl good peeps.
stricter gun laws don't make it any better. at my college the campus security aren't even allowed to have guns, so that means if someone comes on campus with a gun, they are the only person with a gun. everyone else is defenseless. it's just ridiculous.


Stoner4Life said:
OH PLEASE pheno, get your facts right.

Since Feb '96 (144 months) there have been exactly 41 school shootings in the US, a figure that is regrettably too high of course. That falls short by 103 of your bloated estimation.

During that same 144 months there were 11 school shootings in other countries: Scotland, Yemen, Canada (2), Netherlands, Germany (3), Bosnia-Herzegovina, Argentina, and Finland.......

Anyone know out of those, how many ended in the gunman committing suicide? I am going to be lazy and guess 99% ended in a suicide by the gunman. It seems it is just another same old mass murder and suicide.

What are the real motive here on the part of the killers, do you all think? I think generally in life, people need to get over themselves. You see it in politics, you see it in people believing ridiculous religious faith based crap and I am guessing that this kind of murder/suicide rampage is just the ultimate deranged ego trip.


A very sad situation, as are all of the recent string of shootings. The effects of anti psychotic drugs in these shooters are interesting dont you think? I dont think fire arms are the correct diagnosis of the situation, how about the medication these people are taking? That kid from Virginia Tech was prescribed a host of medications, as was this shooter.

Just a thought, on a very sad scenario.




I am very curious to see what kind of medication this dude was on. As I recall, the Columbine kids were on meds too. Its odd how the psychiatric meds they give people are so very devastating. Ever read the side effects of antidepressant meds? "May cause suicidal thoughts, anxiety, and depression." What the hell is that all about? The drugs that are supposed to make you feel better often cause more damage. This stuff is messed up. Sorry, but I NEVER have felt violent when pufffing herb. God bless those poor kids and their families...and god bless the shooter and his family too. I pray that the creator can heal this very sick nation....
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durty nugget said:
I am very curious to see what kind of medication this dude was on. As I recall, the Columbine kids were on meds too. Its odd how the psychiatric meds they give people are so very devastating. Ever read the side effects of antidepressant meds? "May cause suicidal thoughts, anxiety, and depression." What the hell is that all about? The drugs that are supposed to make you feel better often cause more damage. This stuff is messed up. Sorry, but I NEVER have felt violent when pufffing herb. Alcohol is another story, but its legal. God bless those poor kids and their families...and god bless the shooter and his family too. I pray that the creator can heal this very sick nation....

I have a dissenting view on the matter totally, while I respect your opinion, and while many people think this way I have a serious problem with these schools of thought.

-It is possible that pharmaceuticals may have had some influence in some of these cases but I think the role is ancillary at best. It distracts from placing the responsibility squarely of the shoulders of those that did the deed. They are ultimately responsible for their actions. They are ultimately the most miserable failures any human can become and they have NO ONE to blame but themselves. A three-year-old knows it is wrong to hurt people. These freaks that did these atrocities were teenagers or older!

-It is not up to God to solve the ills of this nation or the whole world for that matter. The responsibility to do this is squarely on the shoulders of each individual on this planet.


Resident pissy old man
People wonder why things happen like this, but all you have to do is to take a good look at our society. Kids are raised on excessive violence in the movies and on tv and video games. Killers are glorified, and even our so called law enforcement likes to dress up in battle armor,put on black masks and tear down the doors of people smoking plant material and terrorize the hell out of them. Our government loves to strip us of our rights and steal from us at every chance. Is it any wonder we are fucked up?


Shootings also happen plenty of times in China, except its usually government agents openly shooting civilians. How dare those people use the internet.


three for playing, three for straying, and three f
Pops said:
People wonder why things happen like this, but all you have to do is to take a good look at our society. Kids are raised on excessive violence in the movies and on tv and video games. Killers are glorified, and even our so called law enforcement likes to dress up in battle armor,put on black masks and tear down the doors of people smoking plant material and terrorize the hell out of them. Our government loves to strip us of our rights and steal from us at every chance. Is it any wonder we are fucked up?

The effin truth!

Events like this..are symptoms of a society gone wrong. They are not the problem itself. Look what is happening around you. Everything that can go wrong has gone wrong. The world as a whole is heading right down the shitter. And for what ? For profits and and childish desires! This free capitalism shit does not work in the big picture! It is not sutainable! Shit salesmen make more money than scientists (who are really trying to make this world a better place!). This system of values and our understanding of money only gives way for profiteers and scumbags! We live in a world of finite resources, if we think of everything as money. Sooner or later there will be a small group of people that owns the most of it and a giant population that has fuck all! (we are allready there but it will get worse). This is pure Neo-Feudalism!

And 95% percent of the people do not see that! They are basically naive sheep that believe in free meals...so i somewhat understand why it's so easy to pull the trigger these days. But like i said before..if you are going on a kamikaze mission anyway, might as well go to the source! (by that i mean the people who use their intelligence not to help but to exploit!)
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I agree with Jack Ripper in most all of what he said in this thread.

I have a few thoughts to add as well(take em or leave em)
-i find it interesting that noone in the classroom had a gun as well. (i know of oh prob 10 schools in the south that have individuals carrying on them at ALL TIMES)
(shit even that crazy lady in tx i think? was in church and there were at least 3 or 4 people there with guns... church!)
-whats with people that need to killthemselves, taking out others as well? is it this random thing they have with trying to feel important? maybe they want others to suffer as well as them? shit i think we need a public service announcement to all future psycho school/church/whathaveya shootings, and tell them to go off some obnoxious figurehead or something. At least then it wouldnt be completely senseless... why cant you just killyourself in peace? alone? its not like anyone cares anyway..... christ....

and the final thought. i dont know how many of you have shot any guns, but i would bet my fucking life that if i were handed a semiauto rifle/handgun/etc of any kind, i would have at LEAST a 55% death rate per shot. i mean do these people just run in scream and shoot at the ceilings and walls yelling about their issues and then off themselves.

good riddance, glad they're gone.

however, my thoughts and condolences to all teh families affected. they were in no way deserving of this and now they have to suffer teh consequences of an incredibly selfish, and foolish, individual.


Active member
Instead of locking up innocent people smoking or growing pot, the majority of which never caused harm to anybody, they should lock up psychotic, murderous, addicted, legal pill poppers, like the pathetic loser who went berzerk in the university. And the loser shooter sounds like he was a mental case. If anybody becomes erratic or dangerous because they must receive their legal medications in order to function normally, then they need to lock those people up. Throw these dangerous people in jail before they get a chance to go postal, and release all of the non-violent pot smokers.

Heath Ledger recently died from legal pills also. It seems as if the media got bored with his death as soon as that was found out. You can bet the media would still be reporting on his death if there were illegal drugs found.

:joint: :wave:
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Active member
LiveGiveTryDie said:
Oh great, lets start an entire faction of incarcerated people based on who the *government* claims are mentally ill.

Why not, it's better than who the government currently locks up. Most legal pills are far more dangerous and addictive.

:joint: :wave:
No, it really isn't. The problem here, I believe, is that someone got a gun and decided to use it improperly. Prevent them from getting guns, but don't lock mentally ill people up. That's just another totalitarian scene waiting to happen.


Active member
LiveGiveTryDie said:
Prevent them from getting guns, but don't lock mentally ill people up.

I guess we'll just have to disagree on that, because I certainly do believe that people with certain types of mental illnesses should be locked up, if they are a danger to themselves or especially to others.

:joint: :wave:


Active member
NOKUY said:
i read about 3 words of this whole thread and they went by too fast for me to remember.....but doesnt matter.

students w/ firearm training and faculty should be allowed to bear arms.

for 1 the dude would have had 2nd thoughts knowing that, and 2nd some one could have offed his ass and saved the lives of at least a cpl good peeps.

what the fuck else can i say.


News loves these things

News loves these things

I am 100% convinced the the media and news reporters (nancy grace devil) love when these things happen or they would not glorify these murderous bastards by posting their faces everywhere so they can get more ratings. What you then get are outcast worthless people that want their one time in the spotlight because they dont feel important repeating this over and over and over again. Then you combine the anti-depressants with this and there you have it. This world is so fucked up. Full greedy people that need their lives to be validated on a daily basis or they cant funtion. :bashhead:

Lets not glorify these loser bastards by showing their faces.

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