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Blueberry bananas


New member
Hi.. I grew out some bagseeds and one of them turned out to be real bluberry! Very potent unmistakable heavenly smell..

So I want to preserve the genetics for my next grow. I have my lights running during night time outside, so I plan to bring her out for a walk every day, put her on the window for a couple hours and let her get some real sunshine.

Hopefully this will produce some bananas on that beauty because of light poisoning, and than I can catch pollen for my next grow.
Can anyone give me some additional advice what to do besides that or is that a good idea?

Here she is grown in 1.5kg of dirt under 400w hps..



New member
Hehe.. thanks.. Those buds are packed so tight and heavy I think there would be some serious damage if I whacked someone over the head with it. Damn.. that would hurt.. and would be a really weird way to use cannabis now when I think about it..

ermmm anyways no info about how to pop some bananas in a simple but a more certain way? I have no giberlic acid, colloidal silver or anything like that.. only stuff you can find around home usually..
Will the 3-4hrs of sun during the usual sleep time do the trick?



Stress them out by just switching up the light cycles. Go in your grow room and turn the lights off randomly for an hour or 2. One day dont turn them off at all or you could let them sit in darkness for a day. I know by screwing w/ the light cycle and not keeping it constant will cause a hermie, also cold temperatures will do that so if it's cold outside sit it out for a bit (not too long you dont want frost bite). Stressing the plant by not watering it when it needs it, like go an extra day w/o water, but again dont let them shrivel all the way and die.

I'm sure more experienced growers and breeders will have better ideas but these are the basics that i know of. I wouldn't use any of the silver just do to the fact it seems weird putting that in your plants to force it to seed, when you can just do it a natural way. Again im not knowledged in this so maybe im being biased because i have never done it and don't know everything about it.
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A better way would be to simply let them flower longer than usual. That is Soma's way of making feminized seeds.

But I would recommend revegging or taking a clone.


kronique420 said:
I am soooooo jealous....

looks great. :rasta:
i would have to agree with that ic mag member. those look delicious. i would literally kill for something like that!! well done mate.