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Nitrogen/other deficiency?



I use the botanicare line...

Are you sure he didnt mean to use what I use....

Which is the pure blend line...

Its always a serious mistake to use stuff that hasnt been well tested....

Im not familiar with this fert.... while Im not mr chemist I did not find a source of iron...

to me thats inexcusable.... by them.....

Just a little advice...

Im switching from botanicare and am going to use either flora nova or the flora series 3 part use 2..... pure blend is easy to use but more expensive.....

I would suggest you find a mentor here on IC who grows well....

If you had a question on pure blend or flora nova there would be people with experience to help.... or pure blend pro(hydro)

If your plant recovers the current leaves simply will not matter....


The plants dont care...

Here is a thread with several common approaches...

It would be my recommendation that you follow one of them.....

Im pretty good at this... yet you couldnt convince me that its not in my best interest to do so as well....

If you watch this forum.... very few that follow those methods end up here....

mostly its newbees doing weird shit.....frankly....


Personally I think I will go with the GH flora series.... which has 3 parts.... grow bloom and micronutes.... it also allows you to make adjustments in the ratios...

However a method has been worked out so that only the micro and bloom are used....

This is known as the lucas formula....

Lots of people use it....
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Thanks again Pepe... Freezerboy posted this in my grow diary:

"Your problem looks exactly like those suffered by poisoned huts. Put them in another room, hut free, and see if they come around.


an open letter from HydroHut"

What do you think? A friend of mine grew successfully in it before I did, so I'd like to think that's not the case....

*edit* Btw, my ph is rising .1 every hour (5.5-6.1 in 6 hours)... I know it's supposed to raise normally but this seems like it's too much...
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Dr. Doolittle
Are you growing in a HH? If so then remove them.

No, that is a normal pH rise, plants remove what they want and causes the pH to rise. You want it to rise.


Unfortunately I have nowhere else to put them...I could take the vinyl sides down, but then I wouldn't be able to sleep...


Dr. Doolittle
Are you growing in a HH? Yes or no?
If you are growing in a hut, you have no other choice but to do so, your plants will not recover if they stay in that hut man.

They WILL die.


Yes, like I said i'm using an original HH...my friend used it before I did without any problems though, I find it strange that it would start giving me trouble after he used it successfully but I don't doubt it. I don't have anywhere to move them though, so I guess they're going to die. I can't afford to get a new tent either...


Dr. Doolittle
Did he grow pot in it too?
Well, the only way to find out is if you remove them from the hut, if they get better within a few days you know it's the huts.

You can remove them from the tent and put them away from the tent, but keep them in the same room..... they are small enough to keep under fluros.


yeah he had a few dank harvests in it, and its a couple years old so I thought it was safe... I really have no room for them anywhere else, I am thinking about trying tricknology's green cure fix or building a new one though I'm totally inept at projects like that... I cleaned the crap out of it last night but I couldnt find green cure in the store so I might order some if Trick's babies make it...


Dr. Doolittle
Something had to of changed, this is very intresting.... so he did not complain about any problems, did you see his harvest?
Was there something that you did do that he did not do, like have more lighting in there? did he keep his tent open more than you did? He have the same fans/stengths as you did?


I'm waiting to hear back from him so I can find out exactly what he did that I might not be doing.

One thing that kind of sticks out to me is that I wasn't running the vortex until a few days ago, so they just had a clip-fan running and passive intake... I'm also wondering if an intake fan might help.

Will post asap once I find out what his conditions were.


Dr. Doolittle
Well if you are having a problem with the hut, vernonmonster posted a thread about a public reponse to what hydro hut company is doing about the problem, you can read it here:

Hi guys....found this on another site and figured all of you guys who got screwed should read it.........gl

Open Letter from HydroHut to the public

In the last several months, HydroHut has been made aware of and pursued a problem with some of its Huts causing a peculiar plant yellowing leading to plant whitening in certain, sensitive plants. While the issue did not arise in all plants, or all Huts, the existence of a problem was not conducive to our product's mission.

After several months of extensive testing, false positives and much interaction with the public regarding this matter, we have found an EPA approved compound that isn't stable in our plastic and that causes extreme stress to certain sensitive plants. In the future, this compound will be removed during manufacture.

Our focus has been directed at how to remove this compound from the plastic and to do so in a way that we could retroactively repair any HydroHut already in the field. As of February 2008, HydroHut will be repairing any affected HydroHuts at its facility. The exact process by which we repair the HydroHuts is extensive and proprietary and it will be carried out by a trained staff at our locations.

We fully understand that this situation with our product has adversely affected many clients. For this reason, we are standing behind our product and are offering anyone who has been affected a way to have his/her HydroHut repaired free of charge.

Any client, be they end user or store, can arrange to have his HydroHut shipped back to our Los Angeles facility for processing, free of charge. The HydroHut will then be shipped back to the client free of charge.

All inquiries for HydroHut processing should be directed to [email protected] with no exceptions.

Please provide the following details in the email:

1) Size/model of affected HydroHut

2) Number of affected HydroHuts (only the HydroHut brand will be accepted for processing)

3) Address where the HydroHut can be picked up by UPS call tag (make sure someone is there to meet the UPS driver) Do not use a PO box as UPS will not pick up from a PO box

4) A name to whom/which we can address the package going back to you, the client. (We will make a good faith attempt at getting your product back to you. If nobody is at the address to accept the package three times, the package will be sent back to Los Angeles. Any further attempts to get the package to the client will be paid for by client.)

5) Please remove your HydroHut canvas or skin and box it up. Do not pack up your poles or hardware. Do not remove your frame. Do not attempt to ship us your frame or other items. We will only be call tagging the canvas in a box. You must provide that box and properly seal that box. We will send you a call tag for a specific weight based on the email you send to us with your HydroHut details. Again, we will only be taking back your canvas for processing; no other parts or hardware will be accepted. Leave your frame set up and intact.

6) We will make every effort to process and reship your HydroHut canvas within two weeks. This is not a guarantee but it is our goal. Please note that ground shipments across the USA can take up to 8 days! Even if we process your HydroHut in only one day, there could still be 16 days of ground shipping, 8 days coming to us and 8 days going back. Be patient. Most clients will not have to wait two weeks. Every attempt will be made to expedite each HydroHut.

7) If a store has new HydroHut, still in its original box, the canvas can be re-boxed in a separate box, and the canvas will be returned to the store new and folded, ready to put back into the original box. Please keep your original box at your store including all poles, hardware, and instructions. Do not send us the entire unit.

While this entire exercise may be time consuming, HydroHut is doing all that it can to rectify this problem as quickly as possible. We apologize to everyone for the difficulties incurred with our product, end-users and stores. Without a loyal standing of clients we would be nothing. It is our goal make this situation as right as we can. Thank you to everyone who has stuck with us through this difficult period.


Yeah Stitch, I've seen that before, the trouble is people are having problems even with their replacements still, and I don't have the receipt also.


Dr. Doolittle
Arg that stinks, well when you know more information about what was different and such, come back here and post it. Cause something is just not adding up....... if the HH is affected and why was it not messing up his grow and is with yours....... if this is true something he did with his that you are not doing with yours is causing a problem.


Ok, so I talked to my friend. The only differences we could come up with were that he was always running his vortex at medium or higher, and the problems I had in the beginning (my ph was too low, I was underfeeding and no cal-mag.)

So I cut off all the new yellowed growth, and the old growth seems to be alright...here are pics:






So..I'm going to keep up my current regimen of 300ppm powerplant/80ppm cal-mag and foliar feed with that+epsom and see if the older growth yellows or what.
i have had problems that are identical to this, and i've never grown in a hydro hut. I thought it was PH, but i got nowhere constantly monitoring it. I was using GH 3 part in hydro and coco coir, both had the same symptoms you are having. Very strange because i have always used RO water without using anything like Cal-Mag and my plants were great before, but suddenly this problem has been persistant in all my babies.

I tried epsom salts and it did nothing, never tried the Cal-Mag though. I just don't get it, 3 part has chelated Fe in it.


Dr. Doolittle
Older growth will not yellow, unless since you cut the newest leaves it will end up thinking the leaves you have now are the top parts and affect it..... the problem will not go away..... If your friend had more air flow going in and out of the hut then that would make perfect sense why his is not affected, but yours is.....

The problem with the huts is a compound/chemical that is causing the stomas in the plants leaves to close therefore shutting down photosynthesis.
The only way to fix it is to remove them from the hut and allow them to get fresh air. If he had more fresh air circulating in there, the buildup would not have gotten as bad.

Also depending on weather or not he kept his hut open too.....
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Oh, yeah I meant newer growth sorry.

I stopped by the hydro store today to run it past them, and the first thing the guy asks about is my water... so I tell him 200ppm tap water, and he suggests to buy filtered water or get an R/O system. This is one thing I didn't ask my friend about his set-up! I'm 100% positive his water was much cleaner than mine, and I'm thinking that will definitely make a difference. The current kids seem unhappy, but in a different way, which is encouraging because it tells me (intuitively at least,) that I was the cause, rather than the hut. I'm getting orangish/rust coloring on the edges, but no more yellow.. it's definitely different, so I'm going to cut out the epsom salt in the foliar, and use better water and see how that goes.

I may or may not try to save these current kids, they've already been through so much, and I'm going to be out of town for a week, so I'm thinking about just shutting everything down until I get back, and replanting new kids with fresher cleaner water, leaving the vortex and clip-fan for now (I've been told that should be plenty of ventilation, and that's what my friend did before when he used this hut,) and see what happens. Also the guy at the hydro store recommended different nutes and another calcium product instead of cal-mag, but I'm going to use the rest of what I have left before I shell out more $ for that. OH YEAH, and I also encountered my first PEST... tiny tiny black flies. Are they an issue? I WANT TO NUKE THEM.


New member
its the hut

its the hut

Ive been there done that, its the hut. Every bit of advice you received was also given to me and still the girls never got better. Look at the older leaves theyre nice and healthy, after being in the hut for a little while this yellowing started to happen, tried all kinds of different fixes, and nothing got better. I was also using the same nutes and ppm ph meter at a friends and everything was perfect, BUT there was also no HUT !!! hope things get better for ya.. peace

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