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Can you guys please tell me if this is a calcium or magnesium deficiency or nute burn? I say another post that had similar leaves and I couldnt tell how you guys knew the difference. The DJ BB(blueberry muffin pheno but I think its a male) has been given very light nutes but every watering after about the first 3 weeks. The Lavander was given low nutes at first, got yellow so I upped them and it has been fine until now. Overall, the plants are not yellow like these leaves are.

What STRAIN are you growing? Curley/Mutant Leaves=DJ's BB, Other=Supposedly Lavander(never heard of it before tho)
What was the establishing technique? BB=Seed, L=clone
What is the age of your plants?BB=2 mos, very sloooooo growth, L=2 mos
How Tall are the plants?BB=3", L=7"
What PHASE (seedling, vegetative or flower) are the plants in?BB=still looks like seedling, L=veg, almost ready to flower
What Technique are you using? (SOG, SCROG etc)BB=nothing yet, too small, L=scrog
What size pots are you using? (Include how many subjects to pot)BB= 1/2 S Liter bottle, L= 1Gal
What substrate/medium are you using? What brand of soil mixture are you using?(percentage of perlite, vermiculite...etc?) both using 50/50 FFOF/Perlite + 2TBS dolomite lime/gal
What Nutrient's are you using? BB=FF grow big 1tsp/gal, L=FF grow big 2tsp/gal (every watering)+ FF Big Bloom 2tbsp/gal (last 2 waterings only)
What is the TDS/EC/PPM of your nutrients used? ???
What is the pH of the "RUN-OFF"? about 7
What method of pH test was administered? Using Strips? pH pen?strips but everything says about 7 Brita h2o and runoff. just got a fish tank pH test kit, will test tonight and see if thats more accurate
How often are you watering?BB=every 5-7 days, L=every 5 days
What size bulb are you using?4 42W CFL's
What is the distance to the canopy?BB=3-4", L=2-3"
What is your RH Factor? (Relative Humidity)< 30%
What is the canopy temperature?80-85max
What is the Day/Night Temp? (Include fluctuation range)day mid 70's-80's, night lowest maybe mid to high 60's but getting warmer now
What is the current Air Flow? (cfm etc.) 167cfm
Is the fan blowing directly at plants?airflow goes across canopy
Is the grow substrate constantly wet or moist?wet/dry
Is your water HARD or SOFT?use brita water filter
Has plant been recently pruned, cloned or pinched?BB=no, L=been training/scrog'n for 4 -6weeks
Have any pest chemicals been used? nope
Are plant's infected with pest's?nope

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I know this question is probably asked everyday but cant someone please tell me if Im on the right track or not? Its hard to tell by the pics in the sick plant guide and Im no expert.. just looking for a second opinion


Take Five...
Were the leaves that deformed growing on the plant? Where (pert of plant) did these leaves come from?

Can you post some full plant shots of different angles?

I'd get that ph confirmed and sorted first. Runoff 6.3.

I'd really suggest investing in a digi pen for the most accuracy and chance at success.


The leaves from this Lavender came from a couple nodes below the top. The damage seems to be on most branches, a couple nodes below the top. Now the damaged leaves are very crispy, they werent when I first posted.

Sorry this ones blurry, this is the BB and its very small. I cut off the 2 big leaves near the top of the plant and just bent it over sideways to encourage more growth underneath. The 2 leaves in the pic in the first post have the most obvious damage. yes the leaves have been mutant from the start which I believe is normal for some BB phenos.

Thanks for looking guys! :rasta:
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Take Five...
Mag def for sure. Maybe cal too.

first thing is to get that ph confirmed before you add anything.


Dr. Doolittle
What Nutrient's are you using? BB=FF grow big 1tsp/gal, L=FF grow big 2tsp/gal (every watering)+ FF Big Bloom 2tbsp/gal (last 2 waterings only)

That is a lot and since you don't use at least one watering in between feedings.......
I would flush the plant out a little bit, looks like it has a buildup and the last plant looks like it has salt buildup.
Left over stuff the plant does not use.
You should always have at least one plain water in between feedings....
If you don't want to do that at least feed 2 times and 3rd just plain water real good.

Yes you do have a magneisum problem and since there is only what is in your nutrients lime and water, there is not enough and needs supplemented. How long have they been in this mixture?
the flush has to be done, after the flush you need to foliar feed with some epsom salts and when you feed next, add some epsom salts to your feedings, since you feed every 5 days, I would use around 1 tsp per gallon of grow big. As for the smaller plant..... 1/2 teaspoon per gallon. I would flush her out real good too, You are also growing out more than one strain, and you are growing out blueberry which is very picky to nutrients...... what nutrients you give your other plants, the blue berry may not like that amount.
Did you put your seedling in the FFOF mixture? If so it needs to be flushed out, FFOF is too hot for seedlings and burns them and if you fed them, it made matters much worse.


I actually did a partial flush on Saturday but ran out of water. I put close to a gallon of water through the L 1 Gal pot and about 1/2gal of water thru the BB. I read you're supposed to do 3 times the container size so I came up a bit short. Since they didnt get flushed as well as they should have, is it ok to do a better flush when they dry out again? Or will they be out of food by then and need a light feeding?

Would Cal-Mag be ok instead of epsom salt?

I'll definately switch to nutes every other and not every watering. I did start the BB's off with foiler feeding strength nutes and slowly worked up but I never skipped feedings since they showed some deficiencies (yellowish tint and purple stems)

The L has been in this 50/50 mix since it was well rooted and ready for HID lighting. The seed started in a seedling starter mix for about 3 weeks with peat, wood bark, vermiculite and I thru in some perlite. I should have used more perlite and added some lime but at least I know for next time. I had one other BB (non mutant) that was grown from seed in the same mixtures, for the same amount of time that was as big as the L but turned out to be a male so it was chopped.


Take Five...
Hi yes calmag is better than epsom, I wouldn't foliar feed C/M though, start with 5ml/gal, a maintenance dose, and see how the plants react. If it improves but still not great, do another dose. If it improves and greens right back up, you are good for awhile. Keep in mind cal and mag requirements go way up during heavy flowering. Foliar feed is okay for quick fixes but too much can lead to molds and mildews from the high humidity.

Do another flush with plain, ph'd water when they dry, add the calmag water (nothing else) at the end when you are done flushing, just put enough water+c/m through till you get a little runoff. Remember calmag is 2-0-0 so take that N number into account when using c/m. You can effetively double your N and burn your plants. If they are small, use the c/m alone and when they are bigger, under brighter light, etc you can use the c/m with your nutes and the plants should handle it, carefully with the BB and BB crosses.

Don't feed until a few days after you give c/m to see how they are reacting. There will be plenty of food in the soil for the next week or so.

One more time, do not ignore ph. You haven't confirmed it is correct yet and if it is out through all this you will be doing harm to your plants. You need an accurate ph reading.


HeadyPete - Sorry I didnt mention pH, but that is the first thing I intend to do before adding anything to the soil/water. I'll pickup some calmag and maybe some pH up/down depending on the findings. I'll give them a proper flush in a day or two, add 5ml/gal to the last bit of water and see how they react before feeding them anything else. I'll definately be careful with the BB as I've always read they like very low nutes only.

Thanks guys!


Dr. Doolittle
Also remember never to use FFOF soil and always use a seed stater mixture for seedlings, or something equivalent to small amount of nutrients. No time released ferts should be used on seedlings.


MynameStitch said:
Also remember never to use FFOF soil and always use a seed stater mixture for seedlings, or something equivalent to small amount of nutrients. No time released ferts should be used on seedlings.

Yes.. I didnt transplant them to the FFOF mix until about 3weeks and they started yellowing a little bit. I dont think the started mix was areated sp? enough and it may have been a bit too acidic but definately no nutes in there.


No nutes in the starter mix I used, mentioned above. "The seed started in a seedling starter mix for about 3 weeks with peat, wood bark, vermiculite and I thru in some perlite." I've read that peat is acidic and I probably should have added some D.Lime to the starter mix. I definately needed more perlite.

I pH'd the runoff and I think Im sitting at about 6.2, the plain water seemed to be around 7.0. I flushed the L with 2 more gallons, the runoff was clear after that, then I used the 5ml/gal CalMag. We'll see how she likes it...


Take Five...
Sounds good. You don't have to lime the peat. You can just ph up your ferts to the point that counteracts the acidic peat and brings the media ph up to a good spot. If you do lime the soil, do it a couple weeks in advance of using it as lime is very slow to break down and affect ph. I don't use lime anymore and I supplement cal and mag with CalMax, although there is some in my tap water. I need to add C/M about every 9 days, 5ml/gal.

You should notice improvement from the calmag in a day or two.

Take care and good luck.


I pH'd some of the seedling mix but the water was kind of murky. When I added the testing drops, they turned green and best I can tell, Im somewhere between 6.2 and 6.6. I actually threw a couple seedlings into this mix the other day but didnt realize the lime took a while to break down. This is the seedling mix I used, any idea if this might be too acidic if I mixed in about 30% perlite? I probably shoulda used more perlite, this mix is still really thick and might be tough for young roots to penetrate. It looks ideal for seedlings/cuttings but maybe too acidic ehh?

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