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Maple Leaf Garden - 2008


Grower of fine herbs...
Everything is looking really good over here bro. Keep up the great work. sorry I havent been around much.. but school has to come before ICmag sometimes hehehe. Peace brother:wave:



The Tri Guy
Loved the recap of 2007 buds, beautifull photos.

Just signing in so I dont miss any more of this thread as it happens.


Registered Medical Patient
Hey bro'...glad to hear ur temps are in order!!!Im pretty sure mine are too, just by the way they are growin...Funny about the Mumbles...Mine look exactly like that pic posted by Dog..however, almost 1 week into 12/12, and they are not stretching much @ all!!!Im hopin for the best. Lookin like females all the way, by the way...Anyhow, lookin great and soundin great, we are rockin it hard in '08!!!Peace my brotha...

- Zeus


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
Howzit brother..?? Hope all is well i just thought id cruise by peep the scene. It all seems to be clicking as usual ill bbl to peep some more girlies.. peace..



Pass That S**t!
WHY THE FUCK AM I ALWAYS LATE??? :jawdrop: Someone start an RSS feed for TML's grows!!!!
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pontiac said:
Someone start an RSS feed for TML's grows!!!!

I second the RSS feed! Mmm Summer temps, I can't wait. The winter has been horrible (no snow) :bashhead: Let us know how the sexing goes, wear protection man haha :rasta:
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Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
High Lowlander said:
Hey TML!
Whats up?
How'r the plants doing?
(This is just a shameless plug for an update) :redface:

I talked with TML the other day, he is having some serious PC issues that are causing his absence. I can tell you that his plants are doing well, we did talk about that

But for the next little while, you won't be seeing TML around, till he gets his issues taken care of

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
GMT said:
I knew keeping a computer in an igloo would cause probs once the ice melted.

LOL yeah G, but nothing melting in this area anytime soon

I will pass along everybodys well wishes


Grower of fine herbs...
Yo doggy, can you tell TML I wish him luck with the PC issues!!! Im sure his ladies are doing fine.. Cant wait till you get back here TML:headbange



Snow Grower ~OGA~
Long overdue replies

Long overdue replies

Hi All!
Sorry for my unnannounced absence. I thank Dr. Dog for holding down the fort while I've

been gone.
I appreciate all your concern and positive comments.

I still won't be around "full time" like I usually am. I thank you all for your patience in a

rough patch for me.
There's nothing I'd love more than to be back on my comfortable schedule and spend time

here with you all at IC :smile:

Sleepy - Thanks bro...You're too kind :smile:

Maj. - :yes:

NK - Concentrate on your schooling my friend :friends:

GMT - Always great to have your vast knowledge at hand. Glad you're sticking

around :headbange
:laughing: Yes, right now wasn't a good time for me financially to lose a PC.

ZeusOGrefugee - Glad you're having great luck with your Mumbles. I'm loving mine

too. Going to go a couple rounds with her :woohoo: I'll be around soon to take a look into


sackoweed - Thanks!
Looking forward to showing you my girlies :lurk:

pontiac - :laughing: You're never late brother...it's just great to have you by!
:biglaugh: Thanks for the good laugh.

Insomniac - :biglaugh: Man...you guys are really hitting on all cylinders. Some good

laughs left here for me to get too.
Thanks for the patience...Hope I can keep up a little better :smile:

High Lowlander - :laughing: Noone ever has to feel shame in the MLG! :smile:
An update you get...even if it is a tad late.

FarOut - Very much appreciated :smile: Hope this thread turns out to your likings too.

Dr Dog - Thanks for keeping the men up on my absence and keeping the place going.

Much appreciated bro :respect:

I have brought with me an update for you all. I hope you enjoy :lurk:


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Much needed update

Much needed update

Finally! :bat:

Here's getting you all caught up:
I have only 3 plants left in flower and they are now on day 19!
White Widow-1
Afgooey X StrawD
were the plants to prove thier femininity.

The other plants were male and were culled :badday: RIP

All 3 of my ladies have been successfully cloned and will see another round :yes:

How about I shut up and proove it with pics?

White Widow

^ You can really see the "Tipping" work I did on her. I did it with all my plants but you can see the example best on this plant. Core should be proud I'm using his "Tipping" method for this grow :smile:


Afgooey X StrawD

^^ My single cola'd Goddess :canabis: She's all trimmed and proper under those fat, green leaves. Ready to start producing some icky-sticky!



^^^ Looks like I'm in with a PPP looking pheno :woohoo: The true Mumbles :yummy: Glad I have back up clones of this plant :yes: It could be an interesting prize.


The Clones

^^^^ The Jiffy tray works wonders! :bow:
A heating mat and dome was just what I needed to make things work in my favour here. Even in a sub-zero wasteland of snow and ice, I was able to pull off roots in only 7 days :woohoo:
I simply turned the veg box on it's side and removed all but the 23W bulb. I left heating mat on 24/7 and lighting was 18/6.
The proof is in the pudding...

They will be transplanted to soil today. I will keep 2 of each...just in case one of them doesn't work out to my likings :chin:

Thank you all for putting up with my absence. We all know the real world comes first and sometimes it's hard to find time for our hobbies.

It's great being able to share this update with you all...I really hope you enjoyed :lurk:

The new cab is working out in my favour

Thanks for all your support! :wave:

Old Soul

Active member
Glad I found this. Looking good TML. Like the new cab. Plants are looking very healthy, you would have never known what they went through.



Grower of fine herbs...
Everything looks really good TML! All three of your ladies are looking prime.. The widow especially. Im growing a widow cross right now.

In the areas of my studies.. They are going really well this semester.. Im making sure to put school before IC.. Thanks for thinking of me buddy. Cant wait to see some colas on these babies!!!!

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