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Any one used GH FLORA SERIES nutes?

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Active member
You can use it. It is kind of an industry standard. You would be better off by going with flora nova from gh which is ph stabilized. You won't need to buy ph up or down. Yet, you will have to buy grow and bloom. Unless you are growing huge plants, you will use little veg and more on the bloom side. I only topoff with my bloom. So, it goes a long way to say the least. A 1 quart bottle of bloom will last me through several crops. A 1 quart bottle of veg last for at least 1 year. I veg for a week or 2 and go into my flowering.
check out seemorebuds.com. I use their setup, kind of.


stone fool
You still need a PH meter with floranova, unless you have magical water like Chosen does, and yeah I know it can work that way in some water, but not mine. I have to adjust PH daily, and that would be the same here no matter what nutes I was using. Either will work for you.


Active member
You can cheat a little. Go with Bottled water if you are on a smaller scale growing cycle. Then add some molasses in to correct the deficiency or cal mag. Check your ph every couple of days. After you've played with it for awhile, you will know what you can get away with or not.


New member
Flora Nova is great though. I still have to add a little ph down to my tap water, but the flora nova seems to keep things stabalized compared to some other nutes that I have used.....Also it's not too expensive, and you only need two parts, grow and bloom!
i'll give em a try, what bout ph up/down?

i'll give em a try, what bout ph up/down?

can i use natural things as diluted vinigar and soda or i am way better with ph up/down?
i asume they are bout 10$ on ebay so if i already invest all that much a 10 $ expance will not bring me down.... but still...
what do you think?
thanks for the info guys!!


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Vinegar only works for a few hours. You'll be adjusting 2-3 times a day. Never had to climb up the pH ladder so I don't know about baking soda.

You don't need all three parts of the flora series, just FloraMicro and FloraBloom. I stopped using the green stuff (flora grow) years ago. Now I find it's the famous "Lucas Formula" Who knew?


GH Flora series is the shit! I've used Advanced, Pure Blend, Supernatural, Dutch Masters and probably a few others. With the GH 3part I get quality plants, no res problems, great quality and yield. I keep coming back to GH because it just works...WELL. Go with GH, you can always switch it up, but I bet you always use use GH with success... Good Luck!


Baking Soda has SALT in it, check the Ingredients label--------don't give your plants saltwater.

GH is a damned fine product, just remember to shake the living shi*t out of it before pouring, you may even have to stir it with stick. There is substantial settling of solids and it can actually get pretty stiff and gooey at the bottom. It's worth it though.



Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
I haven't seen precipitate in the Bloom (pink) only the Micro (brown) and it's ugly. Especially in DWC where it collects on the roots and induces root rot panic.

The bottle says mix with equal parts of hot water and use at double measures. This works to a degree but, I have to wonder how it affects the roots ability to absorb while covered in sludge.

Note my current bottle of Micro is at LEAST 5 years old and has been stored in the garage where winter temps routinely dip into the 40's. Don't let my poor storage choices steer you away from a great product.


B.C. Hydroponic Nutrients
All the way :p

Best PH buffer out there, iv tested with many different types of water with PH ranges from 4 - 7 all balanced out to 5.5ish give or take .2


You can probably offer $25 and the guy will take it, still $30 is a deal for this stuff.
Been using it for 2 grows now and works FABULOUS.

If you dont want to worry about PH like I dont, then these are the nutes for you :p

EDIT>>> Wow just ran across this great deal !!!

Can beat that!! FREE SHIPPING!!
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Im currently having Cal/Mag issues with Floranova bloom lucas formula. After this cycle I think im gonna go with 3part Flora series.


FreezerBoy said:
I haven't seen precipitate in the Bloom (pink) only the Micro (brown) and it's ugly. Especially in DWC where it collects on the roots and induces root rot panic.

The bottle says mix with equal parts of hot water and use at double measures. This works to a degree but, I have to wonder how it affects the roots ability to absorb while covered in sludge.

Note my current bottle of Micro is at LEAST 5 years old and has been stored in the garage where winter temps routinely dip into the 40's. Don't let my poor storage choices steer you away from a great product.
Yeah, I've had problems with long term storage of nutes, especially FloraNova. I think FloraNova is a little unstable, I know people who love it but it never really worked for me. The 3 Part is unbeatable IMO. Im one of those guys that, for years, would try new systems, bulbs, genes, nutes, additives, and the list goes on and on. I have boxes and boxes of old shit from dutch master, doc's, an, botanicare, bc, ionic and more. The shit that gives me no hassles and consistant results is gh 3 part. I always add bloom boosters and a litte thrive alive (red) plus some calmag and banana manna... No ph swings, frothy shit, root problems or defs. In my opinon, 3part, as a base, is the cats pj's...


Don Cotyle

Nothing wrong with the GH nutes I use em all the time, Run the Lucas Formula, if you have a magnesium problem give em 1/8 teaspoon of Epsom Salts per gallon one time end of problem! I love the stuff



eLiguL said:
Im currently having Cal/Mag issues with Floranova bloom lucas formula. After this cycle I think im gonna go with 3part Flora series.

I was having the same mag def. issues at first using GH with Lucas formula. I started adding epsom to compensate.

worked ok but i went to the other forum where Lucas is still posting and asked why I was having these mag def issues. He told me I should be running full strength nutes from the start of DWC under hid lights and my mag issues will go away. I started running full strength 1300 ppms @ .7 conv from the start of the next grow.

He was right! no more mag def. no more epsom. no reservoir changes either.



Just moved into the hydro realm. Read these forums up and down and settled on some FloraNova Bloom for my first go. Great stuff for noobs like myself. Grab a bottle get those ladies growin!


Active member
JohnnyToke said:
I was having the same mag def. issues at first using GH with Lucas formula. I started adding epsom to compensate.

worked ok but i went to the other forum where Lucas is still posting and asked why I was having these mag def issues. He told me I should be running full strength nutes from the start of DWC under hid lights and my mag issues will go away. I started running full strength 1300 ppms @ .7 conv from the start of the next grow.

He was right! no more mag def. no more epsom. no reservoir changes either.


no reservoir change? is this a common thing?

I thought that i should change the reservoir at least every 1-2 weeks...