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Newspaper article & growers opinions on it

Hello to all. I apologize in advance if this is mis-posted, but I didn't know where else to put it (enlighten me, if need be)
I read this http://www.timesunion.com/AspStories/story.asp?storyID=654989
in my local paper this morning and found it kind of hard to believe....does anyone actually seek out weed specifically grown hydroponically, as this suggests?? And as for the why's of growing, my own understanding is because it's much faster than soil, hence, quicker to get out there. Am I not right?
And what about the notion that "organized crime" plays a major role in production and distribution? Seems like more of the same ole anti-pot propaganda to me.
But what do you all think?
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Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Largely bogus nonsense written by an idiot. The idea that hydro weed is more valuable, potent or sought out is, well, nonsense. This reminds me of a local article that described "sinsemilla" as the most powerful new strain available.

I've no doubt today's weed is more powerful but, sinsemilla is one of the biggest reasons. In the 60s-70s we knew just enough to get into trouble and we DEMANDED seeds in our weed. We knew it meant female but, didn't realise it also meant an 80% drop in quality. Once we learned seed production put a stop to THC production we demanded our weed be seed free.

As to organised crime ... http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=16281


That is absolutely ridiculus! ... Pot; More dangerous than ever? ... Have they taken a look at the alcohol stats recently? or is that ok coz drinking some chemicals mixed together couldn't possibly b as bad as smoking a dried piece of a plant! ... These people are morons, and I'm saying this from a biast opinion obviously bt if u look at the FACTS without an opinion, u can clearly see that marijuana is not highly dangerous, and if they think Hydro is in greater demand and a thousand times more potent, they've been watching too many fictional movies about drugs. A shit strain grown in hydro is NOT going to b better then a superb strain grown in soil.

In my country a "drug kingpin" was targeted by police, they moved in with a full swat force to find!!!!!!!!! ... An 80 year old lady growing 12 small plants for her own medical use, jst enough plants so one harvest lasted till the nxt for her (They arrested her etc. .. prolly feeling a bit foolish and mean bout it) ..... (sarcasm: Now, if she was a "drug kingpin" then, oh my, I must b the drug overlord of the entire world, i mean, I grow some plants so me, a few of my family members, and my mates can socially hav a few joints or relax after work or wat eva, I must b a horrible, horrible criminal who should b stopped at once!)

Sorry bout the long post bt people like the guy who rit that article jst piss me off.

Hav a good day :)


im not sure if you noticed but cops, press, govt, dont know JACK SHIT about weed (or much else)but they love to try to sound smart, and who can blame them with all this BRAND FUCKIN NEW high powered maijuana


I Blame little fucking street dealers, trying to get their weed bought. I hear all day "Yo i got that killa hydro". I don't even say shit, because they won't believe me. It's ridiculous! There are a few myths about weed that will never die because of silly stoners not knowing any better! The day i start growing the right way (the $500-600 way, not $30 ;-P) will be my happiest day!!


Jebus11 said:
I Blame little fucking street dealers, trying to get their weed bought. I hear all day "Yo i got that killa hydro". I don't even say shit, because they won't believe me. It's ridiculous! There are a few myths about weed that will never die because of silly stoners not knowing any better! The day i start growing the right way (the $500-600 way, not $30 ;-P) will be my happiest day!!
Mos Def. bus

I ask the dude, so what u got for me - hes like -SOME DRO some DRO- im like, ughhh- and they never get it. Some people swear on it like its a strain. gets really anoying


Organically grown medicine is the most sought after by dispensary owners in Cali.

I am sure that has to do with the fact that the patients consuming it are health conscious people who don't want crap in their systems. But it sure doesn't hurt that along with a healthier product comes better taste and scent.

I think that the truth is, only light, heat, air, and moisture can degrade the psychoactive properties of cannabis. I really don't think a growing style has much to do with a more potent plant. Obviously if the growing conditions are lacking in a organic grow but a hydro grow suffers no environmental disturbances, the hydro will be more potent and vice versa.

I am sure, according to the "officials", hydro is more potent, hydro is everywhere, and hydro will end up in our children's laps. There is a couple of problems with these notions....

#1 We are the officials. We know how cannabis affects us and the dangers surrounding the plant. If smoked it causes lung disturbances. Though we can drive while using it, probably shouldn't.

#2 This is a massive and ongoing ploy to keep the people productively providing monies to be spent on prohibition.

Although things have settled somewhat in certain parts of the world, things will not be settled until the people are in charge of this plant. Let's think about it for one second. You and I are responsible enough to walk into a liquor store and buy a gallon of Jack Daniels, drink it, and trust that we are not going to get on the freeway and drive head on into a bus full of citizens!!

But i can't smoke a joint.

mmmmm.....ok......so when do we have to stop eating this bullshit?