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Hi all, i have been told somethin at my local grow shop about envirolights and im not sure if it is right so i was hoping that some1 on here could shed some light on this matter.
What it was i was told was that if im only growing for personal use using envirolights i would be better ONLY using the blue light in veg AND flower cycles as using the blue would give me tighter buds than if i used the red light, is this correct? I have both sets of lights but i must admit the last time i used the red the buds wernt that tight but the smoke was gr8. I hope some1 out there can help me with this as i want to switch to flower this weekend, many thx

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
I think you have it backwards
Blue light is for Veg
Red light is for flower


Dr dog i have used these lights in past, blue for veg and red for flowering. but like i said i was in my local grow shop and the guy there advised me to stick with the blue throughout flowering period aswell as in veg as it would give me denser buds as a friend of his has been using these lights for years and after various experiments he found that he got thicker denser buds sticking to only using the blue lamps. What i was told didnt make sense to me but i have used his advice in past and had no probs but i wanted to know if any1 on here had heard of this method. many thx dr dog

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
It would seem it would be the same as using a MH lamp through entire grow. A mh lamp is full of blue spectrum light and that greatly imitates spring light. On the other hand, a HPS lamp has more red in it, which greatly imitates late summer fall light.

I tend to believe Grow shops guys advice too, when I have any issues that is who I go talk to, but I don't see how all of a sudden nature is wrong


it as very confusing, what im gonna do is follow his advice and start a thread off, documenting the outcome

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Sounds like a plan, I will check out your progress, I am interested in this as well


Tom 'Green' Thumb
I find when there is a lack of intense light the buds usually are not very dense. Using a blue spectrum flourecent makes sense as the light is not as intense as an HPS or MH and the blue spectrum might add a little more density. At least it seems common sense, but I don't have too much experience with flourecents it's just an idea.


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