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EnDo's NeW AnD ImPRoveD MuLti StRaIN DWC


IcMag Resident Comic Relief
halo was fun, but that 3 on 3 stuff has got to go, that and i think the stoli and punch was starting to kick in. good games though.... catch ya later, you guys gotta see the aero cloner.. i pulled out all the ones that had roots and planted them, now the ones that werent showing roots have like 3 in long shoots all over. gonna have to plant some more.. if i could only get the sd ibl and og to root, wed be in real business.

side note, the cali o and others are starting to get big enough to take clones from, still young but they are like 4-5 nodes up, thats enough to clone the top right?

my plan is to get the tops cloned and rooted and toss the seed plant into flower to determin sex. that way i have some in flower and i can let the clones grow into nice bushy mommies. someone else started a thread on how o7 was a shitty year, i would have to agree, by the looks of things.. 08 should be good.


IcMag Resident Comic Relief
ahhhh beautiful morning everyone.

gotta water them all when i get home tonight


Are any of those your DSD's? They look real good man. I have a question... i tried to put some germed seeds in happy frog soil conditioner because i didn't have any soil, its been like 3 days and they haven't cracked the surface, i dug down a little and they dont look like they pop out anytime soon... if i find them and transfer them to real soil do you think i can still get them to pop out? Love the greenery



IcMag Resident Comic Relief
dude i dunno i dont even know what happy frog is, i would say dig out the seeds and try to get them in real soil real fast. i dont mean to call you a beginner but, i know a lot of mistakes i make is being a beginner and trying to get all complicated with things.. i do it all the time.. thats why i **** shit up so much. all those enhancements and what not sound nice on paper but i have never gotten them to work out for me. ill leave that till i get some more experiance. ever heard of K>I>S>S? keep it simple stupid? if its one thing i have learned in the last few years of gardening, its that the more you try to do and add and mess with and the more complicated you make it, the worse the fall is going to be.

it is much easier to diagnose a problem with 1 variable than it is to do with 10. that being said and me not knowing what happy frog is, if theses seeds are already germed and popped, you may not be able to transplant them into another soil without damaging them and seriously stunting/stressing them.

my advise, start a few beans, in regular soil and get them going that way you have a saftey net. then start messing around with stuff. i learned that lesson the hard way.

and yes there is 4 dsds in there, can you pick them out? they are the ones with the super fat leaves... they are starting to look awesome, they havent been watered in a few days and are kinda dry and thirsty, i expect some really good growth in the next few days after i water them.

good luck


Edit: kinda felt jerky while typing this, if it came off that way it was not intended. :headbange
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oaktree said:
Are any of those your DSD's? They look real good man. I have a question... i tried to put some germed seeds in happy frog soil conditioner because i didn't have any soil, its been like 3 days and they haven't cracked the surface, i dug down a little and they dont look like they pop out anytime soon... if i find them and transfer them to real soil do you think i can still get them to pop out? Love the greenery


probably cause that stuff drys out so quick, should have just took some soil from the buckets in outdoor plant.

and no shot in saving em, tap root probably deadso.


Endo glad you got some work done, I missed ya in halo 2nite, I finally got my game back on was MVP for like 3 games. I'll talk to you 2morrow.

btw...your vegging in soil? I thought you were putting em into dwc? i get so confused with all the stuff you got going on.


Looking GREAT, dude! You've got a lot on your plate right now, but you must've shined up your green thumb recently because those girls all look REALLY healthy. Not sure why the OGK and SDIBL aren't putting out roots, though. Have you got that figured out yet?

Question about the cripple creek... does she respond well to FIMming / multiple toppings?


IcMag Resident Comic Relief
i dunno about the cripple man, i really havent gotten lucky enough to work with her in flower yet, though when i had the mum going in dwc to try and get some cuts rooted, she seemed to respond pretty well to all the cutting and pruning i did with her, so if thats any indication.

yeah so i spent some time last night and got the hydro flower bin going. and watered and moved all the seedlings and clones in vegg so that they were closer to the lights and what not. everyone seems happy. im hoping the next week or so is productive for the now flowering plants. ive been very unluck as far as flowering in dwc has gone. i used like 5/8ths strenght flower formula and 2/8ths vegg formula my only concern is that the vegg formula is organic. PBP, and the flower nutes are chem, im hoping there will be no algea probs or deficiency this time around.


It's ok endo, i remember k.i.s.s. from elementary school haha, i guess thats taught all across the country. The only reason i didn't use soil was because i didn't have any, other wise i would have... i put them in the happy frog (a bat guano and earth worm casting soil conditioner) because i didn't have anything else and i was really just hoping it would work, not really counting on it to work.

I have 3 more beans germing at the moment, i'm going to try and save the others but i'm not counting on it...

Are the DSD's the 4 right in the red cups right behind the actual pots? thats my guess.

Thanks for the info and help endo.



IcMag Resident Comic Relief
i actually cant tell, and i moved them around, and forgot to look. good luck oaktree, youll get it in tune eventually.


IcMag Resident Comic Relief
pics from this morning..not much change.. everyone doing well and growing.. gonna transplant to bigger containers soon, thats about it.

shitty flower prob.. dont know what keeps going wrong they do great in vegg then go to shit in flower.. i just dont understand.



Endo what's happening to them? I wish i could help you out... but as you know i'm a hydro noob. I hope you can get them back on their feet. Good luck. On the upside your other plants still look great.



IcMag Resident Comic Relief
update for this morning... im seeing some kind of def in the vegg area, been foliar feeding for the last 2 days with fish emulsion and the problem seems to be correcting itself. any one know what it is?



IcMag Resident Comic Relief
found out what the problem was... it turns out to be the hydro hut, i pulled them all out and moved them to a closet.. but im thinking it might be too late.. ill have to do some trimming and stuff and hope everyone survives. ill have some pics for yall later...

for more info on the hydrohut situation...


contacted the company and they dont have the 2x4 model to send me but they are going to send me a 3x3 model. for free.. great customer service.. i hope.. more updates soon.


IcMag Resident Comic Relief
so i got rid of the hydrohut and purchased a c-24 cab style from home depot. working out beautifully as far. i have a few plants in the first week of flower, now that they have recovered from the HH syndrom.. 8 out of approx 25 survived. anyways.. ive got clones in the aero cloner and some babies in vegg. and thats about it for now.. just waiting till they all show sex so that i can get rid of some of them. then ill drill the ducts for the carbon filter.
i will be adding back in the dwc but on smaller scale.. im thinking 4 newly rooted clones in 8gal dwc, flower as soon as the roots hit the water.. that will be my little dwc experiment to see if i can get it to work this time around, and not have any disasters. might even do 6 small clones.. just for shits and giggles.. now for some pics....

Clones in the aero cloner.

shots of the vegg area, theres the DSD mom the cali o clone, sd and og moms, 4 ducksfoot seedlings. and 2 kcxbrazil in the bucket which one will become a clone mom for a while.. then they are go into dwc flower.

family flower pic... 4 dsd phenos, 1 fem so far, kcxbrazil clone (far left) bubblegum from seed. and 2 green devils, recovered from that nasty HH syndrome.

close up of the Ducksfoot very interesting looking leaves on this... supposed to be webbed when mature.. cant wait to see it..

my pride and joy the kcxbrazil from kc brains seeds.. shes been in my collection for a while but because of all the disasters that happened i havent gotten to flower her in a long time.. i cant wait.. she looks better and better every day.. last time i flowered in a slightly bigger pot with a clone and got about 45 grams.. which isnt half bad for a small clone i think.

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IcMag Resident Comic Relief
BOOO one of the last 2 dsds got ballz, one dsd left, hope shes a good pheno, but knowing rez's rep, im sure every pheno is a keeper. (hopefully)

Family pic, added 4 ducksfoot and a sd ibl clone to the mix, just about a week flowering for everything else. looking good so far.. and my kc brazil is looking super sweet....



sup endo? haven't talked to you in a while. found this thread and things are looking good. why did you ditch the hut? i'm growing in one right now and it's pretty sweet so far.


IcMag Resident Comic Relief
thanks for stopping in koopa, i ditched the hut cause it was killing my plants.. dreaded hydrohut syndrom... everything i put in there died, due to some kind of wierd off gassing from the material or something.. either way.. i got rid of it and everything is super healthy in the cab. read a page or 2 back for more info on the HH situation.
so far so good. im lovin the new cab and the girls are too.. its a little less room than b4 but that just means more lumen per square foot, and that i have to be more creative with how i do things.
