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My best friend of 12 years has been buried..


Active member
VERY sorry to hear about your loss bro.

I think you know that i feel the same way about dogs as you do (they are far better than humans).

having the puppy will prolly help, but losing a dog who has been a longtime best friend isn't something that you just magically get over....it takes a lot of time if ever.

when my last pooch passed away I didnt go to work for a week, and was a mess for months.

it took me a cpl years from then to get another....i didnt wanna go thru that shit again.

keep your head up bro.....at least there are great peeps here who care and understand

Big Bud Bear

Grow your own, and you got the best bone
NOKUY said:
VERY sorry to hear about your loss bro.

I think you know that i feel the same way about dogs as you do (they are far better than humans).

having the puppy will prolly help, but losing a dog who has been a longtime best friend isn't something that you just magically get over....it takes a lot of time if ever.

when my last pooch passed away I didnt go to work for a week, and was a mess for months.

it took me a cpl years from then to get another....i didnt wanna go thru that shit again.

keep your head up bro.....at least there are great peeps here who care and understand

Thanks for your support man! I knew you would care.. hence the PM :badday:

Yeah, I missed work all this week. I am going to go in today. I piled up 1200 in bills in two days for her, I did'nt mind. They told me she may have a chance, so i paid another vet $300 to keep her overnight for 12 hours on an IV. I picked her up in the early AM. Carried her into my bedroom and let her rest for an hour at home. I then took her back to the local vet for the day.. Waiting for her blood test results.. They came up even worse with the kidney values, so it was obvious she was not going to win this battle. I picked her up, spent time laying next to her as she slept.. And waited for the doctor to show.. she went very quick after the injection.. and slept through it. she was so sick.. was very painful for me carrying her lifeless body to her grave. I never felt her like that before so it was more shock..
She was valued more then any human in my life... I need to figure out what to do with her wheel chair.. Hard to look at it..


Big Bud Bear,

I just want to say that im terribly sorry about the lose of your best friend. I know what its like to go through that pain and it indeed is worse sometimes than losing a human companion.

I got my baby about 7 months ago. Had her home for about 20 minutes and she started to throw up and poop uncontrollably everywhere. Of course this was on a Saturday and the emergency vets were all that was open. She tested a "strong" positive for Parvo and they told me flat out she would not make it. Luckily i took her out of there after being there all night and brought her to my regular vet. They said her chance was extremely slim and it would be expensive if i decided to go through treatment. I was told it would be about 1200 dollars. Well, i knew this puppy for no more than a few long hours but the look on her eyes i couldnt just let her go. All in all it was a $3200.00 vet bill. She made it after a week of fighting!!

Just thought I would share a happy pet story with you to maybe cheer you up. Here are a few pics of her.



It will be a long time before you feel 100% better...but just try to remember the happy times you had with her when you feel blue. Hope that helped some. Take care


Joe Hawkins

Active member
Our Chow just got diagnosed last week with an aggressive case of Leukemia, he is like our Son, he is only 8 yrs old, i feel ya.
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Jack Crevalle

Dam Verite, that's messed up, very nice and reassuring. I couldn't help but imagine my pal in the eyes of those sweet pets..life is hard to understand with all the incertainties.
There are many needy pet out there, just think of how many you can can help and care for while they are on this earth.

Big Bud Bear

Grow your own, and you got the best bone
Blowstrees said:
Big Bud Bear,

I just want to say that im terribly sorry about the lose of your best friend. I know what its like to go through that pain and it indeed is worse sometimes than losing a human companion.

I got my baby about 7 months ago. Had her home for about 20 minutes and she started to throw up and poop uncontrollably everywhere. Of course this was on a Saturday and the emergency vets were all that was open. She tested a "strong" positive for Parvo and they told me flat out she would not make it. Luckily i took her out of there after being there all night and brought her to my regular vet. They said her chance was extremely slim and it would be expensive if i decided to go through treatment. I was told it would be about 1200 dollars. Well, i knew this puppy for no more than a few long hours but the look on her eyes i couldnt just let her go. All in all it was a $3200.00 vet bill. She made it after a week of fighting!!

Just thought I would share a happy pet story with you to maybe cheer you up. Here are a few pics of her.



It will be a long time before you feel 100% better...but just try to remember the happy times you had with her when you feel blue. Hope that helped some. Take care

Thanks for your support as well. I am sure you now never second guessed your decision to help out your new puppy. If anyone else had my dog, they would have put her down in november of 06, when she started to have issues walking. Not me, I loved her too much..

Big Bud Bear

Grow your own, and you got the best bone
Joe Hawkins said:
Our Chow just got diagnosed last week with an aggressive case of Leukemia, he is like our Son, he is only 8 yrs old, i feel ya.
good luck


Big Bud Bear said:
This is the hardest time in my life, worse then the death of my mother for some odd reason. Sadly, I was closer to my dog then her...more then any human in my life...
She has lost the battle with an infection of her kidneys. She had a track infection that would not go away. It spread to her kidneys last week. She spent the weekend sick not eating, just laying around. I took her to the hospital and she spent the day there. I paid an overnight place $300 to keep her overnight on IVS. Today the blood results came back, showing her levels were higher then yesterday. She was not going to win this battle.. I brought her home around 3.. The doctor came to my house around 5, she was sound asleep with me buy her side.

It was quick, I felt her life end. I covered her up. And proceeded to dig her grave... She has been buried not a few hours... My house is so quiet with out her. My little puppy doesn't have a clue.. I show him her body and he did'nt seem to get it... I'm torn up.. Have not slept much worrying about her.. Last night was terrible, knowing she was away sick, somewhere other then my bedroom. She just got her wheel chair last month.. Her time was too soon.. I had so many plans for her...I have not eaten in days really. I'm out of the green..i used my reserves to honor her and to help calm myself..

the relationship between man and dog can not be explained in words... I've never felt a pain like this...
I'll never be the same...


:badday: :badday: :badday: :badday:

always keep the good memories to the front and be thankful for the time you had. works for me anyway. i feel for you and hope ya feel better soon.


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
So sorry. My 13 year old dog can barely get up now and has a hard time getting around. I feel you. So sorry


Its strange that I would see this tonight, as I just had to put my pet 'to sleep' earlier this evening because he was suffering terribly. I know what your going thru bro, not many people can understand the bond that can be created between a man and animal. Tonight I cried for the first time in years, and for some reason I didn't cry (but was still terribly terribly saddened) when some of my human friends died, so i can understand when you say it feels worse than your mothers death. The loss of a pet can be devastating.

I wish you well.

ps.. I don't even have any weed to smoke, which makes this 100x worse :/ *sigh*

Good luck.
Consider it a blessing to have a best friend for 12 years. And consider it a blessing to have been a best friend for 12 years. Peace to with you and yours. BG1.

Big Bud Bear

Grow your own, and you got the best bone
Babbabud said:
So sorry. My 13 year old dog can barely get up now and has a hard time getting around. I feel you. So sorry
ashame, i got a wheel chair built for mine

Big Bud Bear

Grow your own, and you got the best bone
zeloszero said:
Its strange that I would see this tonight, as I just had to put my pet 'to sleep' earlier this evening because he was suffering terribly. I know what your going thru bro, not many people can understand the bond that can be created between a man and animal. Tonight I cried for the first time in years, and for some reason I didn't cry (but was still terribly terribly saddened) when some of my human friends died, so i can understand when you say it feels worse than your mothers death. The loss of a pet can be devastating.

I wish you well.

ps.. I don't even have any weed to smoke, which makes this 100x worse :/ *sigh*

Good luck.
sorry about your lose as well, I am also out of the green

Big Bud Bear

Grow your own, and you got the best bone
TheBigGreen1 said:
Consider it a blessing to have a best friend for 12 years. And consider it a blessing to have been a best friend for 12 years. Peace to with you and yours. BG1.


im in a similar but not as harsh situation my hs buddy from back in the day died in a head on collision the other day it was a shock as he was not sick or anything and i didn't see it coming and defiantly didn't get to say goodbye. sorry for your loss i find the best thing to do is not think about it so much i caught myself looking back in my old hs yearbook at his pic thinking he was young had a lot going for him and he was going places i didn't think it was his time to go...


it's a terrible loss, a terrible pain, but maybe death is not the end for your friend, just a transition of bodies, an opportunity for her departed to progress and evolve into a new self. the love you shared and the suffering you are going through demonstrate the goodness of your soul and the bond the universe gave you together. you will be forever bound together in time, and you can find her again, her positive energy, inside yourself and in the life of your new friend. we are never alone, and the 'mind/soul/self' cannot end, whatever you want to call it, your spirit and hers will be forever joined, emotionally, forever. we're all in this together and most heartfelt sympathies for your loss. you can still think of her, talk to her, and love her. it never ends.
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Big Bud Bear

Grow your own, and you got the best bone
herbie5000 said:
it's a terrible loss, a terrible pain, but maybe death is not the end for your friend, just a transition of bodies, an opportunity for her departed to progress and evolve into a new self. the love you shared and the suffering you are going through demonstrate the goodness of your soul and the bond the universe gave you together. you will be forever bound together in time, and you can find her again, her positive energy, inside yourself and in the life of your new friend. we are never alone, and the 'mind/soul/self' cannot end, whatever you want to call it, your spirit and hers will be forever joined, emotionally, forever. we're all in this together and most heartfelt sympathies for your loss. you can still think of her, talk to her, and love her. it never ends.

interesting way of looking at it... i wish she was here by my side, I always felt safe and secure with her by my side


I know exactly how you feel as I've had several dogs before my current one's. But at least the worst is over and you know she isn't going to suffer anymore. It was the right choice to put her down...


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