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Careful, I just had my bullshit meter recalibrated
Welcome mjcuresall: How bout some pix. As you've seen, we love pix here. Gouda LOL that was a gouda one Weld LOL.
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Out of four seeds, three seedlings survived strong. This is from the bud that I was comparing to pics from Philly (some type of Kush). I no nothing about lineage of Kush, but I would guess that it has to be pretty damned Indica (Hindu Kush Mountains and all that).

these seedlings are as Indica as it gets. stout and rounded leaves, the exact opposite of my garden.

zero seedlings survived from the old Black Domina seeds.

the plants from up north are kicking it. they were just put into flowering a few days ago, and are beautiful. Cuts have been taken. I was orignally told that these were Butterscotch, but they may be Kona Mist??? anyone ever heard of that one? My boy gives poor information.

the 1000 watt vertical rig yielded 8 extra large mason jars. i give a tight trim, and you also have to realize that my wife and I also smoked about a jar full as our smoking needs have dictated, so in total it would have been about 9 jars. Pretty sweet.



Careful, I just had my bullshit meter recalibrated
I wonder sometimes if different strains use nutes differently. I know that some strains are very ph sensative. You had a lot of ph problems too right Bear? I wouldn't go flushin' your nutes till you get some sound advice here. I've read a lot of good things about FF. I use it myself, but I'm like you, I water heavily, and not very often, and start w/very light nutes and work my way up. I don't fert every time I water either. Some times I add Epsom salts, and others just H2O2. Seams like I'm never at full strength nutes before it's time to flush. Does this sound right to yall?


Active member
'sup Tri-State! Wanted to pop in with a quick update and some pix. My Straw D clone bit the dust, poor bastard. She never really had a chance. Just stalled out and never really developed any roots. Oh well, I'll get her back.....I hope.

As for my new ebb&flow grow, man, this shit is easy. I did have to replace a faulty timer that had my girls looking droopy for a few days, but now, they are loving life. I also cut my drain pipe down a bit to stop the floating hydroton. I toyed with the idea of the egg crate in the bottom of the container, but for the money it cost, I figured my drain holes will do just fine. I added two more girls to make it 6 under the 800W.

Talk about instant gratification! I am enjoying the simplicity of no veg time. As soon as the roots get established and the clones are 5-6 inches, I just transfer them to the container and that's it. I don't need all the headroom that was a necessity with the other methods I employed. And the growth rate is actually better than anything I've ever been able to pull off. Of course plant numbers will go up, but I'm not too concerned about that, since I've actually reduced my footprint and wattage significantly. Enuff babbling, here's some pix.

This is a shot of all the girls tonite. I still suck at documentation, so I don't remember what's what, but I know there's some Double D and some OG Kush s1's in there. I'm sure it'll become clear later.

Here's individual shots of the the new addition (bottom center)

and the biggest plant (top right) above.

That's about it for now. I've got some SSSDH and Bubba cuts waiting for roots, so it should get interesting up in here in a minute. I'll keep y'all posted. L8r.



Careful, I just had my bullshit meter recalibrated
WOW Bake! You have had a great growth rate! Those are looking good. Glad to hear E&F is working so well for you. Do you trim the roots?


Hey Bear, I would recommend Pure Blend Pro for veg, PBP Soil for bloom. Great nutes. You may just be having a Nitrogen or Cal/Mag deficiancy from the time frame you give.

Bake, glad to see someone else on here going with ebb and flow. Someone to compare notes with. I would greatly recommend getting some trellis netting. Once the buds start forming, you will need some support. Trust me on this. Your setup looks great.

Vin, different strains do use different nutes and ph levels.


whats up tristate just came by to show some luv.........Currently have some double straw diesel growing on there 10 day and within a few days will pop a few of the chemdawg double diesel into a pc tower case that im building......lol....should be fun.....peace fellas.....


Glad to see you stop by Uber. That ChemDoubleD should be some really good smoke. Keep us posted on that one for sure. Do you keep moms? Hopefully you'll get a keeper that's above and beyond! Double StrawD I've heard some good things about. You got yourself a nice lineup.

Bake,one quick tip for your ebb and flow. I only flood about 1-2" deep once the roots start to grow. This has been plenty as the hydroton absorbs the water. It keeps the pots from floating around. I really don't have a problem with pots floating though. Part of that is having a good level surface that you get with a store bought table, which I use in my flower room. I use the same table/concrete mixer for my moms/veg room, and as long as I keep the water level low during flood, I don't have much problem. Don't be afraid to ask me any questions you may have.

One more I just thought of. The bigger the res, the lest ph swing you will have. I use a 40 gallon for my flower room and a 15 gallon for my moms.
Hello everybody been real busy getting the young ladies rocking and rolling and boy this is going to a be a fun marathon run! :rasta: Have pics up later appreciate it CF
:wave: Welcome to the thread mjcuresall

I believe their are literally a ton of answers to what you seek but from personal experience may I suggest; You Pop those Kali Mist beans ASAP because you have had them 5 yrs which is really stretching it, you would not want to hold on to them much longer if it hasnt been too long allready. You said you seek a 1 hit wonder but still maintaining a high energy level and uplifting? I must say that the Kali Mist is exactly what you are looking for super strong but still functional and extremely uplifting and trippy, also the seeds you may have may be the Pre 2001 Kali Mist which is highly sought after, You probably want to stick with sativas or if you want functional herb that is not a one hit wonder look for anything labeled a Daytime herb! Sativas such as Hazes in their many forms, Strawberry Cough, Kali Mist, or many of the other Sativa Dominant strains abroad, hope I could help.

mjcuresall said:
Greetings all. Been lurking here from central NJ for years. Finally decided to step up after reading this entire thread over the last ten days or so.

I've tried my hand at this game only twice over the last five years and both attempts were less than fruitful. However, I'm currently in the middle of my most successful effort yet and I have the folks from this site and OG (of course) to thank. I've picked it up again to keep the wife happy (while not going broke) and myself supplied with meds.

I'm a diehard DIY-er and believer in keeping it simple. I use organic homemade soil and molasses. Still learning the ropes with bag seed. Currently have five robust girls filling out nicely under some 150 MHs. Waiting another week for my cuttings to root well and my cloning method to prove solid before putting them under the 1kW HPS.

I read everything I can and tend to research the hell out of everything before doing anything (which sometimes leads to scrapping the whole idea). Once I chalk up my first complete grow I'm very much looking forward to germing some Kali Mist beans I bought 5 years ago and never used. Baby steps...

Now my question for the group, with a special interest in a reply from PhillyPride: I prefer an energizing, uplifting high. Could you name a few strains you consider to be a 'one hit wonder' in that regard?

Peace and continued green thumbs to all.


Thanks for the welcome brother....Im deff keeping a mom of the strawberry diesel and im going to select if I can both the chemdawg dominate pheno and a sour diesel pheno.......to have as moms too.....I have some other seeds on the way that I aquired from trading which are alaskan mtf, purple haze x dreamgoddess, and some other goodies I cant remember off the back..lol....but im deff going to keep a log on them here at icmag........peace uber


New member
Sup guys!? Glad to see the tristate healthy with growers. I haven't had a chance to thumb through this thread, but I plan on it soon.

I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on nutes for flowering? 2 weeks into flowering and the kids need it.


Hi there everyone. Western PA grower here. Nice to see so many others in my neck of the woods. This thread is a monster and it's gonna take days for me to get all the way through.


Welcome Atheist! We've got a good one rollin here pull up a chair and join us for a tristate smoke out.


Active member
haven't posted in a few, been a little ill. the roto v is going around
again. blehh. wasn't even able to smoke, or eat!

bear - one week to go, wow, lookin good..that disease looks like its
getting worse, wait a minute that was a week ago. harvested?

amish - lookin good, looks like a little salad,
just add some blue cheese!

cf- it's a bag o bubba! hubba bubba ha

jersey - sup to the blue, without the cheese. wonder if my pba card would
work for just one plant? imo i don't think jersey is a cop, lol.
reverse psychology question maybe? probably the dude is just desperate
for some weed. ha ha this is a weed growing forum, not a selling
forum, wrong place for major busts if you ask me. offenders of the most
peaceful kind.

mjcuresall - welcome. you may just wind up liking your bagseed. i started
this way too, figure just mess around and learn with them, got a girl
i really like, and until i try some of these other strains not sure if i
need any other. haven't been able to build a tolerance to her at all.
i have had commerical stuff that was trichy as anything, but only good once
or twice, after that..buzz just faded away too quickly. maybe you will
be surprised!

phillypride - hey the phillypride fan club, strains r us, hmm. still want
to be a member. have to figure out if this girl is piff haze for me!

anyways, my nyc unknown is on day 30 or 31.. chugging along, nothing major
yet.. i have to get some pics up, maybe thursday. it's just such a big
process, gotta lug it out of the closet to a place thats good lighting for
a pic. and she reeks it up during the move. gets a little agitated i guess.
probably about 26 inches tall now. maybe a litte taller.. a hand full of
the calyx are just starting to turn into little hersheys kisses with lots
of trichs on them, but mostly the mini buds are just pure pistil.
the majority hasn't started to swell yet. soon hopefully. lookd like she was
getting a little sick the past week or so, some yellowing dotted effects on the oldest fan leaves,
but it just worked itself out, seems like most these things just do if you let them be. once you start added all these other
chems to it, seems to spin out of control. know what i'm sayin.

hope everyone is doing well props to everyone. stay safe



Good to have you here, Atheist and Razzy. Pull up a chair and read through the whole thread as you get time. You will find some great stuff! The boys on here don't mess around when it comes to genetics. We all grow for personal use/medical use. You will find quite the lineup of strains grown out by the Tri-State Crew. Among them, Bubba Kush, OG Kush, Diesel, Skunks, Blue Cheese, Jacks Cleaner and many more, as well as crosses of the above mentioned strains.

Truth...Those plants are coming along really nicely. Keep it up bro! Waiting to see how that Chunk turns out for sure.

Sub...I order from Discount Hydro quite often and have always been pleased with them. Also, their website is pretty easy to navigate and they have most of their inventory online, unlike alot of online retailers. Also, I'd recommend the cheaper misters, not the ones that spin, just like the ones Truth used. I only say this, because I don't know if you've used them before, and I know myself, I sometimes get the more expensive thinking they'd be better, but imo, they just add to the list of things that could break, and are about twice as much I believe. Plus the One's Truth used work great. About to build another one of those cloners myself. Good work Truth.

Uber...I've grown out MTF and Blue Thunder(MTF x Blueberry) before. Both are very strong with the right pheno, but they'll put you to sleep pretty fast. Great taste. Do you know the breeder? Mine were from Sagarmatha. Glad to hear you keep moms. Take good care of 'em.

Philly...Great advice to Mjcuresall. That Kali Mist would be the first thing I pop. And if it's the pre-2001, send some our way,lol,just kidding. If it is, and even if it's not, the Mist is a proven winner, and should fit perfectly.

Gonna take some pics of some dried Bubba and Gangster Diesel in a little while. I think I'll post 'em with a smoke report of each in a few hours. This crop is the best I've ever done imo, and I'm really pleased to be getting the ebb and flow dialed in. I've grown some great strains over the years, but these two are my favorites so far.


thanks for the welcome WeldFlash420. Unfortunately it's gonna be a couple of months before I can join you in the smoke out. I just started my grow again after about 4 years off, and my flowering cab is in the back of an unheated garage, so I've probably got 3 months before I can even start flowering.