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Organic Nute Suppliers



Here are a couple of the nutreint manufactures I have used with success.

Botanicare - http://www.americanagritech.com/product/product_category.asp?id=1

Bio Bizz - http://www.fertisource.com/ or http://www.biobizz.nl/

Fox Farm - http://www.foxfarmfertilizer.com/

Advanced Nutreints - http://www.advancednutrients.com/products.php
The Iguana Juice line is all organic.

Metanaturals - http://www.metanaturals.com/index.html

Earth Juice - http://www.earthjuice.com/

I am sure there are many more but I have had excellent results with these products.

Please provide any other organic products you know of or have had experience and I will try and research them for us.

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New member
things that arent organic

things that arent organic

just seeing some things down below that users may want to be aware of.
rather than troll their forum this one provides a good place.
flora nova grow bloom definately not organic

a few things i didnt see in this here thread,
kelp and fish definately organic many brands to choose from
bat and worm teas " " many brands or brew your own

and im not going to get into the pbp debate here because texas is actually providing a wonderful service to all of you out there, by freely sharing some good info, but ill finish by saying
pure blend compost teas grow and bloom are organic,
seablast is organic.
good luck all,
jd :joint:


I hear ya JD, we all pretty much know that there are items in PBP that are not completely 100% OMRI organic but it is about as close as you can get for the simplicity of it and the money.

I would love some more input from all as to the different nutes and products available now in the organic market. It all moves pretty fast sometimes and it is hard to keep up.

Welcome aboard JD


Dr. D

Active member
Thanks TK, could you tell me about your experiences with Bio-Bizz products, just your thoughs on which ones you've used and what you though of them...peace


I used Bio Bizz Top Max as a bloom booster in a few grows and it worked outstanding. The rancid smell and the foamy froth it created in my reservoirs was the undoing to it all. That is actually the only product of theirs that I have used.

I also have a few questions about what, if any changes were made after General Hydroponics bought Bio Bizz or at least bought their US distribution rights. Did formulations change? why cut out on Fertisource so quick when there was a distribution agreement already in place with them? not that it really matters I am just curious.



Active member
TOP MAX IT'S NOT ORGANIC ....probably the rancid smell is due to the hot store of the bottle. or some bad bacteria combined in the use of it.

this product is made from algae and some other plants has equisetum...but not from hydrolisis or cold pressing....the flavour from the bottle speaks as well as me.


General Hydro Europes new organic line.........

General Hydro Europes new organic line.........

For all growing methods: hydroponics, aeroponics and soil
BioSevia is a organic nutrient

BioSevia is an organic – and complete – plant food. For 4 years indeed our researchers studied and tested exhaustively to obtain a nutrient containing everything a plant needs to perfectly grow, and which would, at the same time, respond to all the requirements of an organic registration in France and in the rest of the world.

BioSevia has several essential qualities:
• It is a complete plant food
• Its specific composition, and its excellent solubility, make it easy for plants to assimilate.
• It is efficiently applied in fertigation and drip irrigation
• It contains fulvic acid and humic acids which improve soil conditions and enhance the plant’s absorption capacity
• It brings a sweet, pleasant taste to your crops
• … and it works in hydroponics!

BioSevia is a “bioponic” nutrient
BioSevia gives perfect results in soil, of course, but it has the exceptionality to work beautifully in hydroponics too, be it with bare roots, or on substrates. Indeed, not any nutrient is adapted to this type of growing. Generally, organic nutrients are formulated in order to slowly decompose in soil so, when in water, some of their elements will rot and release some quite unpleasant smells. Finally, they would clog the filters and injectors.

To be bioponic, a nutrient must be liquid or perfectly soluble. It must be rapidly degradable and readily available to the plant. BioSevia fits to all these conditionsHow to use BioSevia?
Simply add in soil depending on the life cycle of your plant: BioSevia Grow for growth then BioSevia Bloom for flowering. Add BM for a better degradation of elements. Follow the instructions on the labels and don’t hesitate to contact us directly when needed. Application charts and nutrition programs, in soil and in hydro, are available.

When to use BioSevia?
In bioponics (organic hydroponics) or in soil, during the whole life cycle of your plant.

Which are the advantages of BioSevia?
BioSevia is the only liquid organic nutrient, which allows you to grow organically in hydroponics, and of course, in soil. Moreover, it has the immense and unique advantage to be usable in soil, in drip irrigation and in fertigation. It is complete and contains all the elements a plant needs for optimal development.

Where will I see the results?
Quite rapidly, in bioponics and in soil, BioSevia will develop excellent crops. You will quickly see the difference.

Why use BioSevia?
BioSevia is an certified organic liquid nutrient, concentrated, efficient, highly soluble, and easy to use. In soil and in hydroponics.

Improves the efficiency of BioSevia

In soil use BioSevia alone, and apply every watering (2 ml / L). If you wish to improve matter breakdown and achieve better results, you can add some BM to it.

How to manage the micro-organisms?
But in hydroponics BioSevia must be used in conjunction with BM which is needed to reproduce, in the nutritive solution, the soil's natural degradation process.

There are 2 possibilities:
• On humid substrate like coco fibre, rockwool or perlite : Simply add BM directly on the substrate..
• On bare roots or in draining substrate like clay pebbles or lava rocks: Use the BioFiltre, which will give your micro-organisms the right environment to live in and develop..
Apply 10 g/100 L of nutritive solution. Add every 6 to 8 weeks.

Wherever they are, in a BioFiltre or directly in the substrate, the micro-organisms will happily thrive as long as their environment is oxygenated and humid. It is imperative, to guarantee a good development, to avoid all sudden changes, especially in temperature and pH levels. The more and happier your BMs are, the better your plants will be fed.

Important notice : a significant drop in pH is an alarm signal that indicates the death of a large quantity of micro-organisms. In this case, it is important to find the cause, treat it and replace with new BM.
How to use BM?
In bioponics on draining substrate or on bare roots, add BM among the stars in the BioFiltre. In bioponics on humid substrate like coconut fibre or rock wool, add BM directly on the stars. In soil, mix BM directly in the dirt.

When to use BM?
To grow organically in soil and in hydroponics, along with BioSevia.

Which are the advantages of BM?
BM is a mix of beneficial bacteria that allow a good breakdown of the organic elements included in BioSevia, and helps a better absorption of minerals by the plant.

Why use BM?
BM is an extremely efficient and cost effective product. Very little is needed for one crop.

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Biofiltre from Gen Hydro Europe......

Biofiltre from Gen Hydro Europe......

This is used when you have bare roots in hydro(nft , dwc , etc...)

Liven up your water !

Conceived, tested, and created in our greenhouses, the BioFiltre is the long-awaited key to a pathogen-free solution. It is the ultimate tool to success for all growers, hydroponicists and soil gardeners alike.

The BioFiltre brings life to your water thanks to BioMagix. In hydroponics and even more so in soil, a symbiotic relationship between host-plants and organisms will establish, and help convert matters in easily available food sources for both entities.

The BioFiltre is a biological filter that purifies, detoxifies, cleans, and oxygenates your water - and your nutritive solution !

The BioFiltre has quintuple action:
1) the internal sponge retains all floating debris and organic matters,
2) the zigzag bleu cascade boosts oxygen content, and detoxifies your water by eliminating all detrimental volatile compounds emitted by the roots,

Thanks to BioMagix, which:
3) gently colonizes the roots to form a protective barrier that suppresses pathogen survival and propagation,
4) helps decompose organic residues into elements readily available to the plant, which increases the amount of nutritive salts in the solution,
5) facilitates mineral salt absorption by the plant.

Use the BioFiltre to liven up your water and prevent the debilitating effects of stress on your plants: for instance when temperatures are high or substrates poorly aerated, when ventilation is insufficient or circulation inadequate, your plants will lack of oxygen at the root level and become vulnerable.

User-friendly and clean, fast to assemble and easy to maintain, the BioFiltre is the answer to all root problems. In soil and in hydroponics, for all weathers and in all seasons, it adds a new dimension to your growing ventures. And it is 100% safe.

How to use BioFiltre?
Use the BioFiltre only in hydroponics (draining substrate and bare roots). Simply hang it on the edge of your reservoir, fill it with water, and prime start it. Follow the instructions. Don’t hesitate to contact us directly when needed.

When to use BioFiltre?
In hydroponics only (draining substrate and bare roots), as a habitat for the micro-organisms (BioMagix and BM). Or alone, to oxygenate still more your nutritive solution.

Which are the advantages of the BioFiltre?
Thanks to the BioFiltre and to the stars that come with it, the micro organisms find a fertile environment where to comfortably develop, thus allowing best root protection.

When do I see the results?
Quite rapidly, as soon as the micro organisms are established. Roots will regain strength and in a few days you will see new rootlets growing.

Why use BioFiltre?
To safely protect your roots from pathogens, in aeroponics, hydroponics and soil.




This mix protects roots as well as breaking down organic matter , and is used as an alternative to the Biomix when roots may be at risk from pathagens ie high temps.

Protect your roots from fungi and other pathogens

Did you ever hear about “Pythium, Fusarium, Verticillium”, and all these names in “ium” that create havoc and desolation in plantations and grow rooms? At all seasons, and especially in hot weather, most hydroponic growers may experience fungi infestation in their plants’ roots. To get rid of them, some companies will suggest UV sterilizers, enzymes, trichoderma powders, etc. with some, little, or no success at all. Of course you can use fungicides, which you will find in any gardening store. But we all know that fungicides are harmful for you, and of course for the environment.

As experts and consultants in hydroponics, the question of root rot and fungi is often relayed to us, and the subject sure was a great concern of ours … until today! For several years indeed we researched a conclusive way to eliminate pathogens from the nutritive solution, while staying natural, and as ecological as it is possible.

BioMagix is a beneficial mix of micro-organisms that protects the root mass from pathogen fungi by surrounding the roots with a protective barrier, and inhibiting growth, propagation, and thus survival of their predators.

How does it work?
BioMagix covers the whole root mass with a protective mycelium that impedes pathogens from feeding and growing, thus propagating, and eventually of surviving.
BioMagix has a second and equally essential function:
This specific mix of bacteria decomposes the organic matter and debris in the nutritive solution and transforms this potential source of disease into a supplement of mineral salts readily available to the plants.

When and how to use it?
BioMagix is a natural 100% biological protector.
In soil and in coconut fibre it will reproduce itself easily, and can simply be added in the watering solution.
In hydroponics, use it with the BioFiltre, a device that creates the necessary conditions for its reproduction thanks to the little Stars where BioMagix likes to nest, and which allow to keep it alive and healthy for as long as possible.

As a preventive, as well as a curative application.
10 g/150 L – Every 6 weeks:
BioMagix is used as a drench when planting seeds, in your watering solution in soil, or directly in the BioFiltre for hydroponics.

The Stars ( which are supplied with the Biofiltre )

The Stars are a porous substrate. They are criss-crossed by a multitude of minute canals precisely designed to let oxygen, water and inert particles circulate freely, so that the environment stays healthy and clean.

• You need 7 Stars to give BioMagix the adequate habitat where to thrive.
•They are self-cleaning as dead particles in suspension are easily ejected out while the new-born cells replace them naturally. They need no special maintenance. You can rinse them occasionally. It is best to replace them by half every 6 months.
• Their black color prevents algae growth.
How to use BioMagix
In hydroponics with draining substrate (clay pellets or lava rocks) or with bare roots, add BioMagix to the stars in the BioFiltre. In hydroponics with humid substrate (coconut fibre or rock wool) and in soil, add BioMagix directly into the substrate. Follow the instructions. Don’t hesitate to contact us directly when needed.

When to use BioMagix?
Constantly, to prevent roots from suffering. Particularly to fight stress during extreme temperatures (hot and cold).

Which are the advantages of BioMagix?
BioMagix protects roots from all fungi that attack them. It allows to keep your nutritive solution healthy and clean.

When shall I see the results?
Quite rapidly, as soon as the micro organisms are established. Roots will regain strength and in a few days you will see new rootlets growing.

Why use BioMagix?
To safely protect your roots from pathogens, in aeroponics, hydroponics and soil. At the best price.

for more info , their website is here........ http://www.eurohydro.com/home.php?lang=gb



Well-known member
ICMag Donor
seems like ive been droppin this name all day, but canna bio is almost here!!!! 100% certified organic. in the states this month!!<almost to 75 posts!>


New member
heres some info ive gotten from and about biobizz products in hydro. ive read the stories of foamy res's and all. ive had biobloom and topmax in my res for 5 days now and not had a bit of foam at all. they do seem to say the biogrow is unstable and unsuitable for use in hydro. anyway, heres what they sent, anyone else with any biobizz experience in hydro?

BIOBIZZ Newsletter, 09 2006

Hey there!,

Not everybody knows, but it is possible to use Biobizz products on Hydro systems, and it is being done already. Especially here in Holland (on rockwool), in France (NFT and Coco) and Spain (Aeroponics).

Biobizz products were originally designed for growing on soil, but since we have OMRI and SKAL/EKO certifications (to prove and ensure it is 100% biological) we filter and process some of our components in such a manner, that they can work in universal way, regardless if you are growing on rockwool, NFT or with an automated Cocosystem

The basic rules:

Topmax, Biobloom and Rootjuice work without any problem on all hydroponical systems, like NFT, rockwool, Coco, Clay pebbels, Autopot / Aquasystems, Aeroponics etc,etc.

Topmax, Biobloom and Rootjuice can be stored in tanks or nutrient barrels for about one week, but only if a good circulation pump is added as well. Always work clean, Biobizz nutrients contain no preservatives.

Biogrow/ Fishmix, You can use it, but it decomposes very quickly, because of it’s concentrated ingredients. In an NFT system or nutrient tank it would mean you'd have to refresh the tank every 2 days instead of once a week. Also you have to really know what you are doing. Since it can go wrong easily if you don't pay attention, we do not promote it.

For automated sytems, it’s the same story. Biogrow/ Fishmix, decompose in two days, and start to foam. So if you have prepared a solution with water Biogrow and/or Fishmix, use the content of the tank immediatly. Besides the mix of these two products can clogg up the tubings of your system. Use at least ø4mm tubings for your watering system to prevent this. It can be advised after feeding to flush the tubings with additonal water, clearing out all remaining residue.

For automated coco systems, Biogrow/ Fishmix, can be best used as a topfeeder by hand. Simply water by hand 2-3 times a week to avoid smelly and foaming nutrient barrels. If you add Biogrow/ Fishmix, to your tank make sure you use the complete content at once!

Using simple filters like a panty or old t-shirt can help filter larger particles in Biobizz nutrients, without loosing power, it will help to prevent clogging.

Fishmix and/or Alg-a-Mic: can be used as a foliarspray, you can continue doing this (2-3 times a week, 1-2ml per liter) untill the second week of flowering, then you have to stop, because these two products should not come in direct contact with the flowers.

The Fishmix makes sure you have enough nitrogen (if you are growing/flowering on NFT, this is the only extra source of Nitrogen Biobizz can provide (besides the Nitrogen in Biobloom), but after the second week of flowering you might need to add an additonal product to maintain specific Nitrogen levels if your plants show deficiencies.

With only Topmax and Biobloom it will lack nitrogen, magnesium and other usefull elements. Not so much because Biobizz products are crap, but because the NPK levels of 100% organic products can never be higher than 8.

Sometimes,depending on the seize of the plant, and in specific systems, after the second week of flowering a higher NPK level is required than Biobloom can offer on it’s own. Soil for instance, is a much better buffer and much richer in minerals than the water in an NFT tank. As we already said, Biobizz is originally designed for soil.

For dosage on hydroponical and Coco systems, we advise to follow our growchart for lightmix + aprox. 40%, So 5ml becomes 7 ml, 2ml becomes 3 ml and so on.

You can find our growchart on www.biobizz.com under downloads/resources

So to evaluate this whole story: Topmax, Bloom, and Rootjuice are multifunctional products that you can use in combination with other nutrients in any system.

Fishmix and Alg-a-mic as foliar spray 1-3 ml 2-3 times a week, till the second week of flowering

Biogrow/ Fishmix: In a hydrosystem do not use unless you know exaclty what you are doing or if you like to use it as a topfeeder on Coco systems.

So what about Bioheaven?

Now, this product was designed for ALL systems, Hydro, Coco, Aero, Soil etc. It is an individual product, not a bloomstimulator or rootstimulator! It can be used with ALL nutrient programs and products, and is designed to boost the application of the nutrient you are using. The L-Amino-acids are doing two important things for the plants: They transform macro-elements in natural enzyms and proteins,

and they increase the mineral uptake from 15-20% to 80-90%. This means you use every drop out of every mililiter of nutrient you are using! Because of the increased efficiency of the plants regulation system it works as a powerfull energy booster. For Bioheaven we have only one application: Use it !


Crazy X Seeds Breeder
I've tried using bio-bizz grow and bloom in my bubble bucket and even changing the water every 3-4 days the roots still went brown and soggy and the plant slowly went yellow so i don't use it any more apart from on soil.
i currently run bcuzz hydro a,b pk-13-14,cal-mag,hygrozyme,sweet,pro-tekt, i like to use purple maxx as an induced and moab as a finisher. purple maxx works best once a week just to keep in system. i also am running hydroplex when i flush .they seem to like this in flower. anyone see any possible un-organic or any problems in my future?

Okie grown

Active member


I like pure blend pro,liquid karma ,cal-mag,nitrozyme to spray plants with and topp max in late flower.The en and ea help too.


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