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12/12 from seed White Russian



For aggressive bloom my nutrients are as followed- per gallon
liquid koolbloom-5ml
dry koolbloom-.25grams

One of the bag seeds was a male, so its gone. Other than that, its going great. Very small flowering has occurred, I'll post more pics when the buds are bigger, about a week.


High Jinks

hey hey

hey hey

Hey Danzing- Yeah, just like the other guys said; TDS/EC/PPM are all measurements of the nutrients you are using in relation to the body of water they are in. Basically, how strong their food is. Your pics look great, but i would be cautious feeding them at an "aggressive" rate. Its like putting rocket fuel in your muscle car; its not going to make it faster, it will probably just F*** things up. Look out for the tips of your leaves turning brown, its a sign your being too aggressive. Get yourself a TDS and PH meter or one with both in it. That is SOOO important. With that said, things look terrific, especially for a newb. We'll be watching. :lurk:


Jay_Khrist said:
Have you tried this method before? If so how was yeild? How many days you thinking till its finished?

this is my first time trying the 12-12 from seed.
im going to harvest somewhere between February 5-15.


I took these pictures yesterday. The plants a filling in nicely and starting to give that sweet pungent skunk smell, cant wait to harvest. The plant is coming down Feb 9.



wow i am impressed, this is making me extra excited because i am going with a 400 and your plants look awesome!!. Thanks for telling us your nute schedules. I am new to hydro and its good to see the step by step of things. What else do you need for a hydro system other then the 3 part nute formula. The floralicious bloom and grow are just additional additives? What are some other things you have to buy for maintenance of a hydro system


Poker_Toker said:
wow i am impressed, this is making me extra excited because i am going with a 400 and your plants look awesome!!. Thanks for telling us your nute schedules. I am new to hydro and its good to see the step by step of things. What else do you need for a hydro system other then the 3 part nute formula. The floralicious bloom and grow are just additional additives? What are some other things you have to buy for maintenance of a hydro system

Thanks for the kind words. Additives add to the plants flavor, smell, overall growth/yield and health. The additives are well worth it but not necessary.

I also use a flushing/salt leaching solution for cleaning out the system and plant.

Check out some of the waterfarm how-to pages and the modification pages. This system is great for a small to medium sized grow.

Peace out
Last edited:


For ripping my nutrients are as followed- per gallon
dry koolbloom-.5grams



I just started flushing today. I put it on the ripening schedule 1-28-08. The plant is coming down on 2-12-07, so a little less than a week of flushing.

Leave some feed back on these pics.

Happy Birthday Bob!



Great job man! Love the pics and the nugs look wonderful! I love it man. Keep up the good work my man! Rep comin your way!


hennessy- i dont have a scope, im going to get on this weekend, maybe.
nice one

nice one

Good looking plants there Jasondanzig! Well impresed m8. I am interested cos I have a Skunk #1 that I put on 12/12 only 7 days after germination. I am a first timer so wanted to flower one early so I can get an idea of how best to handle the 12/12 process.

I got 4 fems altogether now. 2 have been in veg for 4 weeks now and I put another one on 12/12 after 3 weeks veg. I read that you 'trim' your plants in order to get better light penetration to the lower growth. It looks like it pays off for sure so I am looking to try this myself.

I have topped one that is in veg and wil be taking cuttings. It is in veg though and I know that topping or trimming doesn't harm the plants. What is confusing me is whether or not I can trim the plants that have started flowering? I could really do with getting shot of some of the lower leaves on the 12/12 from seed (ish) skunk plant but don't know if it will adversely stress the plant out and reduce my yield?

Any tips on how you do it will be grand m8. Sorry if I am 'hijacking' this thread. I am really new to using forums so don't mean to upset anyone. I haven't got a danny about whether I am hijacking or doing wrong? I reckon I must have said some bad stuff by accident where I posted somewhere cos no one ever replies to my diaries or anything. I ain't after causing trouble. Honest guv.

peace all



bun2sklyff said:
Good looking plants there Jasondanzig! Well impresed m8. I am interested cos I have a Skunk #1 that I put on 12/12 only 7 days after germination. I am a first timer so wanted to flower one early so I can get an idea of how best to handle the 12/12 process.

I got 4 fems altogether now. 2 have been in veg for 4 weeks now and I put another one on 12/12 after 3 weeks veg. I read that you 'trim' your plants in order to get better light penetration to the lower growth. It looks like it pays off for sure so I am looking to try this myself.

I have topped one that is in veg and wil be taking cuttings. It is in veg though and I know that topping or trimming doesn't harm the plants. What is confusing me is whether or not I can trim the plants that have started flowering? I could really do with getting shot of some of the lower leaves on the 12/12 from seed (ish) skunk plant but don't know if it will adversely stress the plant out and reduce my yield?

Any tips on how you do it will be grand m8. Sorry if I am 'hijacking' this thread. I am really new to using forums so don't mean to upset anyone. I haven't got a danny about whether I am hijacking or doing wrong? I reckon I must have said some bad stuff by accident where I posted somewhere cos no one ever replies to my diaries or anything. I ain't after causing trouble. Honest guv.

peace all


Thanks m8. There is a lot of debate if you should trim your plants or not. When i was doing research on this mater i decided to just experiment with the different trimming techniques. On this grow i did an aggressive early flower trimming to stimulate more growth of branches, and it worked great, but there were 2 things i could have done differently.

1- I only had a 250 watt hps, this was to small for this grow, it needed a min of a 400 watt preferably a 600 watt. only the extreme tops of the plants were dense nugs, which brings me to my next point

2- during the middle of flowering i should have cut all the under growth out. the buds are very small and fluffy, but will still get you high, so whatever.

About the stress and yield, i do not know, to me i dont think its a problem. i didn't trim my first grow and i trimmed on my second. both grows look very smiler, but my second is better.

ask questions, thats what were all here for, to learn and grow as growers.

good luck bun2sklyff