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Few Problems


the Revenant
Ok well my supposed 65 day strain Big Buddah Cheese is already showing a couple amber triches on the topmost biggest buds....its day 41 of flower. So did i stress the plant with my nitrogen defiency and month of overfeeding and cause it to mature faster? Seems likely it is a small bonsai plant like i stunted it. So im 2 days away from my watering, so of course i flush? When should i harvest? Should i just chop the topmost amber trich buds and leave the bottom buds for longer?

I will post pix in a couple days.
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Dr. Doolittle
If the nitrogen deficiency shows early flowering it can stress it out, but if it starts to yellow from it natrually yellowing towards the end of flowering; no; because the plant does it on it's own at the end.
Anything can cause stress to the plant, over watering, over feeding, too much light, to little light.....

Yes, you can chop half the plant and leave the rest to veg longer, you can most certainly do that.

Did you check the trichs on the lower buds?
Most of the time strain related tells how much amber/cloudy trichs you get or cloudy/ clear, a lot of strains won't give you amber ones even if you let them,flower long time.
So it all depends on strain too, so that is why I am asking if you checked the trichs at the bottom.


the Revenant
Only a speckling of amber triches on the uppermost buds. I may chop the top buds in a week, i will monitor their triches. Then let the bottom buds grow some more until their triches are done.


Take Five...
If you only chop the tops that are ready, the bottoms will gain more weight because of increased light availability, and your yield will go up. I like to leave the bottoms a week or more, but it really depends on when they are ready.


Take Five...
why don't you fuck off and stop trolling every infirmary thread telling everybody what isn't wrong with their plants and stop your stupid crusade against ph testing. I don't even understand what your point is other to peddle your shit.

You haven't seen any details or pix of Core's issues, taking his word as gospel what the problem is. Maybe he isn't feeding enough. What has that got to do with not testing ph??????

Go sell you Promix out of a store like everyone else. You are probably getting paid by promix to troll and advertise for them.

Core, post a thread with some details and pix and we'll see. What is wrong with pouring in 5.6 and getting 6.5? If your mix is alkaline then that is what you need to add to get 6.5.


I second the thing about delta_9 giving the "no need for PH testing" a rest already. Im somewhat surprised his ass hasn't gotten bounced for advertising and promoting false information. I DO grow with Sunshine #4 and YOU MUST PH your medium/nutrient solution.
Let's look at an example - tap water ph of 7.5 adding nutes raises (b1 vitamins especially) to 8.2. Im supposed to administer that solution to my Sunshine #4? Me thinks not. I have been growing in Sunshine #4 for quite a while now, and did switch to ProMix for a lil while (grow shop was closed, had to go to HomeDepot) I always adjust my PH accordingly - 6.5-6.8 before watering and everything has always worked very well for me. Now for those of you who buy into idiocy (delta_9's remarks) feel free to fuck with a tried tested and true method and leave your PH where ever the hell it may be, whether that be a 1 or a 10. Delta seems to have discovered something that no one else knows about, including the manufacturer of the soiless soils - they come with a GUARANTEED ph buffer that automatically adjusts your PH to the perfect level for cannabis!
give yer head a shake mate.


Take Five...
whatever, promix troll......

Troll's track record and credibility....zero, and sounds like a broken promix record.

No one is listening to you, in case you haven't figured that out yet. No one is discussing the options, they are just looking at this bull in the china shop shaking their heads.....


Take Five...
promix troll said:
I've not the time to read your scenario, if you've read & comprehend English you would know what to use & how.

If you could type in some kind of proper sentence structure and maybe use some proper punctuation sometime, perhaps then someone could comprehend what you are trying to spit out. A comma is not a period.

promix troll said:
I was pointing out the benefit of using Pro-Mix & that which is you can shove your PH tester up your ass cause you won't need it.

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Take Five...
Such witty insults, I'm sure everyone is impressed, ooh and a "head" joke. You're just one original character, aren't you?

hero? you watch too many movies, obviously... :badday:
Wheres a Mod at when you need one? Delta 9 how is your TROLL ass not banned yet? I used to grow soil and know from personal experince that occationally checking your soil ph is a very effective preventative measure. Way to screw up someones thread ...
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Dr. Doolittle
Hey delta, why don't you put your words where your mouth is and post us some pics of your shitty "no pH grow" I bet you can't, cause your plants would mostly look like shit and if I were you I would keep my mouth shut and everyone knows us around here, petey knows his shit very well he is a good person and can outgrow you million times around the world, I would take his advice over yours any day time or of year.

People who talk shit normally have something to back up, you talk words of shit, around here people show there stuff and back it up with proof, since you have no proof weather in words or pictures, you talk shit to a pro, you got alot of balls dude, you need them balls kicked in imo.
So you can't contaminate the world with trolls like yourself. Why don't you go try to get a job with Promix, you spout off there products like it's the only thing you can use and you market there product like you work for the company, so take your bullshit sales pitch and go back to happy girl, if that site is so damn good for growing, WTF are you doing here?

You know trolling is totaly against TOU, it is a bannable offence, let alone posting constantly of off site links to link to another pot growing site.

THats ok though, even if you delete your bullshit, the admins/mods can get it right back out; I notifed the admin of this crap.
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Multiple TOU violations....all has been handled Stitch.

Excuse the rude interruption ya'll....all sorted.


*edit to add>>>>upon review, several in this thread have responded to a troll in such a manner that those replies are ALSO breaching the TOU re: flaming. Please edit your posts.


ok guys

i use self made medium.
1/2 peat
to each dry liter of soil I add 1 ounce dry pellitized dolomite lime.

tap water a 7.5

cha ching added at full strength makes 6.8/7.

after that is said. I dont test ph. i dont have to. now im not for 1sec saying ph is not a KEY factor in growing. we all know it is Very important, but there are many ways to skin that cat guys.

just saying....

i been using this mix for many yrs w/great results.


the Revenant
:petting: Ok so my girls are still kinda yellow especially the cheese. Now ive noticed the bagseed plant seems to be growing seed pod lookin things growing in the middle of alot of the buds. Is this a hermaphrodite? Or was it just self pollinated? What do i do? I only have one other plant and its coming down in a week. Thanx guys.



Dr. Doolittle
It's cool man, you solved the problem. The leaves that were yellow would never recover, you just want to stop/halt the progression of the yellowing.......
The plants are looking really over watered too, how much water and how often are you giving them water?
Other than that they look good and are recovering from it very well :yes:

Remove one of the pods and take it in the other room and open it up and see if there is a seed inside, or pollen.
Make sure you wash your hands before touching your plants, don't want to pollinate them with your hands, if it is a pollen sack.

WHat do they look like? they small? Have more than one ball? Or does it look like a ball in the buds? Or does it come from the nodes?


the Revenant
Ok they seem to be groups of balls, multiple growing out of buds now. I opened one up and i didnt find a seed nor pollen just like a little looks like tap root and white stuff.

I water every 5 to 6 days. Usually a little under a quarter gallon each. Thanx.


Dr. Doolittle
How big is that pot its in? depending on the size water may still be deep in the pot.... the upper is doing the worst which tells me the roots at the bottom are staying to soggy.....