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HELP : BLayziedave


The Helpful One
Chat Moderator


I would imagine for a begginer the best method would be to run soil, There are so many things (unknown) I have no clue where to even start to help you. You first need to know your budget and how much you can afford to spend on the setup. Without that info I cannot be sure what advice to give.
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i can help if ur still interested, for start are you seeds feminized or normal ones?

i think 1 foot =0.3m
so i would do soil(as i only do soil) and put 2 600w lamps with barn reflectors positioned pararell to the 3f wide side(i dont know if u get this, if u dont ask me to give u a drawing)

what about vertical space is it unlimited???

as blazeoneup said it really has to do with budget but 600w hids are the most efficient lamps on the market. considering ur budget ull havemany different options, aircooled hoods-or cooltubes- co2 enrichement(depends on the locations of the grow space-availability of fresh air-and thats "outside" air) exepnsive nutrients-better go rganic man if u want what is ggod for u...

also is this a personal grow or a commercial one?
-meaning what the most important thing for u?
get some great quality bud or just produce way to many grams to make way to many $$$ ?

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
That is a lot Blayzie to ask someone

You should probably think about you want to do, then come here and tell us, then you will get some responses.
Yeah dude, it's horse shit to expect people who grow, to just spoon feed you big blueberry buds. You gotta first figure out what medium you'd like to use? Soil, H20(hydro) or areo. I personally run hydro, but am switching to soil for the next 2-3 grows.

Knowing that you know nothing, I'd rule out hydro and especially aero.. stick with the basics! Read up in the soil growers forum... use the fucking the search bar, figure out how much cash you have to spend and most of all, if you really want help.. post a picture of the grow space.

Read up on humidity, temp, ph, and general mary jane health problems. I've had a few grows I thought were gonna be incredible turn to total shit for being lazy and not looking into defs and whatnot. Make sure you actually read though, I learned the hard way here at IC is no fucking daycare, either you want to learn, or you don't. EVERYONE will help, as long as they see you making an effort.

Read up on and fully understand how ph effects plants, what nutrients are needed for the various stages, and why ventilation is so vital. Search a few posts and learn about germinating seeds, starting the seedlings properly and finally how to transplant correctly. It's all here, this is the marijuana growers emporium of knowledge.

READ, READ, and READ some more shit. It will work your fried brain and you'll be on your way to growing in no time. Just don't be a lazy ass anymore, no one will sketch you a perfect picture and make it magically appear.

Good luck dude, learn about the skill and surely you'll fall in love. One of the members here at IC has a great saying in his avatar/footer at the bottom of his posts, (sorry I don't know who guys) it goes as follows...

Marijuana isn't addictive...Growing it is!
A quick question, how do you have 200 posts on a marijuana growers forum and not have the slightest idea of what your talking about :joint:?
I am brand new myself. These guys on this sight are sd cool.....they have helped me lots.
Try posting this :
your budget
your space

good luck


im confused.......


you've apparently grown a lil before ^^^

are you just messin with us? do you really need help? whats the deal here.

You know there is a ton of info on this site if you just do a bit of reading. It's not really that hard, and its how most of us started unless someone else taught us.

why don't you go look at some other grows on this site and see what seems like it would fit your needs and then ask from there? could be a more effective route to go.
wow u guys must think your soemthing to just come on here and talk shit about me believe me i know i just want NEW IDEAS and new concept u fuckin bitchs hahahaha umm heres some pics for the NON ASSHOLES ahaha others BLow me. :joint: :joint:

umm also the room space is 2 1/2 feet wide 10 feet long 7 feet high

umm no available air aswell

also going to hydro store soon to pick up supplies what u think best??

Also strains included:
3 -Pine #5 and other Pine strain
3- heaven X ultimate moonshine
1 - Banana strain
1 - Unknown dro seed umm idk random but
5- G13XHaze
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umm im a friend of lou grews hahaha I KNOW WHAT IM TALKIN ABOUT

that first message was actualyl a message to him that i tried to change around

i cant believ eu guys are so STONED u cant even simply read thinkin to hard or something i dotn understadn

there are 5 NEW ones added all G X13 haze

umm also for flower umm whats the light like not 12/12 but umm what higher hours like 18/6 or some shit um also whats the method for growing them shorter but danker...???


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The Helpful One
Chat Moderator
BlayzieDave said:
wow u guys must think your soemthing to just come on here and talk shit about me believe me i know i just want NEW IDEAS and new concept u fuckin bitchs hahahaha umm heres some pics for the NON ASSHOLES ahaha others BLow me. :joint: :joint:

umm also the room space is 2 1/2 feet wide 10 feet long 7 feet high

umm no available air aswell

also going to hydro store soon to pick up supplies what u think best??

Also strains included:
3 -Pine #5 and other Pine strain
3- heaven X ultimate moonshine
1 - Banana strain
1 - Unknown dro seed umm idk random but
5- G13XHaze

Well speaking for myself, I didnt come on here talking shit to you. Wondering if you are still talking to lou Or everyone on icmag, The whole thing is your first post should have been a pm message to lou if you wanted his personal advice.

What do you mean by no air is available?
Theres only 2 proper ways to setup a room, One is a sealed room with co2 enrichment, The other is a non sealed room with an active fresh air intake, with either an active or passive exhaust. One or the other... So if there is no air intake available your stuck with the sealed room with co2 enrichment unless you dont really expect much results and choose to just throw them in that room with some light and no environmental controls and hope for the best!

Your going to need a good bit of supplies if you actually plan to get some good results!

BlayzieDave said:
umm im a friend of lou grews hahaha I KNOW WHAT IM TALKIN ABOUT

that first message was actualyl a message to him that i tried to change around

i cant believ eu guys are so STONED u cant even simply read thinkin to hard or something i dotn understadn

there are 5 NEW ones added all G X13 haze

umm also for flower umm whats the light like not 12/12 but umm what higher hours like 18/6 or some shit um also whats the method for growing them shorter but danker...???


Ok so your a friend of lou's big deal.... Lou is a cool dude but no one is going to ride your cock, Because your his pal okk? You know what your doin but your asking questions and sound lost... Yeah were all stoners enjoy getting high and stay high :) :) But we seem to handle our buzz quite well... You well. your either pumped up from lack of a high. Or you just cant handle your buzz well, You come on here making a thread to ask a guy who is your pal, A question but yet you never mention his name in your post err nuttn, If you wanted his personal advice why not just pm him these questions, so when you are saying what would U do, Everyone here wouldnt be lost wondering who U is...

I dont understand your last questions perhaps if lou sees this he will, Until next time be safe and take care!
lol he wont tellme anythign so i jsut put the message on here and changed it up nah yall got problems if u cant simply read the main subjects of each sentence lol but umm so wheres teh advice?

U is U the grower. man where the fuck are the smart growers at??? Lou help me man....
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The Helpful One
Chat Moderator
I run a soil mix personally, That you can get completely from home depot alone, Aside from the chunky perlite but you can just use the hd perlite. You simply feed plain water and nothing else! I have a thread up in this forum, If you check it out, The list of ingredient and stuff is all right there on page one.

Other than that you can do some simple reading and figure everything else out for the most part, Like I said in the previous post, There is 2 proper ways to setup a room, Pick one and get yer ducks in a line. If you werent so dis-respectful I would be willing to help you anyway I can.

Oh yeah thats right im a stupid grower. LMAO FIGURE IT OUT GENIOUS!!!!


hey dumbass many people tried to help but nobody shitted u,
so stop calling names

so as u r on a public site mind ur language and mind ur fellow growers -nobody called u anything

as for info with that additude the helpers will become leavers.

im gone