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...Finding a mother... the finer points...



I love clones...growing from seed is a waste of resources...

I sprouted 30 seeds, get 15 females from that (hopefully)

then what? I Take clones flower out the mothers and see what I get?

For the first time ever I acctually labeled all my sprouts so I know whats what.. I also labeled my EZ-Cloner #1-30...

I have a seperate flowering room... Can I get some feed back on this subject please... :woohoo: :lurk: :joint:


Active member
exactly....label each female, take a clone from each female and put it in the ez cloner labeled....flower out the females....smoke em....and make your final decision on what the best 1 or 2 phenos were.


yes, look for the plant that is all around the best; fast growth; smell, space between the nodes, after you cut the clones and flower them out, then just find the best smoke that you liked and keep the mother that you already have


so im thinking 15 females take 2 clones from each and flower them out...that sound about rite?


Active member
the clones you take off the original plant you have to keep them in veg stage under 18/6 or 24/0 of light.....then flower out the original.


well im trying to built a time frame for this...if I veged 30 days from seed took clones from the females and flowered the MOTHERS I could have rooted clones and some flowered MOTHERS..
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New member
If you start the seeds today.

+30 - 40 days - seed plants will show sex with preflowers, take cuttings

+45 - 50 days - clones ought to be rooted

+ 50 days - Start flowering seed plant females

+100 - 130 days - seed plants finish flowering

As is stated above, you identify which of the females are keeps, retain their clones, trash the rest and start over from clones this time.

Tropical Treats

Active member
Well, thats what you need to do, keep the clones and flower out the mother. dry them up and cure them for a week or two. Then take a bud from each sample and try them out throughout the week and grade them. The bud that you like the best will be the mom to keep. Then you take more clones from the clone mother that you like best and flower out all the clones again, so that the next round, all the clones will be the one you chose as the best. Some people might say toss all the other clones, but why do such a thing when you grew it up already. You can always flower them out and not waste the other clones.


--->seed--->sex---> take 2 clones from each female-->label clones! (duh)-->flower already grown females--->root clones--> cure females--->smoke females--> see what clones I will keep--> ;l)


Active member
I think this is what your looking for?

List of favorable traits of cannabis in which variation occurs:

1. General traits

a) size and yield
b) vigor
c) adaptability
d) hardiness
e) disease and pest resistance
f) maturation
g) root production
h) branching
i) sex


5. Floral traits
a) shape
b) form
c) calyx size
d) color
e) cannabinoid level
f) taste and aroma
g) persistence of aromatic principles and cannabinoids
h) trichome type
i) resin quantity and quality
j) resin tencity
k) drying and curing rate
l) ease of maturation
m) seed characteristics
n) maturation
o) flowering
p) ripening
q) cannabinoid profile


You might also want to look out for anything like this.


would it not be better to take clones from each plant, and flower them, while keeping the origional seeded plant as a mom. taking more clones later from a clone is just one more layer of genetic fallout. why not keep the potencial moms and flower the clones out? in that way one may also see how well the plant can be cloned.

is my logic flawed here? i have never done this but am planning it soon


zorkio- that works, just takes longer and the genetic fallout is not noticeable. Sometimes my clones are better than the original mothers, because they are more mature or more acclimated to my grow room, I don't know. That's also why you take 2 clones, to grow one out and hold the other back as a momma.

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