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germinating my top 44s


Registered Cannabis User
whats up guys...just got my top 44's in and was wondering on how you xp growers start your germing...when i was growin a year and and a half ago I was doin the wet paper towel method or just the cup of water method...my friend who I'm goin in on this with (for he has the space to grow and I dont) was talking about using pods. was wondering if you guys had any other opinions on gaurenteed germing as I find the paper towel method to only split about 6 out of 10 peas...thanks! :wave:

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
I get 100 per cent using the paper towel method, not saying they all grow from that point, but they all crack.

I use the top of my fridge as the holding area, within in a semi sealed bag, in the dark


Registered Cannabis User
really appreciate it guys..paper towel it is...get the pics up and goin as soon as they start pushin out


in 72 hrs all 5 of my hashberry poped and 1/3 of my earlygirl poped paper towl methid works the best. if you want to see what my seed look like after 72 in paper towl go to my thread, Its going to be great in 08!

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