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Early success: Greenpeace have located Japans whaling fleet


"A GREENPEACE protest ship is in pursuit of a fleet of Japanese whalers in the Southern Ocean after finding the vessels yesterday morning. Greenpeace say the six whaling ships fled when discovered."

Australia has also sent a ship to monitor Japans activities for 20 days in a hope to build evidence to use against Japan's so-called "scientific slaughter" of whales.
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Active member
TheGoodStuff said:
Yeah they'd probably just end up killing the whales themselves.

Yeah, that'd teach those whalers!

For anyone to think the sushi-Happy Japanese are just catching whales for scientific study is lunacy.


Resident pissy old man
Humans make horrible sushi! Better to use Bluefin tuna. Whales won't fit on a cracker.


Active member
Greenpeace is 100% correct about this one issue... too bad they got over-run by luddite commies.


Active member
News Just In:

SYDNEY, Australia (AP) - An Australian judge Tuesday banned the company that conducts Japan's whale hunt from killing the animals in a large part of its regular hunting grounds off Antarctica.

The ruling applied to an Australian-claimed wildlife sanctuary that Japan does not recognize, and it was unlikely to bring an immediate end to Japan's whale kill. But it could strain ties between Tokyo and Canberra if Japanese whalers ignore the ban and Australia is compelled to try to enforce it.

Japan has said previously it would ignore an injunction in the case if it were granted.

The Humane Society International sought an injunction in Australia's Federal Court against Japanese company Kyodo Senpaku Kaisha Ltd. to stop it whaling inside Australia's exclusive economic zone, which extends 200 nautical miles from Australian-declared territory in Antarctica and in the southern Pacific Ocean.

Kyodo Senpaku Kaisha operates the ships used by Japan's Institute of Cetacean Research to conduct its annual hunts, under a program the organization insists is for scientific purposes but that critics say is an excuse to kill whales.

"The court orders that the respondent be restrained from killing, injuring, taking or interfering with any Antarctic minke whale, fin whale or humpback whale in the Australian whale sanctuary, or treating or possessing any such whale killed or taken in the Australian whale sanctuary," Federal Court judge James Allsop said in his ruling.

Seriously...Leave the Whales alone...They move the ocean's current...so much for global warming


At the end of the day the Japanese government values eating whale meat (which it processes with its whale meat processing ship the Yashin Maru) more than it values saving endangered whale species -- it is afterall going to slaughter endangered whale species during this hunt, as clearly stated by the Japanese government.

Isn't it strange how all other species of animals on this earth can be studied without slaughtering them ?????

Nice science Japan, real nice. You have contributed so much to the science and protection of whales.
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AN Australian and a Briton are being held hostage aboard a Japanese whaling vessel in the Southern Ocean, the Sea Shepherd anti-whaling group says.

Benjamin Potts, 28, of Sydney, and Giles Lane, 35, from Britain, crew from the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society vessel Steve Irwin, boarded the Japanese whaling vessel Yashin Maru No 2 about 5pm (AEDT), the group's international director Jonny Vasic said.

The ship was one of a fleet of five the Steve Irwin had tracked since January 1 but located today, Mr Vasic said.

The men boarded the vessel from a Zodiac boat to hand its captain a letter informing him that the vessel's crew was “illegally killing whales” in the Southern Whale Sanctuary.

“When they got on board and delivered the letter they were not allowed to leave,” Mr Vasic said.

“The letter basically stated that they (the Japanese crew) were breaking the international conservation law against whaling in the Antarctic sanctuary.”

Mr Vasic said the men were tied to a radar mast for up to three hours in freezing conditions before they were taken to a locked room below deck.

“We have a photo that shows that when they were held they were basically strapped by the arms with zip ties and tied with rope around their chests, and then they were held there for several hours in the cold, and then about two and a half to three hours in that, they were taken below,” he said.

Mr Vasic said Sea Shepherd had contacted the British High Commission in Australia and the Australian Federal Police to report the incident.

“We're hoping that the Federal Government and the British Government will step up and do the right thing, which is demand the release of their citizens,” Mr Vasic said.

“We're trying to contact (the Japanese vessel) by radio. They are moving away from us but we're in pursuit and we are holding off on taking any further action until we know if the governments are doing anything.”

Mr Lane is an engineer aboard the Steve Irwin. Mr Potts is a cook.

The Australian Federal Police (AFP) is investigating the incident.

An AFP spokeswoman said a Sea Shepherd Conservation Society representative made a report to police early this evening, about 6pm (AEDT), saying two of their activists were being held on board a Japanese vessel in the Southern Ocean.

There is no evidence at this stage that the pair had been tied to a radar mast on board that vessel, the AFP spokeswoman said.

The incident occurred just inside the Australian Antarctic Sanctuary near the intersection of the coordinates 60 degrees south and 77 degrees east, a week's sail south-west of the Australian coast, Mr Vasic said.

The encounter came after the Federal Court outlawed whaling in Australian Antarctic waters in a ruling the Government said it would not try to enforce.peThe Sea Shepherd Conservation Society earlier reported that the crew of the Steve Irwin had located five whaling vessels at 11.15am (AEDT) today on the 60-degree south line.


Active member
Joe Hawkins said:
Fark! and everyone thought WW3 was going to start over oil rather than whales.

Ya know, I hear tell you can get pretty good oil from a whale.

Not quite the same, but in the name of greed, who cares, right?

Ooops? Where did that old WWII mine come from suddenly! What a shame for those whalers, eh?


LATEST NEWS - Japan won't hand over the two hostages unless their demands are met.


Here's my favorite quote ...
"The ICR (Japan's Institute of Cetacean Research) is ready to release the two intruders provided that full security can be secured for our research vessel. Sea Shepherd is a very violent organisation"

If Sea Shepherd is violent what the hell does that make the whale slaughterers?????
Yeah, there's nothing violent about this at all is there ...
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This shit is eating me up. :badday:

The new Australian federal government need to ante-up. There were some pretty harsh words spoken by Garrett before the election but they are playing a bit too cool...I feel slightly sorry for Garrett though, Kev's got that guy on a tight rope.

On a side note for non-Australian readers. Peter Garrett was a prominent rock star in Australia before his political career and his backstage toking antics have been highly reported.

It's a little known fact that Peter's big break came in his appearance of Wes Craven's 1977 horror masterpiece. The Hills Have Eyes.


The new Australian federal government need to ante-up.
I agree, but keep in mind that parliament hasn't resumed for the year yet and it's a brand new government.

btw that dood from The Hills Have Eyes was also an evil biker dood in Weird Science:

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
"how do we sleep while our beds r burning"
thats him isint it??? i grew up in(above) a pub and it a mobile disco come every sinday and i remember that used be one of the songs that would be played several times....
I didnt even see this until just now on tv...wow..thats fucked up...although the tv here has not said they were going to hand over a ;etter, but they were going to tangle the prop in ropes and
i quote the words used "were going to throw some acid"
wonder whose side that comes from eh lol
seriously though tying someone to-whatever it was out on deck in the fucking antarctic, jeezus.... If I were in charge of Aus id have ships heading there right now take em back, take all the whalers off the ship, into custody and not release them until they al sign legal documents to the effect that they [ersonally will not be invilved in ANY more illegal whaling anywhere, and if they break it, woe betide them iof they ever come into my jurisdiction again lol and id confiscate the ship remove all the whaling crap and hand it over to sea sheperd for their use ....
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