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HydroHut Syndrome?


I'm starting this thread to make notes about my own test of a 2x4 Hydrohut.

There has been a recent uproar in the community about these things and I would like to try and shine some light.....

I just got a 2x4 Yesterday, and then my buddy Endo refered me over to this thread. Well I set it up anyway. I want to see for myself kind of thing...

Few comments....

After reading that thread I thought it would be a good idea to wipe down the poles...NOTE The only poles that I actually got brown on the paper towel from; using 409 grease cutter; were the main "T" poles with the welds. The others werent even dirty.

Also after reading this post from Endo, I wondered?
FAQ said:
The HydroHut is watertight, what do I care if I spill some water inside?

Research on used HydroHuts it has shown that sitting water between the first and second water-proof floors was left to dry out on its own. Being sloppy with your watering will only hurt you in the end. If you water with a garden hose or watering can and frequently miss your pots and get water on the inside wall of the HydroHut, that water will run down and sit in between the two water-proof floors. Sitting water will eventually cause the frame to rust, even if the frame is powder-coated or dipped in a stainless solution. Furthermore, sitting water mixed with organics will cause the organics to grow molds. A warm body of water sitting between two layers of plastic will attract bugs, molds and can even lead to a bacteria build up. Please be conscious of where you are putting your excess water.

So I went pokeing around and these are some things I found supporting the pole issue.

Site link


The treatment of the surface of stainless steels, often with acid solutions, to remove contaminants and promote the formation of the passive film on a freshly created surface.


Pickling is the romaval of any high temperature scale and any adjacent low chromium layer of metal from the surface of stainless steel by chemical means.

Both pickling and passivation solutions can employ dangerous acids that can damage both the operator and the enviroment if not handled correctly. It is essential that all acids are thoroughly removed by rinsing the component after completing the process...

A good neutralizer you ask? How bout a Baking Soda wash?

F.Y.I I have no idea what I'm talking about


Active member
hit or miss icky... I'm having a lot of problems with deluxe 8' x 4'...and seems a lot of other 'deluxe' users are having similar problems.....


Dr. Doolittle
People are having problems with there huts off gassing, Berry here has been very kind enough to start a grow thread in his huts documenting any problems that is occuring. Many people have already said even if they let there huts air out it's not fixing the problem they are still having the problems they had before. People have coated there poles, washed there poles, washed insides down even put something else over the vinyl and did many more things and still come up with the same problem they had, it still kills there plants, the vinyl is releasing gas that is causing the plants stomas to close up forcing them to stop photosynthesis.
No matter what nutrients,light love and care you give them, they will not grow in this tent, removing them from the tent is the ONLY option for them to live.


Well if I may ask everyone to leave the details of their huts in this thread.

Type of Hut: Mini,Deluxe etc...

Type of lighting: How many watts

Ventilation Type: How many CFM's? Scrubber? Does the hut SUCK IN or BLOW OUT

Environmentals: Room Temps, Humidity%

How long have you had the hut?

How many Grows?

Some of you may feel this is useless in solving the problem but I would just like to know for my own POM....
Last edited:


Type of Hut: 2x4

Type of lighting: 2'x4' 8bulb t5(432w), using 6 bulbs(324w)

Ventilation: 6in 465cfm vortex pulling through the two bottom vents, blowing into crawlspace.

Environement: Ambient temp. 71-75, Inside temp. 82-86. RH <.15

Experience: +/-3rd attempt(0 harvests)

I can't say it's the tent's fault, but I can't grow shit in it. I am experiencing a number of problems, though, including bugs, and less than ideal RH and temps. My newest plant(almost 2 weeks old)was looking great until a couple days ago when the leaves began to droop. Then they developed dark spots in the middle of lower leaves, and yellowed out from there. I think I may set up a box with a cfl for this plant to see of it will help, but it looks like over watering and burn.

Good luck!


Dr. Doolittle
My bad Berry, I did not post yours, because I thought you had already posted it once he asked about it lol

Shows how I miss things sometimes :(

The Vermonster

Active member
here ya go icky:

Type of Hut: 3x3x7

Type of lighting: 400 watt switchable hps/mh

Ventilation: stanley blower rigged to exhaust/regular fan blowing up at the light

Temp: w/light on(currently)77.....when off..???

Experience: 3 harvests all as expected for the first 3 grows...feel bad for the guys who are losing w/ this hut....i have a home box too....same dimensions but the hydrohut is built way better and no light leaks........Gl guys...peace




Type of hut: 2x4

Type of Light: 2 250w HPS in Batwings

Ventilation: Can 2600 Scrubber>>96CFM squirrel cage>>out into room.

Enviro: 76F 35-40%RH DAY...67F 50-60%RH NIGHT

I have had my plants in the hut for about 48hr now, and they are looking better than when I put them in.( I was having a little Mg def) NO signs of any yellow/white leaf growth. So I will keep ya posted.

OK this is a bit out of character for me because I'm not one to bash on people, but I really am bothered by people being so quick to POST when they havent read the WHOLE thread in the first place.

MynameStitch said:
Icky; there is already a thread that is doing that right here: http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=65544

I know, I WROTE ABOUT IT! :wallbash:


Dr. Doolittle
My bad, I did not see that you hyperlinked it, because I had hyperlinked removed due to my kid surfing web sites and such and accidently clicking on stuff, so my appoligies, dude I read the entire thread, I just thought you forgot to hyperlink it, I am on a different computer now so it's just by chance I noticed it now since you replied to the thread and I just noticed it.
SO I totally forgot I had removed hyperlinks from browsing.

So sorry about that dude, I did not jump right in the thread though, i did read your whole post and thread.


Power Armor rules
Type of Hut: HH Mini

Type of lighting: 400w, digital, Supersun 1 reflector, aircooled

Ventilation Type: 4' vortex w/ Scrubber

Environmental: Temp 70-80 F , 40-60 % RH

For my plants the lower leaves went first. Starts off with yellowing then starts completely drying off and leaves fall off. When they fall off they are crispy dry. All along I thought it was me, but I've grown in soil for years. Come to find out about the toxic shit in the huts and well, case closed. Wish I got a homebox.
Best of luck



Well its 72hr now and I dont see anything bad happening, there is a lot of flower growth going on(I am 2wks into flower) I was having a little Mg def but now everything(stems and leaves) looks much better. So far so good...


Power Armor rules
Stitch - I bought my HH mini Spring 2007 and was growing in it around September 2007. I vegged all my plants in a closet and they looked great. After about a week inside the hut things went downhill...



Hi All:

I have had my HH "mini" since last July. Bought it at BGH. I am finishing up my second grow in mine. Not a problem.

I didn't clean anything on mine. Put it together and went to growing. I clean the walls and floor every so often with H2O2 and water...just to kill anything growing in there.

I spend 4-6 hours a day in the same room with my hut since my computer is in there. My hut exhausts 24/7 into the room 6 feet from where I'm sittin as I type this.

I think some of you need to do a bit more investigating before you condemn HydroHut.

Has HydroHut acknowledged any problems?

Do my SSH look "sick" :sasmokin:



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