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working in the dark?


i was watching Jorge Cervantes' grow dvd the other day and he said something about being able to work in ur grow room during lights off by using a green light bulb... is that true?



Yeah you can. There's some conflict going on saying that the green light during the dark period in flowering actually helps growth.

Google it. I found results in like .2 seconds. I just typed 'grow room green lights'.

Hope this helps.


I used to use green glow sticks. Buy em at the dollar store. Unless you have a green bulb. I've never noticed any side effects from doing this. Still, I don't recommend it unless absolutely neccesary. I don't do it anymore, just do to paranoia of herming, but if you have to, I guess ya gotta do what ya gotta do sometimes. Good luck, let us know if you have any negative effects.


New member
Technically speaking if you emit a pure green color then it would not be able to affect the leaves since because they are green the light would bounce off rather than be absorbed.
I myself dont recomend doing this unless you need to because then theres the factor of getting in and out of the room. If you have a larger room with hallways and whatnot it would be much easier but I myself dont.


soma goes over this in his book aswell... it doesnt effect the plants at all. i was thinking about doing it just so i can go in there if i need to when the lights are off . theres really no reason to leave it on all the time like they did on weeds ..looks kool though .


Tom 'Green' Thumb
I have used candle light in my grow rooms for years and no hermi's ever came of it. I don't think candle light is powerful enough to effect the plants, may be if left on for hours but I have used them in the past for half hour increments with no negative effects. Could be just the strains I am using, but come to think of it in the outdoors the plants produce fine when there is a full moon. Candle light and a full moon I would say would be equal - anyone else have any experience with a single cadle light in the grow room?



New member
There is no reason to be doing work in the flowering room during
the dark cycle. Period. If this is being done than people should
work on their time management and stop worrying about being in
the garden during the most critical part of the grow ruining their
sensimilla crops and then making threads crying about how their
plants turned hermie. Then they blame it on the breeders and
the seed companies. Grow up and show some discipline. It's called
a dark cycle for a reason.

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^^ damn. Maybe some people work long days and only have a couple hours too really look at their plants before they have to sleep, just to wake up and do it all over again. In this instance I'm sure those green bulbs would come in very handy.
You need to smoke and chill....period.


is it a green light? i had a feeling it was supposed to be red, like in photography darkrooms but im not sure

But unless you have an emergency then there's really no need to do any work during the lights-off phases anyway


NoFx said:
^^ damn. Maybe some people work long days and only have a couple hours too really look at their plants before they have to sleep, just to wake up and do it all over again. In this instance I'm sure those green bulbs would come in very handy.
You need to smoke and chill....period.

yes working 11hrs a day is a bitch :asskick:



Tom 'Green' Thumb
Dopey said:
There is no reason to be doing work in the flowering room during
the dark cycle. Period. If this is being done than people should
work on their time management and stop worrying about being in
the garden during the most critical part of the grow ruining their
sensimilla crops and then making threads crying about how their
plants turned hermie. Then they blame it on the breeders and
the seed companies. Grow up and show some discipline. It's called
a dark cycle for a reason.

Some people have very busy lives and don't have the time to do there work during the light hours as some have already stated. I personally do not have time as I tend multiple gardens each day and there isn't enough hours in the day as it is now. So for some working in the grow at dark is their only option.

For you to tell people to grow up and not know a thing about them I would say is a little harsh to say the least. Everyone has different life styles that we have to work around. Like I already stated I have worked in candle light for years with no problems at all and this I speak of through experience, not just something I read.

It is funny how many newbies I have seen recite things that they have read over and over in threads as thought they speak from experience. We have read about 'no light in the bud room at all - period' over and over, but half of those people were like parrots just repeating what others have already stated.

It is true that the best and safest method is to not have any light in the bud room, but lets not go overboard. Like I said some peolple have to work and can't do their gardens in the hours of light on, so we should learn to help them in their specific situation instead of saying it can't be done, period.

I hope you see what I am saying and I am not trying to be a dick. It is just that too many people repeat what others say all to much without actually experiencing it for themselves.

There is a full moon out sometimes during the night, and those plants seem to produce fine with it - so I would have to say a little light is okay, but it is much safer and better to have no light as we don't know the threshhold that problems will occure from each individual strain. That is a much more proper way of saying it - I think.

The green light in the grow room I have read works well, but I have not done it myself. I think your best bet would be to use green LED's and not just an incandecent or flourecent bulb painted green like many I have seen in the past. The LED's actually put out the green spectrum, so results will probably be better. I would really like to see someone try this and document it. I would, but I have far to many plants to tend too as it is. If anyone knows of a documented case please post a link.

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Hey TGT, first off, very good post. I think people may just be having a bad day, and overreact to a post or something. It's much easier to do that on the net then in person. I hope there aren't as many people in the world with attitudes as you find on this site.

Anyway, as I stated in my earlier post, I used to use green glow sticks. I was running a big grow with 12K watts in the flower rooms, and with my work schedule at the time I had no choice. I had to run the lights at night to try to control temps, and even then it was difficult. If I would have just "managed my time better", i would have had 600 dead plants from the heat or been fired from my job. I thought a green light would be a better option. I always did as much work as possible when I was home during lights on, but with that many plants it's alot of work, which takes alot of time.

I never had a single hermie, or any stretching or anything else out of the ordinary. I also grew the same strains on a very small scale, with complete environment controls before I expanded. Just saying this because I was able to compare the finished product in both environments, using green light and not using it.


I run my 12 hour dark cycle during the day while I'm working. dark period from 7am - 7pm. That gives me some morning and evening time to get in there to work when need be.

Ooo, I love the idea of using candles during the dark period! It seems so cozy and mysterious....when mine get to that point, I'll definitely try it. Though it is good to emphasize the caveat about light in general....


i run my from 11PM to 11AM. That way I have some time to work in the morning. I own my own business so I can be flexible and work in the room till 11AM. That also gives me time to put work in on weekends. Big jobs like rez flushes, trimming etc get done on weekends. PH adjustment gets done daily

I also have a green light just in case I need to go in after lights out but thats rare.



Tom 'Green' Thumb
Yamaha, have you used the green light in the past and if so did you notice any adverse effect? Also, what type of green light do you use?

I am anxious to here from people with experience - thanks!

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I use a small green cfl, I got a box of them from Amazon. My room runs at night so I work under the green light sometimes a couple hours a day but usually just a few mins. if at all. Never had any problems with the using the green light.


People with busy lives? Maybe folks that have no time for kids or plants should consider raising neither. Planting, re potting and tearing down are time consuming and best done on days off. As to the rest and for my self it takes much less than an hour each evening at lights on (1800) to water/fert/trim/tidy up and inspect, as and when needed, and more often than not only 15 minutes.

It is important that the pot farmer be in control of the grow environment, not the plants. When this happens there is plenty of free time to do other things after hours. Maintenance schedules are easy to set, fixing screw ups takes one hell of a lot longer. In closing, in this neck of the woods there is a lot of farming, and other than tilling, seeding, watering and harvesting the farmers don't sit out there 24/7 messing with 640 acres of crops.

Just my $.02 worth on this one.


I discourage beginners from doing this and using fancy techniques until such time as they are proficient enough to "know" how to grow and when they can tweak the situation.
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