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HomeMade Liquid Karma????



Anybody know how to make Liquid Karma?

I know the are humic and fulvic acids in it.
And molasses,

anybody know the right mixture?


Active member
Ya, about 2 minutes of searching at the Hydro store, throw in $20 and you get this bag with a bottle in it. lol.
No I do not know how, I am not a tea maker... yet. This might be an interesting and beneficial tea to make though...


Active member
Has anyone considered the possibility that the magnesium sulfate AKA epsom salt is why Liquid Karma works well for so many?

Magnesium is among the top deficiencies for many gardeners.
By using Liquid Karma, we avoid this deficiency without the added nitrogen and calcium of a cal-mag product.

Any grocery store, drug store, and many hardware stores carry epsom salts.
If you want to add humic acid, you could soak peat moss in tap water, then strain it out. Then add your epsom salts. And molasses if you like.



my soilless mix is mostly perlite and peat moss, so i guess I wouldnt need a humic acid source, and I water with molasses in my teas anyways.

All I need is a little epsom salt?

Thanks for the info Gregor


Active member
Hello all,

LK has many things in it and while I can pay 20 a bottle and be happy I am frugle man by nature and chose to not spend the money.

Instead I use ewc/guano/liqud kelp/epsom salts teas ammended with dry molasses and powdered dry milk for amino acids and CA, K, Mg and carbos for the microkiddies.

Some others use Yucca extract in their teas as well.

I do not think there is an exact replicant recipe for LK, but I seem to do all right without them.



A Recipe from Master Thai...

A Recipe from Master Thai...

Hope this helps...........RD

Liquid Sea-Kelp Recipe "make ur own" By Master Thai
Very strong when further reduced to Sea Kelp crystals Homemade from Maxicrop powder.

Sea Kelp very important cant say enough about using sea kelp.
Master Thai loves this stuff, the best for all plant growth, use Nitrozime, Maxicrop or Algit. Master says he has used this stuff for 30 yrs growing now and wouldnt think of not ever having it the grow or any garden of anykind, Xlnt stuff,
rates : use as directed or if using powder 1/4 to 1 teaspoon per gal.
With Maxi-crop u can make ur own Nitrozime or Liquid Karma,Top Max (with Karma you'll need to add vitamins to get the same, but with powder you can Vita link or B-12 and you'll have a very close product, act. better because its fresh !!!
with Maxi to make ur own High Strength Seaweed product for soil and foliar feeds.

Follow these easy 4 steps to make ur own:

1.)Half fill a empty 1 gallon jug with warm water.(milk jug or any other thing u can use.)

2.) put " all " the powder in.
RATE : "10.7 oz. of POWDER MAXICROP" per gallon

3.) close with lid tightly, and SHAKE it hard till all dissovled.
Do NOT WORRY ABOUT THE FOAM it will go away.

4.) Now fill the rest of the way (the milk jug) with plain water,
you now have for pennies !!!!
a gallon of MAXICROP Liquid
use at these rates :

1.) Veges add 1 Tablespoon per gal, apply every 1-2 weeks or as needed.

2.) Potted and Indoor Plants add 4 teaspoons per 2 QUARTS of water,
apply every7-10 days.

3.) Seed or cuttings (clones) add 1 Tablespoon per QUART of water for Xlnt results !

4.) Soaking Seeds add 4 teaspoons per QUART of water.

5.)Flowering, or Fruits Add 1 Tablespoon per gallon of water.

6.) Spray feeding ( foliar) 1-2 Tablespoons choose ur rate .

EASY Stuff

For the extra kick ( Vitamins & Hormones ) in the store bought sea kelp products to this recipe using Maxi ( the all basic seakelp product)
u can use the time tested but not so organic is Superthrive.
Use at a rate of one capfull (7 oz bottle cap size amounts to 1/2 teaspoon or 7 mils ) to one gallon of sea-kelp mix.
almost like Liquid Karma but cheaper with having to give up anything except ur making ur own and dont need to buy those expensive trendy products.

well thats its hope u all enjoy the Sea Kelp recipe and stop spending all that money on sea kelp products now u all know the mystery to it.


Thanks RD, I love using teas.

So I add 10.7oz of Maxicrop powder to a gallon then add Vita-link or B-12 to that.

How much of the Vita-link or B-12 do I use?
How long will the mix last in a container?


I've been out of the game for a year and a half. B/C i didnt have the funds to by a lot of suplements i went w/o. I had used liqued k, and kool bloom in the past. I really didnt see a big difference w/o them this cycle.


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